How do you expect the Brexit vote to go tomorrow? DEFEATED

So when should we know about an extension or not? Today or tomorrow? I read this, but it didn’t exactly state anything concrete.

Looks like Bloomberg was smart and grabbed the @brexit Twitter handle. They have a dedicated Twitter account here:

And it looks like May is in Brussels today.

Key Points in article.

  • Juncker says if deal fails, another summit will be held next week
  • Macron says if Parliament rejects accord again, then it’s no-deal

Thanks Google!

Sounds like a lot of forex analysis I read " Well it will definitely go up, unless it goes down of course…, then there is the possibility of sideways" aaargg!

Nobody knows!

BBC says the negotiations are ongoing, but there may be an agreement to a shorter extension, to May 22 I think, instead of June 30.

But I guess Europe and the world shouldn’t be worried. The EU council has said,

In the six-point draft document, the leaders also call for continuing to prepare for a worst-case no-deal scenario. “The European Council calls for work to be continued on preparedness and contingency at all levels for the consequences of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal, taking into account all possible outcomes,” the document states.The European Council calls for work to be continued on preparedness and contingency at all levels for the consequences of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal, taking into account all possible outcomes.


IN the past maybe @tommor, but I contend that now we are vassals of the EU, treaties and Foreign policy would be their prerogative not that of our own “Government”

However it does seem that this debacle shows just what a shower of “Limp wristed” morons we are paying huge salaries to and how they despise those who voted for them.

Now that everything is decided in Brussels and passed down to the UK to be imposed on the population, - one has to wonder why we need to keep paying these people at all ?

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So No Deal Brexit avoided until … At latest April 12. So another three weeks for the UK Parliament to come to some agreement.

@Falstaff wise words indeed. Unfortunately the ordinary people always pay the high price of bad political moves and decisions. This applies for all countries around the world. Governments seems to not care at all, as long as they have the power they are granted that the “peasants” shall pay the taxes. Nothing much has changed since the last centuries I guess.

Its often said that politicians crave power.

That is true but in more detail they crave authority without responsibility. As in conventional public service, its not enough to just do a good job - that’s all you’re paid for and what you’re expected to do anyway. The real differentiating factor between who gets advanced and who doesn’t is how many bad mistakes you make. So a good politician (or a good public servant) does a mediocre job but avoids big decisions that might go wrong.

So right now almost every MP is taking the opportunity to vote against everything so that later they can evade blame - “Its not my fault, I voted against it.” (whatever it was that went wrong).

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Nigel Farage is somewhat less than impressed !

I tend to agree - If that woman manges to screw it up - I shall Never vote Conservative again. There are actually a LOT of us who feel the same way.

Even in Germany, the EU attitude to the “deal” (or the lack of any sense from the EU negotiating “team” ) is attracting sincere criticism

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Apparently the Bank of England is saying that most businesses are prepared for a “No deal” and the economy in uk is looking good

Whereas it seems the EU and Gremany in particular are not looking THAT rosy !

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Nigel’s party is a reasonable alternative? Is it the most viable “third” party? What do they draw?
10-15% maybe?

Mr Farage IS “Mr Brexit” - He has been a “Euro - MP” for years - listen to what he said 2 years ago in the Euro assembly

Farage speaks to EU when we voted Brexit

Farage tells 'em!

Here is what he said to them last week

Farage tells EU last week

Without Mr Farage - there would be no Brexit at all ! - He started it almost single handed - Cameron had to offer a Plebicite because of the attention he was getting ! His Ukip party was demonised by the political establishment and “liberalists” -

Winston Smith in “1984” had great hopes that the “Proles” would revolt against “Big Brother” - Well in the UK voting for Brexit and the USA voting for Trump in clear defiance of the establishment and the liberal media, we have come some way to the Proles doing exactly that !

He’s been on FOX News here in the states quite often and is quite impressive.
Is his Ukip party the 3rd most popular party there? They drawing more away
from Conservatives then Labour, I suppose?

Totally amazing how we have all been diverted by the socialist anti-capitalists towards main stream waffling - when we could be listening to people like him - here’s a compilation someone has put together - listen to it all and read the comments !

Farage is no mug - he’s an ex - trader and really knows the stuff we are interested in - he’s also reputed to be a “Free-man of the City of London” (that’s where the bank of England and stock exchange are - a a bit like your Wall Street )

Watch this Stan - Brendan O’Neil talks to Nigel Farage about the Betrayal of Brexit and what’s to be done about it. A highly educational interview which delvesinto philosophical issues aroung the Party system and the massive disconnect between us “Proles” and the career politicians which @tommor mentions above.

Personally I would far rather have this man governing my country that anybody we see in or on the news !

"We will fight this forthcoming European Election on one word - TRUST "

Mr Farage left UKIP in December 2018.

He is a principled man and resigned from that party because their leader, Gerard Batten, took on an ‘adviser’ who has a pseudo name of ‘Tommy Robinson’.

UKIP are currently a fringe party in the UK with no MP’s, the last one was John Douglas Wilson Carswell who also quit UKIP in 2017 to become an independent.

Than you for helping out there @peterma, correct and fair as always :sunglasses:

Here’s another little compilation showing what some of our real “thinkers” have said about the EU as it developed from the “Common Market” over the years and some more recently.

I note that recently Farage and Moggy have been putting the opinion that the “Irish border” issue is really not a real issue at all and that there are differences already between Northern Ireland and Eire from a VAT standpoint and some others. They are saying that there is no real need for any hard border and that none of the three parties have said they will insist on one by being prepared to build it !

I am no expert on Irish border issues or the “Troubles” any more than on the “Highland Clearances” in Scotland - but I can see that these issues would have deeply injured the populations of both and ingrained deep resentments against the “English” and those who conspired agains their own countrymen to aid them.

So I would like to ask @peterma whether you think there could be a practical border without formal Customs posts ?

A little more watching of You tube vids brings up this little historical classic from 1975 Oxford Union.

As the poster observes the arguments for and against in 1975 were very similar to those being voiced recently, but interestingly since 45 years has elapsed, we are able to see the progress which has been made along the path with the “brexiters” forecast. Note also the forcasts of pain if we chose Not to be involved. Peter Shore’s speech I particularly felt sympathy with despite voting the other way at the time !

It all happened again ! Oxford Union 1975

This is an interesting point and one that deserves some thought.

In the olden days (during the troubles) there was a certain resentment, those days are long gone.

In my own business a great many of my customers are retired UK folk having moved to the Irish Republic. I asked one N England steel worker why did he choose Tralee, Co. Kerry. He said it was a toss up between the Costa and Ireland, apparently the locals decided it for him.

I hear similar stories most every week, last week it was a man from the South of England - he was telling me the best pub in the area of Co. Cork that he now lives in, “tell them the big Englishman sent you and you’ll get looked after”.

In July last year we went into a small country hotel in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. After check in the usual destination is the bar, it was lunch time and the large TV screen was on. There was a huge roar coming from the bar - somebody had scored - it was England in the world cup.

Some of my family just back today from a birthday bash in England - their only rule was no Brexit talk - that i liked.

Anyways to the question - will there be a hard border? - all those who are saying no are politicians - even the leader of the DUP said recently that there was never a hard border (see my pic Feb 6th) - most people locally take what politicians in either UK, NI or ROI with a large pinch of salt.