ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

And what circumstantial evidence supports your belief?

How about the proven ability to help others to imrpove. That does not mean that one will automatically make others become succesful traders, as there is a personal aspect to trading that requires development, discipline, etc. But if one could help others to develop their skills in a meaningful way, that moves them further down the road twoards becoming a succesful consistant trader, is that person not the real deal? I mean anyone who fits that descirption…

You are thankful for information provided that was widely available for free. Everyone says how they learned one or two things but will not be replicating ICT for the simple reason is that there is no methodology to replicate. Just a bag of tools.

TRO had a bag of tools as well. Over 100 individually generated EAs and custom indicators and all sorts of goodies.

However, no one seemed to be able to actually profit from them, but boy were they thankful.

Education is one thing. Implementation is something else entirely. We all know how to drive a car around the block, but not many of us can be pitted against professional Indy racers and expect to have a fighting chance.

not mastergunner99

Now I get why you are an ict follower…

That picture explains why I should have drank less in college. She looks different after five beers.

What does ICT have to do with what I said? You don’t “get” anything…

Shhhhhhhhhh! Sock puppets should be seen and not heard.

None. But then again do you have any circumstantial evidence that you aren’t a scammer or that you are a successful trader? But nuggets that I have learnt from ICT have helped me in my trading. Sure I could have got those nuggets elsewhere, but that’s like saying I met my wife because of my friend Joe Bloggs introduced us - but actually if my friend wasn’t there, I would have met my wife anyway …

So, if I’ve got this right, you’re saying your wife is a forex nugget?

She definitely is a nugget, but has no interest in forex which isn’t a bad thing

Lets see, ICT starts posting at BP around 2010, the main strategy is generic one with floor pivots, the thread for some reason was popular even though people couldn’t agree how to take a trade. some posters were very enthusiastic saying how great ICT was… one of them was caught in a sock puppeting scheme… the very same ICT was behind it promoting his “methods”. Months laters ICT came back to BP… this time with a very structure plan and course… that resembled forexmentor’s strategy course including (obviously) Chris Lori… at the same time ict “creates” ProTradersClub… guess who has a webpage called protradersclub?? yes, Chris Lori.

around 2011 ICT posts videos rebranding tools that have been around for decades… then introduces OTE, he says he created OTE in 1997… but the first reference of OTE is 2009 Chris Lori course (WTF!!!) as soon OTE and other stuff was presented to BP newbies he started to mention Chris Lori in his reviews and posts. If you were an ICT follower the best paid course out there was Chris Lori’s… pure word of mouth marketing… last year was so obvious he was an marketer of Chris Lori when they try to stage a two man seminar… the whole thing backfired and you know the rest of the story…

My guess is that ICT IS a “real” sock puppet of Chris Lori… ICT realized the power of BP new traders traffic, and joined that with the marketing machine and “expertise” from Chris Lori

Now, do the tools works?? well can you do an sculpture with a nail clipper?? yes the tools might work actually anything might work in FX… is the approach that is premeditated and deliberately confusing… so newbies are always asking for more… a new pattern that will make them rich…

Should you be thankful for ict presentation of the tools?? yes and no… yes because he at least introduced you to this world of FX… and NO because he before hand use his own branding for the tools, lie to you saying he was a millionare making 5.000-10.000 dollars in just few minutes, sock puppeting his threads, redirecting you to another marketer (Chris Lori) when all the knowledge is at your finger tips…

So guys do not follow (trust) anyone… be aware of marketing stunts like this one, read a lot of books, search the internet, and use whatever makes sense to you. Remember 400 meters record man Michael Johnson?? experts said his stride was too short but nonetheless he was a champion… in trading you make your own style that fits your tolerance to greed and fear.

PS please, forgive my english :slight_smile:

I am making no claims of being a multimillionaire full time trader. There’s plenty of circumstantial evidence supporting that I am everything that I have claimed I am.

ICT may have introduced you to aspects of Forex, but it really ends there. Everything else you did on your own, or you were just spinning plates trying to make sense of everything he bombarded you with.

Thanks a lot yunny1.

This is why I don’t watch horror movies!!

That picture will give me nightmares tonight!! Just great :frowning:

He was perhaps an affiliate for Lori, but it doesn’t make sense that he would list ICT as a guest speaker then remove him after the meltdown if you was ICT.

I agree with you in that your identity is genuine and I have respect for you for doing that so openly but where is the circumstantial evidence that you are a successful trader?

The people that have already dabbled with my methodology have found success. Their continued success is a clear illustration that my methodology works.

No one is telling me how it doesn’t work. No one.

Logic would assert that since I employ the same methodology, the results would be the same for me.

[ ] People told ICT his methods didn’t work.
[ ] Long term profitability using MG methodolgy has been proven.
[ ] Two people trading the same methodolgy will achieve the same reults.
[X] ???.

Where is the evidence they have found success? Any myfxbooks with a live account over the span of a few years showing their success? Your methodology is interesting and spins things completely differently to the conventional way of trading, but to judge whether it is successful or not can only be supported with REAL evidence, not words. It’s easy for me to say I trade using ICTs methods and make a huge amount of money … these are words … until I show evidence, the words mean nothing, especially in forums.

I think that’s why it’s called “circumstantial”…:wink: