
How did you arrive to such conclusion?

yeah of course, the definition of best is hard to come about, depending on traders conditions and locations, its safe to say they are good and maybe better than most, one of few brokers that maintain a good standard

Got email from this broker about Big Data, anyone experienced it and how is it good for my trading decision?

which big data? not quiet sure what its all about?

I think he talks about this offer Advanced Insights | Free big data AI insight engine
kind of market report for traders based on processing of big volume of market (or economic data)

Really!! But I am thinking to check them out for demo account.

you mean checking hotforex with demo, yeah that a good idea, always test before you commit, and we traders need to do ourr research, even if i say hotforex is good but still traders need to fact check and double check etc etc. andd best of luck

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That is true. Thank you jingoy.

you are welcome, we traders are not competing against each other anyway, its us vs the market and happy holidays people. stay safe everyone

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This is very positive Jingoy. Happy holidays!!

This broker has PAMM service, if you are getting bad luck with trading. PAMM investing is not a bad choice as I am doing.

How much have you invested in their PAMM? Any tips on selection of their fund managers?

Do they accept US clients and how much commission do they charge?

I dont think they do, thats the only con i see with this broker, though its really out of their hands. clint got a good thread about brokers off shore accepting US traders here.

As far as I know, it is a good broker to trade with. If you have doubts about using it, you can create a demo account with it and test it. If you think that it is a good broker, go ahead and if you think it isn’t, look for some other option.

Oh yes, It’s difficult for US traders to find good brokers who accept US clients. Anyway thank for letting me know

my pleasure and best of luck with future trading. :slight_smile:

How long have you been trading with this broker and which account do you use?

Apparently they have a good looking spreads in gbpusd and some pairs. What do you think about their spreads and how is order execution looking so far?

I have heard that there server freezes a lot which is the biggest hassle for the traders.