šŸ“¢ Giveaway Alert: How did you discover forex trading?

Always i like trading but i was afraid to start forex because of leverage but when i understand the way how its work i start liking a lot. I start learn at this web site i just opened a live account and i am keep progresin on that. That is my story

I discovered forex trading through Babypips.

My story,
Well, watching the Bloomberg channel I got to know about stock trading and my interest in the concept to understand the charts I was seeing, through a friend I was directed to babypips where I was introduced to forex trading. And through all the course I was grounded.

I started like any other new trader, without knowledge and little capital. I came across dozens of ads where brokers basically promised a rags to riches story if I opened and account with them. It made no sense to me, the math didnā€™t add up. I spend the next year educating myself as I believe that knowledge is key for success in any field. My motivation was not to make a $1,000 deposit and become rich the next weekend. I invested into my own education first so that I fully understood what forex trading can do for me and how to get there.

After my first year in forex, I needed to decided which strategy would be best for me. I read that many believe that you trade against big firms, brokers and professional traders which is an impossible battle to win because they have too much capital. I disagree with this point of view and say that each traders trades against himself. You are your worst enemy and the only one holding you back. Therefore it was important for me to find a strategy which suits my personality. After researching many different ones, I decided to mix-and-match and create my own by borrowing from four different strategies.

I spend the next two years testing my strategy in a live account with small deposits, no more than $250. I blew a few accounts as I fine-tuned my strategy, but the lessons learned were crucial. Not only did I improve my trading results, I also learned a lot about trading psychology which may be the biggest enemy to all traders. I donā€™t think trading in a demo account is smart and every successful trader I have met agrees with me.

The last three years I was building my account balance. I did this through a combination of small, monthly deposits as well as through the success of my trading strategy. I earn about 20% per year with my approach. I know what many think when they read 20%, but after researching real traders including professional ones as well as companies active in account management, I found out that 20% is actually a great annual return. Consistency is key and those who laugh at 20% year have never really traded forex to begin with.

Since this February this year, I managed to build may account to the size I need to make enough money per month to pay my rent. My goal is for forex trading to provide enough capital to pay all my bills and I think I will get there by 2020. This will allow me to be financially free and live my life the way I wish. I plan to continue working as I love my career, but having that extra income every month provides me with something I canā€™t even put in words.forex


I am Mr Wellington
I had a dream about it. as I was browsing then it flashes to me, as pop-up, that I should trade on bonus. Then I recalled my dream, that similar thing happened last night in mine dream,
As I beginning to click then I Saw Forex Time. That was the beginning. Then later I located FBS till now
My Best Regards to you and your Team Sir
I am expecting my cool $50 in my account Sir

Nothing special here. I first discovered forex while trying to send money abroad cheaper while doing my master.

Then one day living on one of those countries full of forex companies I had to look for a job while I was learning a new language, so I applied for a boring job in a broker and quickly my second job become to look the screens and try to understand the logic behind price movements. Itā€™s been one year and a half that I first started babypips school and started demo trading, and around 6 months of real account that teached me a lot so far.

Lately Iā€™ve been a frequent viewer of certain topics in the forum, specially the SW analysis from Dennis!

Its being wonderful starting forex trading though barely new, yet i believe with my consistency i can make a living from it

Iā€™ve been FOREX for four years after reading a book on stocks and shares. Hooked even since and pleased with my continued progress as a day trader.

Hi my name is Esther , lā€™m from West Africa .l have working experience in Administration . I got introduced into Forex out of curiosity after stumbling upon it on Google . I tried reading on my own and watching videos on my own but I couldnā€™t achieve much so l enrolled in a Forex training program for 3 months in the last quarter of 2019 . I enjoyed the training and practically fell in love with Forex . I intend to learn more , be a professional trader and of course make good money !

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I believe I first learned of forex through ā€œThe Insider Codeā€ by Mac X over 10 years ago. Little did I know that most of what he taught was available on the internet - got snookered by slick marketing. Ah, well.

A few years later (2012), I found and joined Baby Pips and still peruse every so often and contribute less so. :slight_smile: I did, however, complete the School of Pipsology a few years back. That is the absolute best resource for a very strong foundation in Forex, trading terminology and basic trading techniques.

I discovered FOREX myself after making consistent loss in binary options trading, I found out I could make loss in forex and with time it might enter profit so instead of me having to go through the phase of adrenaline pump I resorted to FOREX, with the strategy I was using then after my options trade was lost few seconds and it would have entered profit so I decided to try FOREX. When Iā€™ve been trading FOREX Iā€™ve come to find out my indicators were lagging which was the opposite I thought while using the same system to trade options, it now seem that it was not enough, After about 2 years of trading with my losses on the raise I came to a decision last year ending to learn from a mentor and to learn price action and that is the path am still on.

