Good TA book recommendations?

Anybody reading anything good these days on TA that wasn’t written 10 years ago? Or that shouldn’t matter?


2021 better than 2019! There’s got to be some freshers ones though I would think. I’ll give that first one a good read through.

And… done.

  • disciplined trader
  • The Naked Trader
  • Al Brooks - reading and watching this now
    *Ray Dalio’s Principles - not trading, but more life principles.

here’s another from the 2nd link you posted.

I plan to read this again. I enjoyed it at the time, but I did not have any stock investments. I am thinking of gearing up to have some. Just waiting for the crash LOL :rofl:

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I think it does matter.

I think it’s very relevant indeed, and pretty important.

The “much older stuff” from respected, authoritative, traditional publishers (in huge contrast to anything “published” online, where there’s no quality control at all and anyone can publish anything) has been peer-reviewed, has been through various iterations and editions, has stood the test of time and of changing markets, has been thoroughly backtested and forward-tested and is still in demand.

Some of what’s being taught today on Youtube was originally (and usually much better) described and explained by Wyckoff more than 100 years ago, and a whole lot more, especially on TA, by other Joe Ross, 30-40 years ago.

I’m pretty sure the traders I know who are successfully making a living are all using stuff sourced from older books. :wink:

Yea! I think it’s just being renamed, right? Isn’t a lot of ICT’s stuff Wyckoff?

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Yes - you’d maybe call some of that PA rather than TA, though?

In this forum people sometimes mean indicators specifically, when they say “TA” (I know you didn’t!). That’s very wrong, of course, because TA also includes other things such as support and resistance, breakouts etc. All these things are clearly technical rather than fundamental.

I think Joe Ross and Bob Volman are probably the best two well-known examples of “all that’s good about older TA”?