
Waoh, Hotforex is really hot. With very SEDUCING trading instruments, I even wonder if the POPE wouldn’t fall for them if he were to be in the FX. They have state of the art FX armory with financial weapon like: minimum opening deposits of 5$, noble leverages of 1:1000 etc. They also believe the forex shouldn’t be all about ignorant clients chasing mirages. Hence they literally brought blackboards to the FX to teach clients the rhythm of the market with their simplified e-courses. Most of all is their undiscriminating customer service engulfed in a FX PENTECOST having several TONGUES- widely multilingual. And this customer service never snores; operating 24hrs a day. They are really nice FX delicacy but please investigate to see whether it suits you before dining with them in the FX.

I am very impression with your post.

And who knows, maybe you can even win a prize, lol.

not bad for the first two weeks of sept. :slight_smile: how i wish aug was this great :smiley: LOL happy pip hunting.

Other then broker what else do you use skrill for . It not very common in Australia

I know moneybooker is on pokerstar , bitcoin , some computer shops

I wish PayPal would work with broker

my personal exp with paypal, is that if they tend to get lots of complaints they end up freezing the account even with out validating, the forex business is a bit risky and there is no avoiding traders throwing blame here and there even if its due to self or personal mistake. but yeah skrill usually used for gambling sights but the thing that i like about them is they can be a bit strict with verifications but i like that :smiley:

Skrill (moneybookers) over paypal in a no-brainer. They dont monitor your account like power addicted paypal. And the fees are almost 3 times lower.

Actually I don’t know Skrill has lower fee than PP but I know PP is a real pick-pocket with a worst conversion rate.

I wish the the same, I like Paypal For all conversation.

I still think skrill is better :slight_smile: but in general we all lose some in money conversions online, some more than others

I lose connection with HotForex while I am still in work and my Internet line is fine. The line disconnects and again becomes connected! Sometimes when I attempts to place a trade or close a trade in a crucial moments, it also says ;No Connection’ while I am connected with the internet and can work fine with other websites!

This is my experience with HotForex. I am still with them though.

Do you guys feel the same situation?

[QUOTE=“dollareuro;531863”]I lose connection with HotForex while I am still in work and my Internet line is fine. The line disconnects and again becomes connected! Sometimes when I attempts to place a trade or close a trade in a crucial moments, it also says ;No Connection’ while I am connected with the internet and can work fine with other websites!

This is my experience with HotForex. I am still with them though.

Do you guys feel the same situation?[/QUOTE]

I get it alot on mt4 mobile . Only a few time on PC but I think it may be my computer . As I have a vps and has no problem

But I find I get the same problem with all broker now and again .,… That why I alway use limit order and don’t scalp ( long term trade )

Ya, that is safe and also with SL and TP cause in crucial moment it says no connection! Very bad maintenance I think by the broker.

Its really hard to tell, since most my trades i just leave them their for days so to say, but just incase you can always ask support through live chat maybe.

I have run a HotForex demo account for 1 month and everything looks good, I think live would be better. Is there any advice for opening live account?

it’s in the Mauritius but these regulations are known to be not up to standard for whoever is serious anyway.

Demo accounts are just a simulation to understand the functions of a platform and practise on placing trades etc, when going on a real account the execution matters and an unregulated broker will never be giving you the proper execution speed but its entirely up to you to choose to trade with an unregulated brokers. It really beats me why traders would choose lack of safety when it comes to their own money.


The unregulated brokers can do as they please with the trades execution, when one is making money they can delay the execution and shift the prices and play with the connection, and then pretend it your own internet connection. Let alone not send you the money when withdrawing simply because they don’t have to and you have no claim for it!

Regulated brokers can’t do any of the above, FCA regulations is there to protect clients from brokers willing to manipulate the prices and the execution, a regulated broker can not play around with clients trades, they have to send you the money within 24 hours of the withdrawal form been submitted. If they don’t you can simply submit a claim to the regulatory body.

And by regulations of course I mean FCA which is the best, I’m not even sure why traders trade with non regulated brokers…?

Well, the whole point is to be registered. FCA, miFID, or NFA …regulation is a must in every serious forex business.

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