Has anyone bought the Transparent Forex Trading mentorship?

Thanks. So, I can´t see any results from somebody who has payed fot area 51

Yeah, Nik is a rip off. Another salesman.

To anyone who uses area 51 strategy and knows the rules, We are trying to start a group of people using the strategy to help each other by sharing our thoughs on setups etc. Send me a private message here on babypips if you are interested.

@Mick1111 try to pm

Hi guys. I bought in novembre the SWING TRADING strategy. I am a experienced trader but needed change a non SL strategy to a SL one. After 1 month and a week following the market breakdown Nik provides, I had a very good results, almost 10% profit in just that time, BUT, BUT and hundreds or BUTS… suddenly, in january, Nik´s starting to do really weird and not trustful behaviour. Examples:

1.- He sometimes says about moving SL to BE in order to protect the capital IF the price closes below the structure. That´s nice if he always do the same but in 1 ocasion, he didn´t substract the bad trade(cause he didn´t moved and clearly broke and closed below structure) and in another ocasion he however added as profit a trade that Had to be in BE according his rule. I am very dissapointed about subjective decisions he does sometimes, and that untrustful behaviour have make me think twice about buying area 51 and about live trading with the swing tradung strateegy and also recommend him. HE HAVE TO GIVE PERFECT and EXACT anc CONCRETE RULES, and truth is he does just a bsement, and when something is going worng he INVENT in 2 or 3 times the answer or he even don´t answer anymore. Very bad. If someone have myfxbook and proves he is earning a good money with Nik, I will believe again, but nobody is showing any result, no even HIM!. So, does anybody REAL PROVES about that?. Thanks

I know the rules and I am in both programs, and I had the chance to also have a personal sessions with Nik when he still offered them, so I have a clear understanding of the rules, and I know how to apply them, and I had a very good experience trading the strategies, including area 51, and obviously the ICI WM and TLCTL. I trade crypto, forex and commodities with his strategies. Nik has also introduced now a new strategy which is the area 51 harmonic strategy, which is very good, first trade today already running in good profits, [Removed for Forums Policy violation] i suggest to contact Nik, he will make a private explanation for you for sure. Please don’t start spamming my email, or I will simply block if I start receiving 100 emails per day from thousands of people.

By the way I also find a big mistake immediately on your side, you say in the first month you made 10% profit, BIG mistake, you were not supposed to immediately start trading the strategies live, Nik always says it, FIRST study and learn ALL the rules, the you can start trading them.

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Hi Ruben, Firstable thanks a lot for your answer.

You are no t talking with a beginner, Ruben. that´s why I can follow the rules till he changed 2 times a part of that rules…and it´s very easy to follow the strategy once you know how to trade it. So if we copy him…we have to do same %…and that was for a month and a week. On the other hand I also sent him questions and overall my backtesting sessions. I am 100% in this, it´s my job, so yes, I have time enough to do everything in just a month. Thanks for your email I am going to write u if you don´t mind. I would like to check your resultls . and the question he answer was not very clear. People needs clear rules, even if depend of 5 things…and if it´s not trading at least in a DEMO or REAL account, it´s very easy to manipulate in order to adding and not substracting his %. As I say I was COPYING all the trades…and where ok , suddenly I don´t know how to copy him? come on! . Greetings and thanks again


In the end we still waiting for this Area 51 stategy rules :sweat_smile:
Anyone willing to explain it?

I bought it and even though the subscription is a bit pricey, it’s worth it because you have access to the mentorship for life. It’s an under promise and over deliver deal and Nik the mentor is honest about what he offers and what to expect. It is strictly an education, it’s not a promise of over-night riches or magic signals, it is rule based strategies along with low risk discipline and dedication, a lifelong skill that is proven to be profitable in every lesson.

What I’ve heard it’s basically his swing strategy applied on lower TF. Overall Area51 doesnt have much positive reviews.

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hi, can i join the group for the area 51 strategy please? would have sent a pm but i can’t find the message icon to click

I’d like yo join the group also, if @Mick1111 can you PM me with the info? thx.

Interested please give me more detail sir

From the swing trading strategy the number of set ups you can get is prolly 5, if it’s more it’s between 5-10 in a year and that’s from one pair…
But not all setups will hit tp some will be breakeven and some will be losses.
So it’s better to be closing partial profits always, instead of waiting for tps

@Mick1111 please pm me I would also like to join area51 group

HI I am in area 51 and swing trade course since may 2020. I would love to join your group on telegram. How do I contact you?

I joined Nik and bought both the Swing trading and Area 51 courses in April/May 2020 not sure exactly when. As most people it seems, I didn’t follow the rules and I ended up losing a lot of money thinking I could get rich quick. I had to take a break and re-center myself, get a job etc.

After which I demo traded/backtested everyday and started a detailed journal. His swing trading strategy was profitable for me up until the end of 2020 then there were those strings of losses which I’m sure turned many members off.

Now starting 2021 I went live and have been trading exactly like him and am up 8-10% as I increased my risk. However, I’m starting to feel he uses hindsight and cherry picks which rules to apply. For Instance there was a trade that barely broke the structure that he said would have to break in order to enter, so I didn’t take it as it didn’t fit the rules. Overnight it hit TP so in the following days market breakdown he made up some new rules to say that it did break structure and was a win. I know for a fact that if that trade hit SL he would have said “Oh we didn’t enter because it didn’t break structure, go backtest more”

In terms of area 51 I have been trying for months to get consistent but most of the setups are when I’m asleep and its almost impossible to watch all the pairs every hour/15mins all the time. Since mid January he changed the rules to make them even more flexible and harder to follow. I have to admit that the new Harmonic strategy is much more rules based and I have been getting some success with it but I haven’t gone live with full risk yet. However it seems like he hasn’t optimized his strategies yet because there are so many good setups that we don’t take which is really frustrating.

In conclusion I feel cheated with the fact that I spent so much money for strategies that aren’t clear and optimized even after trading for almost a whole year. The fact that he wont make a discord or telegram group just makes the whole thing a lot harder and suspicious, as I have asked him many times to start one for everyone so we can work together but nothing changes. Maybe some others can share their views and experience on this.


Is that true that he doesn’t share what trades is he taking but he always let you know that the trade he didn’t share with you hit TP?

No, he shares all the trades he takes and is very clear even if they are a loss. Although he does interpret the rules differently every now and then.

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Pls share the Area 51 or harmonic strategy