How many hours do you sleep?

Thanks I’ll do that. In my Yoga class, the instructor sometimes asks us to inhale once and exhale twice and it helps me relax.

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I have never been to an actual yoga class. How does one exhale twice exactly?

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Thru each nostril.


Hahaha, now that’s a mental image.

I sleep 8 hours a day when I can. The problem is sometimes I sleep so late but I have to wake up at a specific time the following day.


Just try to exhale some more after the first time you exhale. :blush: Try a class. Some poses are hard but it’s very relaxing after. After a class it feels like I just had a massage. :blush:

trust me, I feel you on that. I have to wake up every morning around 5;45,6am to get ready for work. Sometimes I don’t go to bed until after 2-3am, but my body has semi-adjusted to it. So about 4hrs seems to be the avg for me LOL

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Ohh,I see. Thank you for explaining that! :smiley:

If only sleeping at a specific time at night were automatic life would be easier.

something like this is happening with me as well nowadays, not able to sleep on time, tried many things but nothing helps, from past couple of days i am hardly taking sleep for 3-4 hours daily,

Do you take naps during the day? :relaxed:

I would like to admit that I sleep a lot. If I don’t sleep 9-10 hours, then I can’t function smoothly. I am trying to do some yoga and meditation. I have heard that they help you in attaining inner peace which would be an alternative to sleeping long hours.


7 usually, though I never sleep all the way through

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I get the statutory 6 hours of sleep a day. Thank you for asking.

NOOO :rofl:

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5-6 hours for Benji too

You’re one of the lucky ones. Yeah try yoga. :blush:

Oh no… I hope you get that worked out soon. That’s really bad for your health. :sweat:

It all depends how much I am using my brain during day and if I have some interesting topic on which I am working. Sometimes, I sleep 3-4 hours, sometimes 7-8 when I have nothing important to do

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I guess around 5-6 hrs as well.

I really want to try Yoga. It has been on my to-do list forever, but I never seem to really be able to initiate it.

It should improve the quality of my sleep…

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