
i couldn’t have said it any better. you are totally right :slight_smile:

Can you explain more? Do you have any experiences with withdrawals for example??

I am just glad that it will give me more confidence when I see more news about hotforex.

yes, I withdrew several times to my moneybookers, no big probelms and it’s fast.

withdrawal experience? I had one issue once when i made a withdrawal this was sometime last year, so i withdrew 350Eur from hotforex (i had something to payfor) and i got it in about 24 hours or less (to moneybookers) the problem was transfering money from MB to my bank account, my MB account was in EURO then, for some reason the money did not arrive and it turned out to be returned to moneybookrs from my bank, I lost around 60+eur during the process, back then i decided to close the EUR account and open a USD account with MB for easier transactions, there, never tried bankwire or bank transfers before, since i pay less fees with MB,

for hotforex withdrwals i never had isses,withdarawals are always with in 1-2 days, rarely does it last up to 3 days. i make my withdrawals on monday during working hours, i think its faster. :smiley:

Hi Jingoy, when you is this 1-2 business days or regular days?

any good results with zulutrade and hotforex here any of you guys?

I tried a small amount of around USD1000 and the execution seems to be good, but I am really having hard time finding a good combination of signal providers at zulu.

Why’s that? among the top ten for example there are some good ones!
look for good trading behavior, positive trades, low dd, stop/losses allocated positions !!

Thank you so much, Eddy, i will check them around for more details.

you sure should do!! otherwise you will not be optimizing your follower’s portforlio - or getting the best out of these traders ! :wink:
let me know if you need any help !

Great, I ignored these basic things but indulge myselves in the charts everyday instead earlier.

Can you give us an example of a trader you would consider to follow?

I read about how its not easy to follow the top traders at zulu, im not sure though.

well anybody right now from the top 5 ranking is a prospective good, imo !

I read somewhere how hard it is to follow the top 5 given the volumes that they trade might not work with smaller accounts, But i can be wrong, been so busy lately I missed staring at the charts this past few weeks LOL.

no it is not. Deppending on your account size, the lots and the trades (overall risk) you wish to allocate to the followers.

I see so thats how it goes, thanks for the heads up eddy :slight_smile:

sure anytime!!!
whatever you are not sure of anything feel free to ask :slight_smile:

its been a crazy past couple of days, not so sure, but USD seems to grow stronger, will it continue, even local forex got a great impact on it. i think in india USD reached an all time high rate :smiley:

Do anyone really believe the American economy is back to pre-crisis level? Sadly this US dollar is crazyness is affecting gold investors (like me), since the metal is mostly quoted in dollar…