Early this year , I was going about my tech geek business as usual. one of my client mentioned to me i could actually earn more income doing forex. she showed me some few tricks and out of my curiosity i decided to make my research online. then i stumbled on Baby Pips. Baby Pips was my first tutor.

I discover Forex trading back in the year 2016 on Instagram. I was interested in entrepreneurship so I started following people who had similar interests like mine. Then I saw someone trading Forex for a living and their lifestyle, and I said to myself I want that lifestyle too. But I really didnā€™t know where to start. Everyone was selling expensive courses (and are still) and I didnā€™t feel like spending money on expensive courses. So it took me awhile until I found Babypips. And the rest is history! :slight_smile:

Good evening sir,i discovered forex through my burning desire to escape financial difficulty,am from Nigeria West Africa, here the government donā€™t really care about anyone, itā€™s a jungle,so i went for a seminar and after their introduction,i couldnā€™t get the registration fund then,so a friend introduced me to babypips.com and it has been wonderful ever after.

My journey in forex trading started around 2016 but have failed consistently. Around 2019 I decided to change my mindset towards trading, thatā€™s I focus on more research and education. Where am from, people believe that forex trading is a scam but I will proof them wrong. Am not writing this because of $25 or $50. Just to let people know that even if it will take two years become a professional forex trader and number one forex trader in the world. Forex trading is a business that involves risk and money management and above all patience and discipline. With God all things are possible.

So my journey started with free share give aways on a app that shall remain nameless.

That got me into dabbling with shares. But I wasnā€™t keen on all the research and accounting know how needed to understand how each company is doing.

I then picked up a cryptocurrency dealing app again giving away free crypto, but soon realised that it was extremely volatile. The European apps also have a time delay of transferring cash in and out. Plus you have the issue of crypto wallet security, all heavy stuff for a relative newbie.

A work colleague then told me about babypips. I loved the light hearted way the course is structured. It really took the fear out of fearex (forex)!

Iā€™ve practiced on demo accounts and am gradually working my way through the course. Iā€™m beginning to see the trends and patterns and anticipate the pair movement. So watch this spaceā€¦

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Iā€™ve been doing a lot of research in ways to earn income from home to cut down on commuting. I watched a video on Youtube about earning income from stock trading. It was eye opening, but the stock market is a crazy place and I didnā€™t feel I had the capital or skills to start. I stumbled on a video on Youtube ā€¦ yes again. This time there was girl talking about how Forex changed her life. I have used Forex services while traveling but I never knew I could trade it online. Well after watching countless of videos and researching the number one recommended site for beginners was baby pips. So here I am starting the journey.

My Forex Journey

It must have been around 2006 when my mum was listening to the radio and then came across an ad. This ad (or was it an infomercial?) was a man speaking about his inability to secure a well paying job after years of applying to various corporations (this is the case for a lot of people in my country). And in this manā€™s frustrations he decided to learn and pick up a new skill. He never said where he learnt this new skill but he did mention this new skill was paying him salaries far beyond what any office job would have be paying him at the time. What was this new easy to cash out skill? Well, you guessed it, it was Forex trading and he was going to be holding seminars and particular dates to teach you and I how to make money for ourselves. My mum ever being the extracurricular-ist called me and my brothers and asked if were interested in going for this seminar because she believed the world was moving away from office only jobs and towards an earn your own living age. Long story short we didnā€™t go. The fee for the seminar was too high and Forex trading as at the time was seen as rocket science and gambling mixed in together with dirty martini. But the whole Forex thing did pique my interest though even though I was still about 16, 17 at the time. Cue a couple years later to December 2018 and like the man in the radio in 2016 here I was applying to various companies in hopes of landing a job to keep myself busy and earn some coin. But alas, nothing came through. And then voila, out of the blues I get an email from an FX broker I had completely forgotten I opened an account with saying there would be a free (get it? FREE) seminar on Forex trading for about a week with gifts given out at the end of it all. ā€œHoly m#-&@#&f@-Ā£*Ā£ hellā€ I thought to myself. This was it! This was the opportunity that I had to wait for to learn Forex trading and there was no way, no chance in hell this opportunity would pass me by.
Now, Iā€™d love to talk some more about the ups and downs since this epic universal alignment but itā€™s not necessary for this topic.

So there you have it, friends, my Forex Journey :slightly_smiling_face:

I received an advertisement for commodity trading from Ken Roberts in 1996. I responded and then they changed their name to The Greatest Business on Earth and the head trader introduced us to Forex trading a few years ago and I was intrigued. I have been studying ever since and will be trading live acct soon.

Thanks a lotā€¦ Itā€™s like more than one year I am learning forex through various sites but recently I discovered Baby pips and is a blissful experience to navigate the various sectionsā€¦ especially the learning partā€¦I m on my journey with babypips now onā€¦my babyā€¦love u

Early 2010 discover the forex by accidently because needed to make a extra incomes.:sunglasses: