GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

At this moment, price already entered my previous strong bearish bias zones (red rectangle zones area) and hit my TP 2. Preferable maybe we shall see a further bearish continuation to establish an extension of wave 3 (yellow). So far there was no sign of major retracement yet and maybe this scenario will only start to perform by next week. Therefore just look for any major retracement signal later from BSTS after completion of wave 3. Also please watch closely my bearish continuation critical line 4. Happy weekends.

[B][U]Gbp vs Jpy 1H, 4H & Daily Pre Market Overview [/U][/B]

Chart 1H - Market in strong bearish trend and peferable in wave 3 at this moment. There are 2 possibility which is either a bearish continuation to perform an extension of wave 3 or a bullish retracement to perform wave 4 if wave 3 is already completed. Preferable to wait for a bullish retracement signal from BSTS to perform wave 4 and later a bearish continuation signal from BSTS to perform wave 5 once wave 4 is completed.

Chart 4H - Basically, I divided the market into 4 major zones which is :-

  1. Green Zones - a bullish bias zones if my retracement critical line is taken.
  2. Teal Zones - a retracement zones which is preferably market will make a bullish retracement to complete wave 4 before another bearish continuation trend to complete wave 5. But please watch closely my retracement critical line. A bearish continuation trend to perform wave 5 will be invalid if this line is taken.
  3. Maroon Zones - an extension bearish bias zones - a bearish continuation trend for an extension of wave 3 if there is a true breakout to the bearish continuation critical 3.
  4. Red Zones - a major bearish continuation bias zones - a major bearish continuation trend is my bearish critical line 5 is taken.

Please noted that there is a probability for wave 5 to be either a truncated wave or an impulsive wave.

Chart Daily - Please analyse the 3 possibility alternate wave counts before making any entry and later decide which counts is more favourable from BSTS signal.

[U]Summary :[/U]

  1. Preferable to standby for bullish retracement signal once wave 3 is completed.
  2. Looks for a bearish continuation signal from BSTS to perform wave 5 once wave 4 is completed.
  3. Wave 5 could be a truncated wave or an impulsive wave.

Good lucks.

Please noted that if subwave v and wave 3 is already completed, then we shall see a bullish retracement to complete wave 4 and subwave a, b & c. Please study all 3 possibility alternate counts and look from BSTS which counts is more preferable later. Watch carefully the retracement critical line. This retracement scenario would be invalid once this line is taken. Otherwise we may see a bearish continuation for an extension of wave 3 later. Good luck.

Tips - look for a bearish continuation signal from BSTS later once wave 4 is completed with condition the retracement critical line is not taken.

I believed wave 3 already completed and market in retracement for subwave c and wave 4 before another bearish continuation to complete wave 5. This scenario would be invalid if my retracement critical line is taken. Therefore, please look for a good bearish continuation signal from BSTS once wave 4 is completed later. And please noted later, there are 3 possible scenario for wave 5 and I only can determine which one is more favourable later. Good luck.

I believed wave 4 in the ending stages and waiting a signal for a confirmation of completion of wave 4 from BSTS. I�m looking forward for a bearish continuation signal from BSTS to perform wave 5 later. Please noted this scenario only valid if my retracement critical line still intact. Otherwise, we may see other scenario later. Good luck.

At this moment, price still hedging below the strong resistance of the upper major green trendline. Looking forward for :-

  1. a bullish retracement continuation (breakout) to complete unfinish wave 4 (white/magenta) OR
  2. an establishment of subwave i (still in progress) and a small bullish trend to perform subwave ii in wave 5 for a bearish continuation later if wave 4 (yellow) is already completed. This scenario would be invalid if the price make a breakout at 203.70

Preferably, expecting for another bearish continuation trend later to complete wave 5 once wave 4 is completed. Please noted that this scenario only valid if my retracement critical line still intact. Therefore please look for a good bearish continuation signal from BSTS later today before making any entry. Otherwise, we may see a breakout to my retracement critical line for a bullish reversal trend.

Good luck.

Until now, my major green upper trendline still as a strong resistance and I believed need to be tested soon either to perform :-

  1. Subwave ii if wave 4 (yellow) is already completed, or
  2. Unfinish wave 4 (magenta), or
  3. Corrective wave a if wave 5 (white) is only a truncated wave.

So please study all this 3 scenario’s and determine which one is more favourable later. Please watch closely the retracement critical line and the bearish critical line 3 to help you determine which count is more preferable.

Tips - Look for a good bearish continuation signal later from BSTS, good luck.

