How do you expect the Brexit vote to go tomorrow? DEFEATED

You MAY Be right @ tommor but so what ? I personally will NEVER vote Consevative again for the rest of my life !

@Falstaff - Understand your reaction but you might find you need to vote for one of the parties to keep the other one out…

Welcome to the Eastern European predicament… For years we’ve had to vote for the “lesser” of two evils… It’s not working out for us.


I think it was Mark Twain who said ;

“If my vote counted for anything - They wouldn’t let me do it !” :wink:


I’ve read a few times how this Brexit phenomenon is impossible to trade.

Also have read that trading FA is silly since the fundamentals are always factored in - almost like the market has an inside knowledge of what is going to happen and us retail are therefore behind the curve.

Think about this - Eur/Gbp is the Brexit play.

Everyone knew in advance how the vote was going to go today - I’ve mentioned before how the UK govt need to pay their EU bill at month end in Euros, i.e. sell gbp’s - as facilitated by the bank.

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So thinking about all that, the info re the vote became clear early this week, around 26/27th March.

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Then again I see that there are retail guys who figure that Eur/Gbp is a sideshow.

It’s the majors that count: (Cable hr1)

For lurkers/learners - first chart is pound selling at the 85.00 level, eur/gbp likes to settle around the 50 or 00 - it’s a commercial cross used by business (half of UK imports and exports use it and the bank facilitates it - so guess who will not lose money on the fundies)

Second chart is for the speculators.

Brexit shorting …

Aye, Steve Eisman has been adding to the shorts, first reported by Bloomberg last year (back then it was a guessing game which banks).

He stuck with banks but did say that he would add other stocks, up to 50, if Labour came to power - he made what could be called a politically biased statement with reference to the Labour leader.

He is also short Tesla so will be interesting to see how that plays out - I suppose at the end of the day just another guy with an opinion.

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It would appear Labour are now in Power !

The woman who hoped to be compared in the same breath as “Maggie” has come up with “A solution” = I’m not going to spoil it for you - so go and listen yourselves !

I don’t suppose you can expect a “Geography teacher” to be able to do what a BARRISTER (Maggie) could have done in a few weeks and we’d now be doing deals all over the world ! :rage:

What the uk thinks of Theresa May’s performance - is the Conservative Party dead ?

Listen to a Major lady Conservative get shouted down by "Bremoaning ‘Host’ "

Here’s what Boris has to say

Time to get out !

Did I show you this one before ? I don’t know .

I’m getting the growing feeling that Brexit is going to be the usual UK politicians’ fudge, a half-way measure that isn’t really what anyone wanted but doesn’t anger anyone sufficiently to take up arms against it.

Splitting the difference is a recipe for under-achievement.

It would seem that today, the Conservative hierarchy and the Labour hierarchy will be getting together to try to preserve the two party system of politics, which the current farce is promising to tear apart.

Here’s what the Telegraph had to say

What an excellent headline

It seems that we shall be having “Euro-Elections” at the end of June. So we shall be testing Public Opinion without the need to have another Referendum or a General Election.

I expect Theresa May is dreading the prospect along with the rest of the “Conservative Party” AND along with the Europeam Parliament !

WHy ?

Because the numbers of votes cast will entirely demonstrate Public opinion BUT the real terror for her will be that the Euro - Elections will be on a Proportional Representation basis !

UKIP WILL Get a lot of seats - Nigel Farage’s New Party WILL get a lot of seats The Greens WILL get a lot of “Leftist SJW” type seats - Whether Lib Dems will get votes doesn’t really matter but Conservative and Labour WIll get a much reduced showing.

The fact of the matter is that the biggest betrayal of the UK Voters by it’s Elected Representatives in the whole history of Politics by the worst and most Duplicitous Prime Minister ever - WILL be judged by the same 17.4 million people whom they have betrayed.

Phone in to Nigel Farage on his regular LBC Programme

Trouble is I would like to have a bet on the reaction of the market when the results are made known. But I don’t know which way to bet !

May is now talking to Corbyn and is likely to put in place what is being talked about as a “Boris Lock” - to stop a real Brexiteer successor from doing the thing properly :roll_eyes:

Curious to hear my “Conservative” UK lads weigh in on this.
Corbyn becomes PM if Labour can cobble together a government?
Is there a “Anyone but Corbyn” coalition?

The majority of Labour MP’s hate Corbyn. with all the fuss a few months back about a vote of no confidence in the Conservative government, its often forgotten that Corbyn has already lost a vote of no confidence in himself as party leader by 197 MP’s to 40.