GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

At this moment, price already hit my TP2. Therefore, I�m looking for any bullish retracement continuation or a reversal signal from BSTS. If the triple top stay valid, then we have a bigger probablity for a bearish reversal/continuation. Otherwise if the price continue to further upwards and later break the major bearish critical line, then the bearish reversal/continuation scenario would become invalid. Please wait for a complete reversal signal from BSTS before you making any entry. Good luck.

At this moment, I�m still looking for any continuation (extension) or reversal/bearish retracement signal from BSTS. Please don�t make any fast and easy conclusion that the price may start go downwards after performed a triple top. We still need to be confirm later is the triple top will stay valid or there will be a breakout ? And always consider the price might follow the white count if the price make the breakout to the major bearish critical line later. So please wait for a complete signal from BSTS before you decide into making any entry. Have a nice day.

At this moment, �triple top� scenario already become invalid. The price break and making a new high. Therefore, we must revise back about the 2 main probabilty which is a bullish continuation or a bearish reversal. We are in the critical moment which is either scenario have the same probability to be happen. So please watch the major bearish critical line 1 and 2 closely. If both line is taken, then the bearish scenario would become invalid. Otherwise if the line keep intact, then we might see a major bearish trend later. Please be extra carefull since tonite and tomorrow there will be a NFP related news. Its better to refer a signal from BSTS -4H chart. Good lucks.

At this moment, what I had been consents since last few days about the white count finally came true. Therefore, I believed market already in Bullish Reversal trend, generally. I�m waiting for a wave iv retracement either in white count or in cyan count to take place later. If wave iii already established, then we may see a retracement soon. But if got an extension wave iii, then we might see a bullish continuation later. Please refer at BSTS - 4H chart signal before making any entry. Have a nice day.

If wave count in cyan is valid, I believed market in retracement phase. As long the bullish continuation line keep intact, this scenario would still be valid. But maybe there will be a �double top� or false breakout before price starting to make a major retracement. Please study the cyan count and refer to BSTS signal before making any entry. Otherwise we may see another bullish continuation to complete wave 3 in white count. Watch closely all the new critical lines and wisely take a notes what is your trading strategy for this new trend.

At the moment, we are in bullish continuation trend. If we have an extension, then preferable for white count. But if not, then the price could follow the cyan count. So watch closely the trendlines and only make an entry when they have a complete retracement signal from BSTS later. Good luck.

As long the bullish continuation line still intact, I believed the market in retracement phase. An establish of �Head & Shoulder� (cyan triangle) pattern later will bolster this point of view. Otherwise if the line been taken, then we got another bullish continuation later. Please refer to BSTS signal before making any entry.

At this moment, if b already established and the bullish continuation critical line still intact, a retracement for wave 4would still be valid. Please watch closely the teal triangle for any breakout. Otherwise if we have a breakout to the critical line, then the market may seems in bullish continuation. Please be extra carefull since tonight there will be a NFP news at 8.30 pm. Good lucks.

I believed market in retracement phase now. But I have 2 possibility retracement count at the moment which is in white or in cyan. Which count is more preferable, I only can determine later. Anyway please move your SL and lock your profit. Please look from BSTS, a signal for closing (TP) and later a complete signal for bullish continuation. Good luck.

[U][B]Gbp vs Jpy 1H, 4H & Daily Pre-Market Overview[/B][/U]

Chart 1H - I believed market in the retracement phase to complete wave 4. So I divided into 4 level of zones which is :-

a) Green Zones - Bullish Continuation Zones
b) Purple Zones - Retracement Zones
c) Maroon Zones - Bearish Bias Zones
d) Red Zones - Bearish Continuation Zones

So please watch closely all this zones and whenever the price approaching each zones. Please wait for a complete signal from BSTS either for a bearish bias signal or bullish bias signal.

Chart 4H - Same thing with chart 1H, I believed market in the retracement phase to complete wave 4. Also I divided into 4 level of zones which is :-

a) Green Zones - Bullish Continuation Zones
b) Purple Zones - Retracement Zones
c) Maroon Zones - Bearish Bias Zones
d) Red Zones - Bearish Continuation Zones

Please study both counts and all the critical lines stated in the given chart.

