
Hello Eddy Mo, in fact being registered is not enough, being regulated and having an actual physical presence in the country where the regulations are set up is important. FYI MIFID is not a regulatory body per say, so any company can CLAIM to follow the Mifid directive but can be unregulated.

I would definitely not trade with anyone with less than the FCA license! and why would I? or why would anyone?

I donā€™t know much about regulations, some things are better kept simple :slight_smile: but yeah hotforex are regulated both under the FSC Mauritius and the CySec in Cyprus, and maybe aside from regulations and comparison to names in the world of forex whom if we start mentioning we can never end the list, I guess it falls down to what works for the traders, I have been trading with hotforex for a while now and the system or cycle works for me, may not work for everyone, but there is a saying that goes " your first broker might as well be your last" if things go good right? hopefully i wont need to change brokers anytime soon :slight_smile:

Well I think itā€™s more to do with safety than simplicity, and thinking outside the FX broker box, choosing a broker is like choosing a bank, or a life insurance policy or a pension plan, I doubt that you would be setting up a monthly standing order to send your money to a company in the Mauritius or even in Cyprus (after the banks collapsed last March), when the same is offered by companies in the UK under the FCA regulations. There is first a matter of safety when it comes to investment.

Or let me keep it simple and ask you when choosing a flight you would fly with any airline without taking any safety measures, or when you choose to eat sushi you would go to any restaurant?

Just to clarify Hot Forex is not even regulated under CySEC which is probably a notch up from Mauritiusā€¦again thatā€™s how a lot of traders have been scammed because simply they have no claim over their money. Regulations are important because they prevent brokers using clientā€™s money for other than clientā€™s trades. There are actual measures put in place and audit checksā€¦but then again if one doesnā€™t care about their money they can just send it to the moon-fx why would they care if they got it back, or were treated fairly, or they werent scammedā€¦ :slight_smile:

If i may
Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
I think number 58 is HF Markets ltd which is also known as hotforex.
and yeah I really prefer Cysec than FSC but in general this is how i always put it
there is a risk in everything, as simple as crossing the road you are risking your life
so i dont mind risking a couple thousands on a broker off shore and quite honestly I have
already got my ROI a long time ago so im all good :slight_smile:

I am sorry but you have really no idea what you are talking about. Youā€™d better google, educate yourself and then post smarter posts that the above one. the point with the fact of ā€˜just having a phycial addressā€™ states the same and for FCA - countless Russian brokers are getting licencing thereā€¦but we all know we might think twice prior to doing business with them.

My point was addressed towards having a licencing and looking towards which one to comply with. We all remember what happened in Cyprus, not long ago, and half of the bank accounts we all wiped out!!! if your money dissapper from the banking sector, why bother to trust the fx one at all?? thing about it. 1+1 might equal 0 in actual money back in your account not in ROI.
PS. by registered means regulated, it goes without saying.

I think there is something better that Cysec, itā€™s the Greek Regulation Agency. Your funds are safe there :wink:

I opened a demo account for 1 month and just received about 100% bonus email. Is there a minimum or maximum deposit to get that bonus amount?

You can answer your question by reading this:

I think the 100% bonus is back and the 15% rescue is made to 30% but just inacse make sure the terms are the same. so read them :slight_smile:

Not really. Both are two different things - meaning one is Cyprus and Greek is MiFiD - so, we are talking here about two different things.

Hello Eddy.

I received email that hotforex have started binary options. Do you have an opinion if what they offer is good or not. I havenā€™t tested it yet

Sorry mate, cant help you, all Iā€™ve been doing all these years is following traders on zulutrade. I donā€™t really get this red/green binary stuff . good luck with them! and should you find them difficult you can always go and copy traders on zulutrade.

Hot Forex a nice reputed company in market. getting up in this wayā€¦:57:

option trading looks interesting, I might try it for a change soon, but i have to study it more

I have an account at HotForex but havenā€™t tested their Binary options trading platform.
They offer a no time limited demo account for binary option as well so itā€™s all good, iā€™ll try it soon.
Iā€™d like to test this strategy My method of earning on the binary options

thanks for the link, Iā€™ll look into it, been reading a bit lately about binary option, I migh give it a try someday who knows :slight_smile:

Check out aaafx as well!! They also introduces binary options recently, if thats what you are looking to trade. Though I would advice you to start something more save - like copying professional traders on zulutrade :wink:

Thanks for sharing the strategy, Im a bit curious about option trading, im been doing some reading, will check the link as well :slight_smile:

How about auto trading? Has anyone ever been successful here? I was trying to look what disadvantage this has.