I have developed a new DDE trading system, and it is FREE!

I believe that you do not have enough memory (RAM) space, but I would like to know when did this message showed:
Did it showed when you used the sorting buttons?
Did it showed when you first time opened the excel file (The worksheet system)?
Did it showed when you close the excel file (The worksheet system)?

Also, make sure that you have updated your windows…

help please

Hello… What is the problem

Thanks for the reply.

It showed after 15 to 30 minutes. I believe it happen when the system trying to calculate the signals.

Okay. I have limited the conditional formatting… Please try the below version and let me know:

DDE Trading Sysetm Limited conditional formatting

Hello I have windows 7 64 bit and 64 bit enabled Excel 2013 and nothing works here is my screen. you have to temp you connected to my pc and repaired her ?

Okay give me four days, I will try to program the system in order to load the data from both MT4 and MT5 by using API… Also, I am working on the system to let it connect Metatrader directly and do the trade automatically.


you may try this small App until I finish the final version of the excel sheet. please, download from bellow:

SETS MT4 Signals New

you need to run MT4, the open the App… you need to set your clock to be in GMT… the system will not give you any signal out the best time to trade.

Hello thank you for your help and you well in Service ?

not a mistake here

hi Mohammed2015,

I am getting the signals. But it comes stayed few minutes and disappeared . Again appear and so on. Does all the signal should execute immediately or will be in pending? because the signals i am getting are far away from the point1 and point2.and the signal opening point, TP level , SL level are changing continuously…
Thanks in advance and appreciating your valuable effort.

Hi. I subscribe to what you just said. In my case the issues I have are:

-the order stays on for maybe 5 seconds then disappears (I have to take a screen shot in order to look at the numbers properly) - by the time I try to enter the 1st direct order, I find it that the price action already reached the TP.

Other than that, the template looks extremely professional - this is a guy that knows his stuff!

Hello… you do not need to take a screenshot… you need only to click on the button which called “HTML Signals Output” when the signals appeared… Please see the picture below:

Here is the last-up-to-date version [MF800002]:

DDE Trading Sysetm[MF800002]

Oh sorry, Please try this one below… you need to setup the software :slight_smile:


Hello thank you but I now many error

hello… Click abort or ignore

Thanks for your reply. I know I’m pushing it a bit - can you make it suffix friendly? My main platform is under Tallinex (adds “ecn” to each pair) and it’s not capturing any DDE signals.

I will look in to this issue and come back when it ready.

I have fixed this issue for you… Please, download the below file:

DDE Trading Sysetm Tallinex

Hello here I was after ignoring any errors. the software does not launch