📢 Giveaway Alert: How did you discover forex trading?

I got to know about forex through a friend on WhatsApp. He posted a status story about the benefits of trading forex and the possibility of making passive income along with a group invite to a group he created specifically to teach forex.


I was surfing the web and checking out options for additional income. There were loads of spam and overly advertised options but I ended up checking out forex. It was one of the options that seemed more feasible and regulated. I’ve been looking into forex since, but it’s only this year that I finally gathered enough motivation and courage to dive into it.

Happy to be here, by the way.


I am a recreational poker player. There was an add in the poker room I used to play, about a forex contest. I get some information about forex and decided to participate. I won some money but lost it in some weeks. Then I discovered BabyPips. Too late for the money but it is never too late for forex.

I was in Sydney airport literally changing my aussie dollar into peso. Im going home not having much money left, I’ve been in a traumatic and depressive experience with some people so I decided to visit Philippines to breathe. While on the line waiting for my turn i heard this two fellah talking about forex and how they talk about indicators and how much money they earn, it fascinated me and I got curious so after having my AUD changed i clicked google on my phone, as I kept searching I got so interested and here in babypips school is where I started my journey and the rest is history…

I was introduced to it by a friend who was making money off forex and crypto. Started with babypips and now I’m here! Not quite a profitable as I imagined but I’m happy to have learned a new skill anyway. :blush:

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I would like to thank a Mr. Nial Fuller for that.

06/July/2015 is the date i discovered trading, an amazing time of my life, because my enthusiasm was contagious.

  • Almost 5 years later, and i am still hooked, but now i know what i am doing, which is a big difference :sweat_smile:

It was probably IML that tried to recruit you. The entire company is a joke, especially after Blac Chyna joined a few days ago and started promoting it lmaooo

I think I must have gone to the same seminar. All I remember were the green and red arrows. Simple!

All I’ll say is that Google brought me here. I wanted to do something for myself, something I was actually involved in, and not just numbers on my quarterly statement moving up or down. It’s different when you’re involved in your own success. Good luck!

I literally seen an advertisement for babypips because I asked my brother about his trading and I was completely unaware of forex ! So he recommended coming here before I looked at anything else and I’m glad I did probably saved me 100’sof Euros in courses built on the articles here !!

First of all I want to give Thanks to Babypips admin for this giveaway!

I started my Forex Trading Journey Late 2019. I was looking for a way to bring in income since I am a stay at home mom. I saw a Facebook ad about “FX trading” and started doing my research. when I googled “best Forex courses?” everyone was recommending Babypip university so I had to give it a try. I am still going through the Babypip university and loving it!

Thank you Babypips for putting together such a great Forex University :grinning:

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I discovered forex trading through a friend of mine last year around May. He would always post charts on his WhatsApp status. It bored me to death so I muted him. But it was too late. The forex bug had bitten and infected me. So around early September, I attended a free forex seminar by a certain broker and I was left in awe. As a delivery guy, I purposed to make my life better through forex trading. As the saying goes, the rest is history.

Everything started 2 years ago. I read an article about a lady that became rich overnight using binary options, but she was just advertising a broker. I didn’t know this first and i downloaded the app and started trading. I wasn’t familiar with the financial markets, so it was very hard, but I liked it. Unfortunatelly, the binary options have been banned a short time after i discovered it. So, I searched for an alternative, and I found the Forex market, and then BabyPips, the site that completely changed my life!! I learned so many things here!! Thank you!! :two_hearts::two_hearts:

I had allready some experience from “options-gambling” and “share-trading intraday” during my college time, but than for some years it was very quiet until the fast and impulsive Forex Market caught again 2017 my interest.

I fell immediatly deep in love with this day-trading and scalping activities-and at the beginning i opened some demo and “no deposit bonus” accounts and scalped hours like a mad rabbit running around on a wide field doing one hook after the other and cant get enough of it…:rofl:

Of course, i had good trades, but faced also a lot of problems which caused drawdowns: problems with corrupt providers, manipulated prices, manipulated spreads, sudden spikes, too less experience to explain certain price moves and so on.

So I checked several “schools” on the net, and suddenly i came to the “School of Pipsology on Babypips”- “Ha, ha, what kind of funny site is that with such a name ? Guys who are so funny cant be very clever” i thought, but the more i went inside the more i realized that this is an excellent combination of humor and perfect knowledge with experience-those guys are great teachers and know exactly what they are talking about!

So i went through those chapters which were new to me and i gathered all those informations, which were vital for my profitable trades and changed my behavior from “Forex Gambling” to “Forex Trading”.

And i swear: if i ever come in this certain financial situation with my trading i plan to reach, i am going to invite those teachers from babypips to a big party somewhere at a famous sea-side club!
:champagne: :beers::beer::spaghetti::clinking_glasses::cocktail::wine_glass::desert_island:


I had an interest in trading equities since when I was growing up (and which is still the case today), stock and index performance was frequently mentioned in the news. Since I had always started learning anything with a google search and frequented forums, I found a stock forum and a thread for a messenger group. I joined up to start learning and it turns out they traded some equities, but mostly forex. It peaked my interest as I it had a much lower barrier to entry and required a smaller starting capital, and I was eventually directed here to start learning.

When I bought the title, “Secret to Forex”. And guess what, I will share the secret free.

Forex and stock market is basically a game that requires people. What do I mean? Well, the secret is that the majority will always lose. It is because the winning money have to come from somewhere. If minority was to lose, there would NOT be enough money to cover the majority. Thus, the majority will always lose to cover all winnings from the minority. It is basically a scam in legit disguise.

Is there a way to counter and win, yes of course… First, never bet too big. Wait until the markets gets greedy and tries to take out the majority of buyers. This means the market will go down and stall. That’s when you get the best price and buy as much as you can. And if you are selling, wait until the majority of sellers get taken out. This means the market will go up and stall. But if you are smart, you will profit.

REMEMBER: The market have all the data it needs. It will take the route of LEAST lost and MAX profit.

I have a lot of strategies BUT if you understand what I just gave away… You will profit
REGARDLESS of any strategies.

I discovered forex trading randomly while surfing on the web last year…

Just came out of the country’s one year compulsory service after university. I was open-minded, job searching and also looking for any rewarding practice worth my while. One site led to the other and I landed on babypips. It looked interesting and I started taking classes. I scaled back due to exams and interview preparations. After several frustrating months, I picked up the pace determined to trade for a living. I devoured everything I considered helpful, practiced paper trading, went live on a cent account which I managed not to blow…lol. I’m a better trader today, planning to launch deeper.

In 2005 I saw an ad running on TV for a product called 4XMadeEasy. So I bought it, did the training and in 2005 blew up my first account. Stopped trading after that and in 2018 my purpose to trade forex was rekindled and this new journey started with my training on Babypips. Haven’t blown up an account yet!