Since the price already break the 203.70 therefore, my previous yellow count already invalid and I need to revise the preferable count again as stated in the chart. I believed wave 4 shall be completed soon and favourably to see for another bearish continuation in order to complete wave 5 later by this week.

Do remember this scenario would only still valid as long my retracement critical line still intact. Therefore, please also study the alternate count in white. Good luck.

Tips - look for a bearish continuation signal from BSTS 3 later with condition the scenario would still valid.

Room to drop on the H1.

Welcome to the thread and nice chart.

At this moment, please study all the alternate counts (yellow, magenta & white) and don’t forget to do your intraday checklist for today. Preferably, I believed market will be in bearish continuation scenario again to complete wave 5 (magenta or yellow) later by this week. A breakout to the lower major red trendline would bolster this point of view.

Please noted that this sceario would only still valid if my retracement critical line stay intact. Otherwise, we may see a bullish continuation refering to the alternate count in white.

Therefore, please look for any bearish continuation signal from BSTS 3 and BSTS 2 later. Make sure only to make an entry once there is a good complete signal from BSTS 2. Good luck and may God blesss us all.

At this moment, I believed wave 4 already completed and I’m looking for another bearish continuation trend to perform wave 5 and C later (yellow or magenta). A breakout to the lower major red trendline would bolster this scenario.

Otherwise if my retracement critical line is taken, this scenario would be invalid and will favourable to the alternate count in white. Therefore, please look for a complete bearish continuation signal from BSTS before making any entry, good luck.

At this moment, unless we have a true breakout to my upper major green trendline, I still believed market will perform for a bearish continuation (reversal) soon today or tomorrow.
Therefore, please be patient and revise your SL to protect your entry. Otherwise we may see a breakout to my retracement critical line and my bearish continuation scenario would be invalid. Good luck.

Crossing below previous day’s midpoint.

Support hit on M15 and M30.

So sorry I can’t update my forecast yesterday due to uploading problem at imageshack. Therefore, next time in future, please kindly to double check any update from my blog. Hereby I upload again the previous updated forecast for yesterday evening together with recent forecast. Sorry for the inconvinience.

[B][U]Yesterday 7.51 pm[/U][/B]

At this moment price already bounce back from my lower major red trendline. I believed either subwave i (magenta) already established or subwave i (yellow) still in progress. A breakout to the lower red triangle trendline would bolster this bearish continuation scenario but be extra carefull for alternate count in white. Preferable - bearish continuation trend to complete wave 5 and C (magenta or yellow) in progress with condition my retracement critical line stay intact. Have a nice day.

At this moment, price already break my lower major red trendline and already inside my bearish bias maroon zones. Therefore, I believed subwave i (magenta/yellow) already completed and looking forward for a confirmation of subwave ii before we can see another bearish continuation to complete subwave v (magenta/yellow), wave 5 and C. Either subwave ii already completed or not, I can only determine later.

Please also noted that if scenario is valid, then there is subscenario which is either wave 5 is truncated (magenta) or an impulsive (yellow). Also don’t forget about the possibility of wave count in white. Good luck and happy weekends.

Are those free indicators or do you have to pay for them?

[U][B]Gbp vs Jpy 1H, 4H & Daily Pre Market Overview[/B][/U]

Chart 1H - At this moment, I believed wave4 already completed (yellow or magenta) and price in the process to perform wave 5 and C. A breakout to the lower red trendlines and later to the bearish continuation line 4 woulde bolster this scenario. Otherwise if my retracement critical line is taken, then this scenario would be invalid and shall more preferable to count in white.

Chart 4H - Please watch the teal triangle zones for any breakout.Preferable for a bearish continuation trend later as long my retracement critical line still intact. Anyway, please study all alternate counts and determine which counts is more favourable.

Chart Daily - Please analyse all alternate counts (yellow, white % magenta) and looks from BSTS any significant signal for any particular counts. As long the price stay under the upper green trendline, favourably the trend still bias for bearish trend.

[U][B]Summary :[/B][/U]

  1. Please look for a bearish continuation signal fromn BSTS with condition the retracement critical line stay intact and alternate count in white is not valid.
  2. Wave 5 could be a truncated wave or an impulsive wave.
  3. Look for a bullish reversal signal ince wave 5 is completed.

Its a set of custom indicators and its only for AFT members.

Until this moment, the major green upper trendline still stands as a strong resistance and overall we can see the price slowly moving downwards following inside the channel trendlines. Preferably, I’m still looking for a bearish continuation trend but please noted that anything could happen (alternate count in white). A breakout to the lower triangle trendline would bolster this scenario. Good luck.

I see lower highs and lower lows on the H1.

Showing the pivot lines.