ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

Nice Trade G. I saw this trade, mentioned it in a post, but lacked the confidence to trade it. Glad you made money. When I last checked Fiber, it was at 1.3350-ish. When I saw your post I had to check, as I had no idea it got below 1.33. Way to go!

Thanks, I actually caught the Cable, perfect entry .01 lots @ 45 pips & .01 @ 100. Was gonna let the second portion run but couldn’t resist 100 pips…
Was a great way to clear my head from last weeks carry on, he he.

Whether ICT is who he says, or if he is hugely successful or not, it really proves one thing: never trust anyone and if you really want to be successful, devise your own technique. What I will say is that ICTs video contents hugely helped me develop and I gained some fantastic nuggets from him. If you put a knife to my throat and asked if I thought he was genuine, I would say yes. He dedicated 3 years or so teaching his stuff, the packaging in terms of the music, content and structure was of a high quality, he never asked for a penny and the times that I e-emailed him with queries, he would respond with incredible knowledge. His weekly reviews were always in tune with the market outcome. He proved he can trade in November on the Oanda account. Then he promised a series of forexmas videos but that never materialised due to a family bereavement. His mood changed, I noticed a deflated ICT and he was on the attack a lot more. If someone who has built such a reputation wants to quit, what better way to go then to stage a live challenge collapse.

Admit it, he was a con artist.
He didn’t ask for money, but loved the attention, that’s why he had to draw it out for 3 years, always delaying stuff.
Yes there are nuggets in the tools, and he packaged them nicely, but was he the real deal, no! He was and still is full of it.
People hung onto every word for 3 years in the hope that they would become rich one day. He should apologise to them, some even changed their lifestyle because if he could do it, they could too.
He should be charged. I quit following after 3 months and I’m glad I did, otherwise I would have been a wreck now, look at poor AK, what does he do now that his hero is invalidated. He must have been in the chat room when ICT apparently showed up and spilled the beans that he knew he would never achieve the goal of a million in 3 years. That’s probably why he got himself banned. He modelled his whole life on ICT, now what?
ICT is irresponsible for leading people on for 3 years. Why not just present the material, why go for all that emotional garbage, just to get peoples hopes up? Easy, because that way you get them hooked and then it feeds your ego for 3 years while you drag it out, and the moment they get restless you promise them some new age gimick, or some old story about a monk and some jade or whatever he used to get people following along. He was on a high and got pissed off when anybody questioned him. Yes, I know we should be grateful blah blah blah, but in a way he got something out of it too. He got to be famous for a while, and he loved it. Watch him reappear. He’s addicted

I can’t even believe there was a family death at this point. Never trust a known liar.

Probably was his a real $ account that died…explains alot…lol.

You know, for all I know he was legit. But this is one of the big reasons why I don’t like to work with myfxbooks. I don’t like a crowd watching over me, my trading is my focus and I don’t want others to discuss what I do. It may influence how I run my scripts and have a negative effect on my trading. I have no real reason to doubt if he was real ( and I have nothing to lose by believing so) but I think he cracked under the public eye he called upon himself. He said he wanted a crowd, he just came back on that.

Maybe, maybe not. I’m not bothered either way as I’m here to make money using my own techniques. But on my journey, I took some serious leaps forward from ICTs material. A con artist doesn’t provide accurate, insightful material. Some of his methods work, some are common sense. Anyone who is annoyed for wasting their time should look in the mirror and blame the person in front of them.

What would be really amazing is if the teacher could actually trade the accurate, insightful material himself.
I never said I wasted my time, I learned a lot, but this isn’t about gratitude, I poured out my thanks to him in email as well as on his threads- its about a huge ego pretending to care when all he wanted was fame. And there are many ways of looking at the same thing. Take a look at Nikita’s thread, she has a simple way of looking at the market which sometimes ties in with the concept of the “Judas” swing. But if you just look at the “judas” (Damn I hate that term) on its own, you can get your butt kicked into space, in fact it was probably the same concept that was the undoing of the master himself.

I’ve done a lot of reflection since leaving the compound, and one thing I realised is that the only person I can trust is me. In forex …

I think it’s more about the deception than about time being wasted…and most people do blame themselves for being so gullible. A con artist does provide accurate, and insightful methods…it’s already out there and verifiable. They just re-packaged it in a way that that was perhaps easier to relate to for some…in this case the gamer types…and that’s what con artists are good at…identifying a behaviour they can exploit. I think his use of the words puppets & puppeteer revealed just that.

off topic… Does anyone know who was the creator of the “optimal trade entry”?

Chris Lori has it on his website…How to Win at Forex: Chris Lori Optimal Trade Entry & Position Management Course

Don’t you sell visitation to your trades for a $119 a month?
It would hardly communicate success by using a Demo Account on MFB when you could valid yourself with a live account via MFB?

Taking potshots while using a Demo account doesn’t really carry the same punch now does it? What keeps you from using a Real Account in MFB?

Why would you quit after a small sampling and close it before anyone really can judge if VSA or your ability warrants a fee associated to it?

I’m not trying to come across as critical, just find it a bit funny to see a Demo Account used here for measuring purposes.

Tally Ho!

I was just trying out myfxbook…chill out dude lol. Welcome to Babypips.

…and here’s a forum posting from 2009…still Chris Lori… Forex Mentor: Position Management & Optimal Trade Entry

Hi Michael
welcome back

Well, according to this post ( 301 Moved Permanently ) ICT created OTE in 1997… weird, uhh?

you are saying ICT is actually Chris Lori?

edit…just joking, but is there a connection…

Do they both call 70.5 OTE or same name for different points?

Michael may suck at trading but he does seem to have a lot of info collected and remembered. Although this is the Internet not real time.

I have no idea…I think its’ the same course just that the 2nd link dates back to at least 2009 …before ICT showed up?