How many hours do you sleep?

most of the times I fall asleep with my iPad in my hands…
more than less ending up waking back up when it falls down on my face lolol :joy:

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It works great, it took me like, maybe 3 to 4 weeks to get used to it, but now, its awesome, it’s more than 2 years now that I only eat once a day.
The brain works much better, it’s almost like a brain upgrade, as all the fog I felt before around my head completely disappeared :wink:
I just don’t touch carbs and sugars, avoid them, and eat around fats and protein :slight_smile:
Fat is the best fuel you can have to your brain, and what makes it better, is that you loose fat eating fat!!

Same haha! Now it’s just my iphone that falls on my face because I’ve stopped using an ipad in bed because of this. :joy:

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I am a working guy and when I have work then I do not sleep and when I have no work then I sleep as much as I can. I sleep for 12 hours in some cases. But, normally I sleep for just 6-7 hours per day. I do not have any schedule for those 6-7 hours. What is your story?

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I wish I could sleep for 12 hours but I am never that relaxed.

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Same. I wish I could sleep long especially on weekends but I just can’t get myself to sleep that much. :sweat:

I sleep 4-5 hours a day because of tight working and trading schedule. I think it doesn’t affect my abilities and performance.

Yep… know how that feels… a good night 6 hours… most nights 4 hours… including weekends.

This business is going to kill me… Trading from the Asian zone is a PIA… 3 - 4 am normal bedtime.

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What do you guys use to relax before sleep?
I usually read for a bit, that helps me drift off.

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How do you survive with 4 hours of sleep? Don’t you feel groggy? :sweat:

I diffuse essential oils. Reading doesn’t work for me. My brain becomes more active when I read. :sweat:

It depends. If I have a lot to do it’s enough for me to sleep about 3-4 hours, but usually it takes 7-9 hours

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Do you feel groggy when you only sleep for 3-4 hours? That’s good, at least on most days you get the recommended amount of sleep. :blush:

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In fact, I feel burst of energy if I don’t sleep enough :joy: But I feel groggy if such a short sleep goes on for 5 or more days)

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I try to sleep 6-8 hours cause it is good for our body and healthy lifestyle.

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First time I heard someone who’s more energetic even with lack of sleep. :joy: Good for you.

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I agree. It’s just that sometimes it’s so hard to sleep that much. :sweat:

That depends on how tired one is, usually. Also, a comfortable mattress and a comfortable pillow.

Same here i also like reading some good stuff before sleeping, it also keep me away from my phone, which is really a bad addiction

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I read stuff on my phone usually. :joy:
But I still fall asleep anyway.

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