ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

I was just wondering. Optimal trade entry sounds like a generic holy grail entry name to me that’s actually what I thought it was when I first heard him speak on it. I didn’t know he seriously labelled something optimal trade entry.

and remember, vic noble calls it the “noble entry” for many many years now too lol :wink:

Could be… I don’t know…

I am not an expert so forgive me if I am wrong:

ICT OTE: 70.5%
Vic Noble entry: 79%
Chris Lori OTE: ??

If I remember correctly, ICT mentions that its between 62% and 79%.
And 70.5 is the exact midpoint between.

Aha! So that’s what OTE stands for…just the 61.8% and 78.6% Fib ratios.

I just coined the term Non OTE on my thread because my entries are always less than optimum lol. Doesn’t mean they don’t work though.

So was this sarcastic?
Or you really wanted to know?

Both :smiley:

Just curious i am no a forum guy not many on it. But was wondering if this guy was some other kind of jacko guy or he didnt scammed people???

a couple of people paid for private mentoring, so make of that what you will



I believed ICT is affiliated or actually Chris Lori. He promoted Chris Lori’s stuff like crazy in his webinars and in his posts. Well, at the end, it’s the mighty dollar that matters…

He couldn’t be one in the same. He was promoting him for his own financial gain as he was going to be a guest speaker. When Lori gave him the boot, the promoting stopped.

He should watch this

ICT broke the guru’s codes by showing his actual trading…

The guru’s codes show that one should always sound smart and pretend to be rich but never ever, ever, ever show your real result…

Excellent video. Disagree with his assertion on discretionary trading however.

So the first 15 seconds of the video is a good example of managing distractions and how they can impact your focus?

I don’t get why the very first time I saw his posts, I knew that he’s full of it. However, a lot of people don’t and praise him as God… most of his faithful followers are losing too… what do you expect when ICT are just another loser himself.

Based on your amazing powers of observations, who would you say [B]isn’t[/B] full of it here on babypips?
And like I said in a previous post, I think ICT is genuine and if and when he ever proves this, I’m sure a lot of people will feel very very small.

Define genuine.

In this context, someone who is not a scammer and a successful forex trader