Chart Daily - Its very important for you to understand both counts in this charts. Same thing with chart 1H & 4H, I also divided into 4 level of zones which is :-

a) Green Zones - Bullish Continuation Zones
b) Purple Zones - Retracement Zones
c) Maroon Zones - Bearish Bias Zones
d) Red Zones - Bearish Continuation Zones

Please study both counts, their respective trendlines and all the critical lines stated in the chart given. Please do your homework, trading strategy and the checklist for next week market. And please wait for a complete signal from BSTS before making any entry. Good luck and have a nice weekends.

I believed the price will going upwards to complete wave b later. A breakout to the upper teal trendline triangle would bolster this point of view. Otherwise we may see a bearish continuation to complete wave 4. Please look for any bearish retracement continuation later from BSTS after wave b is completed. Good luck.

At this moment I believed wave b still in progress. Either wave b was already established or still in the making which later will perform a double top later ?, can only be determine soon. A breakout to the upper trendline of teal triangle will indicates that b still in progress. If this happen, and the �double top� is valid (previous high still intact), then we may see a preferable wave c later. But if they have a true breakout at 205.12, then all the retracement continuation would become invalid (yellow count). So we still need to wait for the trend to be unfold later to determine which count is preferable. Please study all the 3 possible counts that are given and look for a complete signal from BSTS 2 and BSTS 3 later. Good luck.

I believed wave b still not complete and the price will going upwards later. A true breakout to the upper trendline of teal triangle would bolster this scenario. But if this happen, market got 2 possibility which is :-

  1. Price making wave b - still in retracement phase. (maybe a double top) - white count.
  2. Price already in bullish continuation - if making a true breakout at my bullish continuation critical line (205.12) - yellow count.

Otherwise we have the 3rd option, which is the cyan count. I�m still waiting a confirmation from BSTS and please wait for a complete signal from BSTS before making any entry. Good lucks.

A breakout to the lower trendline of teal triangle make preferably for cyan count. I believed market in retracement continuation to establish wave iv (most probably fibo 50%). But please be carefull and study the new white counts. Just lock your profit and later looks for any bullish continuation signal from BSTS later. Good luck.

I believed the price on the move to complete wave 4. Either�double bottom will be valid or not, can only be determine later. If we do have a true breakout to the previous bottom (�double bottom�), the market maybe in retracement continuation to complete wave 4 either to the fibo 50% or near to the fibo 61.8%. But if later the price continue downwards and make a true breakout to the retracement critical line 1, wave count in white would be more preferable. Otherwise, we may see a bullish continuation to complete wave 5 later. Please wait for a complete signal from BSTS 2 & 3 later before making any entry.

At the moment, price already made a breakout to the upper teal triangle trendline. Either its a true or false breakout, can only be determine later. I believed wave 4 still incomplete and we may see another downwards movement later. At breakout to the previous bottom (201.10) would bolster this scenario. Please study all the alt count given and do your own analysis which count is more preferable. Otherwise if wave v & 4 already completed, the price will going upwards and later a breakout to the bullish continuation line 2, would bolster this alt scenario and ocassionally all the downwards scenario would become invalid. Tips - Please look for a complete bullish reversal (continuation) signal from BSTS 2 and 3 later. Good luck.

At the moment, price already move inside my bullish continuation zones (green zones). As long the price stay inside the green zones and the double bottom stay valid, a bullish continuation scenario to complete wave 5 would still be valid. A true breakout to the bullish continuation line 2 would bolster this point of view. Otherwise if the price break the �double bottom� line, we may have the alt white count. Please move your respective SL and lock your profit. Good luck.

At the moment price retracement back to the previous bottom either to make a triple bottom or it will break through later. Due to this, we back to square one again and need to analyze again all the possibility count. Its better to wait for the price to unfold 1st. Have a nice day.

At this moment, we left with only 2 possibility. Its either count in white or yellow. As long the retracement critical line 2 still intact, count in yellow still valid. Otherwise we will see a bearish continuation to complete wave v and c (white). Please be extra carefull and only making any entry once there are complete signal from BSTS. Good luck.

At this moment price seems like to start a retracement to complete wave iv. As long the previous bottom (bearish continuation critical line) is not been taken, this scenario would still be valid. Otherwise we may see a bearish continuation (extension) for wave iii. Tips : wait for a complete BSTS signal for a bearish continuation after wave iv complete. Good luck.