Forex MegaDroid

I haven’t had a trade for quite a while. Not that I miss these losses, but it used to trade a lot more.

Well, I guess I can’t talk in past tense as I’ve only been using it for about a month (a little more), so these quiet times may be normal.

EURUSD is in a downtrend, I’ve mainly seen MD trade when there is no clear trend. Maybe it’ll get some more trades when this big move finishes.

MD’s EURCHF scalper took 3 trades these past 3 days (one on each day), and that is “flat” after a huuuuuuge spike (something I’ve never seen before, a 266-pip move in 1 hour!). So I guess MD will get back to business once EURUSD settles.

Live account, no ADT.
I’m with GoMarkets in Australia and seem to get a lot more trades than most for some reason…saying that I had none last week but had 8 the week before, all winners.
I’ve been running it since it come out so have quite a bit of room untill the losses would hurt me…I think since I bought it this is my 3rd loss. I do turn it off at times, holiday period times mostly, so am kicking myself as only last night was about to turn it off as I thought I was breaking my rules leaving it on over Easter…would’a, could’a, should’a!!! LOL

Hi there Ati…
Hope you are doin fine.
Also no trades for me the last days. But sure it will go on soon…

What EUR/CHF Scalper do you mean? did I miss another offer by the MD-guys? :slight_smile:
This spike on the EUR_CHF was nice yes… that was an SNB-intervention deluxe. I was lucky to be profit from that. Entered a long trade about 10 minutes before it spiked up (manual trading account) I was somehow waiting for this intervention, but anyway longer term that trade should have been profitable.
I did close it after 2 minutes for 200pips then :slight_smile:

now waiting till MD wakes up again…maybe next week…


My MD just did a sell trade. First one in 2 weeks.:smiley:

oh my… mine did as well… thought we are way out of the trading hours already… :o
now let’s wait and see :slight_smile:

I’m not at my trading computer, but from the myfxbook chart, it seems my MD took a little loss yesterday. Not much, it should be able to get it back soon. :slight_smile:

Their EURCHF Scalper is “Swissy Accu-Scalper”, it’s basically MD on EURCHF. Now they’ve released MD for 3 pairs, as far as I know. This is a free bonus for buying some other robot, too. I just looked at their site, the robot is something called “Forex Spectrum” now, I’ve never heard of this, so I’m sure I got it from somewhere else… :smiley: Don’t remember which one, it was so useless for me… :slight_smile:

Mine had a short trade as well, closed with a small profit even though it could have closed out at its t/p… better than a loss in recovery mode :).
Hope people didn’t colse out at a loss after that “get out before we die :eek:” post, (which the poster must have deleted, :))
Could have kept it, was correct in the long run. But in any up or down trend there will be pull backs.

I really dont get it guys…

how come my MD hits S/L many many times a week (or day) even on default settings?

The only thing I am doing differently is opening multiple charts using Advanced Droid Tactics method.

I am with a good broker too… Alpari UK demo…

Is it just me or have the last week weeks been really bad? People on the forums saying they hit their first S/L in months? How can that be?

I would suggest you stick to the original MD, not any “advanced tactics”. There is a reason why MD only trades at those times. The reason being: it trades worse at other times. So why trade at times when you know it will be really bad? Of course you hit SL a lot of times. MD is designed NOT to take those trades, but you force it to.

For me the trade closed with some -3pips. After beein -24pips MD always tries to close more or less at BE. when it came back down my MD wanted to close for +1 or 2 pips but there was a requote…so it ended up with a lil loss…
I am with AlpariUK
so for that one it depends on your broker and connection if it was a winner or a loser…
But still good to see that the bot is still alive :smiley:

That was me… But i had right mind to say that. But then again you are just relying just on this MD to make money and a little help is always helpful. Like i said it was going up and it did. How many pips did you win on that trade? I pulled a wopping 1 pip =)

Like I said, you could have kept the post up as it was true. I’ve just found apart from the 3 S/L’s I’ve had with MD the losses that hurt me most was when I had just purchased MD and would watch it and close out what I would consider bad trades to see it turn and come back to profit or at least to B/E. Saying that other traders may have found that closing trades early saved them money…I don’t know?
Your 1 pip was ten times higher than my profit, mine closed with .1 of a pip, hope next time is better for all of us!

I had 2 brokers trade with MD on thursday.Both hit profit at 1 pip. First trade in a long while. didnt trade, only alpari and metafx.:smiley:


I think MD is pretty good. I’m not relying on it. I have a couple more bots on demo and live accounts and megadroid is most consistant so far.

I have to trade to make a living! So if i make the big one ill let you know its possible to trade for a living. Just my MD is not going to make huge wins unless you have big money in the account. So im working up to that mark so i can let the robot trade for me a few times a week ( if it ever comes back from holiday )

Here is some help, The EURUSD might not move back up to its 1.4 level… hell it might move back down to the 1.29 level. I placed a 2.3 trade in the last 10min on friday close and Sunday was a good day for me. 159 pip win… :smiley:

I just wish there was a robot that was more active ( yes i know bots are different on each computer & each account ) So you are right, MD is pretty good and trades good.

Finally got one last night. 44 pips (5 dec). First since 24th March :frowning:

Had a 9 pip profit on a short position today:).

What broker were these with?

I had nothing on Alpari UK with the original MD. EURCHF and EURGBP did some small ones, not much more than breakeven.

but dying a death…

Here’s another bot that is working for me, trades a bit more then MD: 301 Moved Permanently