GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

Favourably, I believed market in progress to complete corrective wave a refering to the alt count in yellow. Otherwise, please be careful since market have potential to perform a bearish trend either to complete corrective wave b in white (bear trap) or wave iii in magenta. Good luck.

At this moment, a strong breakout or bounce from the white/yellow critical line is still yet remain to be seen to determine which alt count thats in favour. Preferably, I’m looking towards a potential “bear trap” scenario either in white or yellow. Otherwise, we may see another strong bearish rally towards the previous low of 118. Happy weekends and good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a potential “bear trap” scenario to perform a bullish reversal trend to complete corrective wave C either in white or yellow. A breakout towards the upper yellow trendline and pivot critical line would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the S3 critical line. Good luck.

At this moment, I believed market just completed the “bear trap” structures in the typical “diagonal triangle” reversal pattern in yellow. Market have to perform a breakout towards the upper yellow trendline to bolster this scenario in order to perform corrective wave a either in white or yellow. Otherwise, this scenario would critically invalid if market still continue to break the S3 critical line. Good luck.

At this moment, I believed market in progress either to complete subwave 3 in aqua or corrective wave a (white or yellow) before expecting towards a bearish retracement trend either to perform subwave 4 in aqua or corrective wave b (white or yellow). Good luck.

Preferably, I believed market in progress to complete either subwave 4 in yellow or corrective wave b in white before expecting towards another bullish continuation trend scenario. Otherwise, please be careful if market further break the white critical line. Good luck.

At this moment, market just pullback from the upper green trendline. A further breakout towards the lower red trendline would seem bolster to the alt count in white scneario. Otherwise, we may see a bullish continuation trend scenario perhaps to complete subwave 5 in a refering to the alt count in yellow. Happy weekends and good luck.

At this moment, market already performed a strong breakout towards the bullish critical line line. This would bolster towards the potential bullish reversal trend scenario. But please be aware and careful that market may perform an initial of bearish retracement trend scenario 1st either to perform corretice wave b in yellow or magenta (double bottom). Otherwise, we may see a potential bullish continuation trend scenario refering to the impulsive subwave in white. Good luck.

At this moment, a further bullish continuation trend scenario would bolster towards the alt count in white. Otherwise, we may see another bearish retracement trend scenario either to perform corrective wave b in yellow or magenta. A breakout towards the lower red trendline would favour to this scenario. Good luck.

At this moment, market still ranging and I believed this is due to the preNFP awareness sentiment that will be announce this Friday. Favourably, I’m still looking towards a potential bullish continuation trend scenario. A strong bounce from the lower red trendline would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful if the critical line is taken. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m expecting towards a bearish retracement trend scenario either to perform subwave 4 in aqua or corrective wave b either in yellow or magenta. Otherwise a bounce from the pivot critical line would favour towards the alt count in white perhap to complete subwave 3. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a bullish trend either to complete subcorrective wave b in yellow (Head & Shoulder) or wave 5 either in aqua or white. A bounce from the lower yellow channel would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for a breakout towards the bearish continuation critical line 1. Good luck.

At this moment, favourably I believed market in progress to perform either subcorrective wave b either in white or magenta (double top) before expecting towards a bearish reversal trend to complete subwave c in b. A valid “Head and shoulder” reversal pattern would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, we may see another bullish rally to complete subwave 5 either in aqua or white. Good luck.

At this moment, please be noted that the previous alt counts in yellow and white was already invalid. A further breakout toward the aqua critical ine would indicate that market may in progress to complete subwave v in white before expecting for any potential toward a bearish reversal trend scenario. Otherwise we may see a “bearish retracement trend” scenario either to perform subwave iv in yellow OR a “bearish reversal trend” scenario to perform subcorrective wave a, b and c in aqua. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward towards a potential bearish reversal trend scenario either refering to the alt count in aqua or white. Please be noted that market have a potential to perform a “bull trap” pattern 1st refering to the alt count in white before any potential towards a bearish reversal trend scenario. A “diagonal reversal pattern” would bolster to ths scenario. Happy weekends and good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward to a potential “bull trap” scenario and therefore, I believed market will perform a bearish reversal trend scenario later. A “pullback” from the white/aqua critical line or R3 critical line and follow by a breakout towards the pivot critical line would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for another exausted bullish rally refering to the alt count in yellow. I also would like to take this opportunity to wish all muslims a Happy Hari Raya AidilAdha and maaf zahir batin. Careful in driving to your hometown. Good luck.

Favourably, I believed market just perform a “bull trap” scenario and I’m expecting market to falls down to complete subcorrective wave a refering to the alt count in white. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the white/aqua critical line. Happy Holidays and good luck.

Preferably, I’m looking forward towards a bearish continuation trend scenario either to perform an extension of corrective wave a in aqua or corrective wave c in yellow. A breakout towards the white critical line would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for another bounce scenario from the lower bull channel trendline perhap to complete corrective wave b in white. Good luck.

At this moment, please be noted that the previous alt counts in yellow and aqua is already invalid. Favourably, I believed market just performed a “bull trap” scenario and therefore, I’m looking towards a potential bearish reversal trend either refering to the alt count in aqua or white. Otherwise, I believed we shall see another bullish rally perhap to complete a “diagonal triangle” reversal pattern in yellow. Happy weekends and good luck.

Preferably, I believed market in progress to perform a bearish reversal trend scenario either to perform subwave 3 in aqua or corrective wave a in white. A breakout towards the bearish continuation critical line 1 and lower channel trendline would bolters to this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for another bullish rally and breakout towards the aqua/white critical line. Good luck.