Forex MegaDroid

Wins on both my demo & live accounts tonight.

Oh man I had a long trade that hit TP followed by a short trade that also hit TP. Now another long trade open ā€¦ 3 trades tonight! Though I donā€™t like long trade now that EURUSD has been going down so much the last daysā€¦ anyone know whats happening?

Ok I manually closed the long trade for 5.8pips profit :cool:

A short trade now maybe?:smiley:

I see pietpatpat also got the 3 tradesā€¦ the third one which I closed manually also hit TP :stuck_out_tongue:

Just when I think about turning off MD ( until I get some time to look at whatā€™s happening with the market ) it comes back to live!

3 trades, all hit TP, 25 pips profit in total.

Il wait for some more weeks and will probably bump this risk up if everything goes right for the next weeks.

Back here after a while, folks - just to let you know that MD has been delivering ungodly for me: FxPro_MD System | Myfxbook

A real ass kick, needless to say. Dumped all other bots to the ditch now (as thereā€™s no more need for them) and staying with this one only.

Good to see you back - so FXPro is the broker now, eh?

My MD only had the 2 long trades and took exactly 21 pips in total so canā€™t complain. I had it turned off yesterday because the strong downtrend worried me that I might get caught in a trade on the wrong side but this morning put it back on as it didnā€™t seem to extreme in itā€™s movementsā€¦Happy I did!

I never switch it off - it just runs off my VPS continuously.

Damn, I have been turning mine off after the first trade!!

Yeah - no complaints about it so far. ATC and IamFX have also been good for me. Just donā€™t use bucket shops with internal clearing (the non-STP brokers).

Two winners here last night. Both longs which are trades I would never have taken in this downfall, but hey, they both turned out well. :slight_smile:

I had MD off on the 28th, thinking that it would not trade (last 3 days of the month), but seeing that it did, this last days myth seems to be busted. Interesting.

What happened to your ATC account except that itā€™s being used as a real case study at The myfxbook results for your ATC account isnā€™t public anymore? You know the megadroid guys?

Hello All

I am considering purchasing megadroid.

Can someone confirm what hours these can be used in GMT time.

Can it be used round the clock?
Can it be used on any CCY pairs?
What are the normal stop sizes?
Has anyone actually got the refund in the 30 day period?


While they say it should be turned on 24 hours a day, MD only trades during the evenings (GMT).

Itā€™s only for the EURUSD pair.

Normal stop sizes are huuuuuuge, you donā€™t want to reach themā€¦

I havenā€™t asked for a refund on MD, but I have asked for refunds on two other robots through ClickBank. Basically you just ask for a refund through ClickBank, and they respond within 2 days (I got a response within 24 hours), and I got the refund in about another 24 hours. Since itā€™s ClickBank doing these refunds, it should be the same for MD.

Remember, that once you ask for a refund, your MD will stop working! So only ask for a refund if you really mean it.

Is that a .3 risk setting?


Thanks for the response. Is there any reason why it only works in
uk evenings when the majority of liquidity stands in European hours? Bit strange. Or is there a way to tweak it to work round the clock as well?


Thatā€™s exactly the reason. :slight_smile:

It is designed to work at a quiet time. There are modifications that make it work round the clock, but I personally did not have good experiences with these modifications. (The modifications work, but for me MD lost more often during other times. Of course, thsi depends on the broker, too, so others may have totally different results.)

Thanks for the response.

Is anyone having good success over the European session?

If so what settings do you change ??

Not the best day to trade. Turn your MD off or sit and watch it:)

Agreed - going to watch the election instead.

Ok turned off MD :smiley: