ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

You have received none of that from ICT, yet you believe him to be genuine and a successful trader. You are contradicting yourself.

I think Joe Bloggs is his wife…

Hardly. I am allowed to have beliefs and my belief is that he is genuine. I’ve said it before, I don’t care if he is indeed genuine or not, makes no difference to my life or trading. The point I am trying to make is that you will find very few people on these forums come out and PROVE that they are consistently profitable. Without proof, the only credibility is test driving whatever theory, method or strategy that person is writing about. If I started a new thread saying that I make £10k a month with a particular strategy, I’d get some interest from naive newbies, some from the old timers for interests sake but pretty much everyone will at some point think scam or clown trader. Now think what would happen if I showed REAL proof.

Ps: I don’t have a strategy that makes me £10k a month

My point I was to attempting to make is that if you have no qualms believing he is genuine and a multimillionaire philanthropic trader when the circumstantial evidence dispels that idea, you should have no question in your mind where I stand when the circumstantial evidence supports a positive assertion of me.

Quick lesson in gender and names:
Mr = male
Joe = Joseph = male
Wife = female

Hopefully this will help you in life.

I think we are going round in circles here so let’s agree to disagree on this one.

What are we disagreeing on?

I think ICT is genuine, you don’t. You think circumstantial evidence is enough to prove success, I don’t and think only real evidence will do.
We do agree on one important thing: We both are here to make money

Well if the guy can’t provide circumstantial proof let alone real proof, how can you believe he’s genuine/sucessful? What would it take to change your belief?

People still believe and talk highly of “[B]I[/B][B]C[/B]an’t[B]T[/B]rade”? No wonder there’re plenty of people who pay thousands of dollars for a Forex robot ^^

We are still talking about ICT because that’s what this thread is about. How did you make a connection between people who believe highly in ICT to people who pay thousands of dollars for a forex robot?

Because there are some gems and nuggets in his videos that made a HUGE difference to my trading. I’ve never come across them before and the way those videos are structured and packaged with precision, that is not the work of a scammer/amateur or time waster.
I guess if he blew his new myfxbook then I would sway the other way until then, I’ll stick by my belief that he is genuine.

He’s got a new myfxbook?

Dude, his video work is amateur. Any generic software for editing could do that. That doesn’t translate into financial success.

Plenty of people said they didn’t work. Around this time last year, there was a mini-revolt with Pure & Ake losing faith due to failure.

I never said it translates to financial success. The content of some of those videos, albeit heavy in some parts contains some hidden gems. If he is indeed genuine and makes a lot of money trading, that’s doesn’t mean everyone who watches those videos will follow.

Did you ever follow the turtle traders? That exercise proves that even if you outline a strategy to the same group of people, some make money and some lose. Its human nature. So think about, ICT throws his whole tool set at you, some complex subjective stuff and you expect everyone to pick it up and make money. No chance. The only way that I know of making money is to come up with your own unique strategy BUT apply other techniques to supplement yours with serious hard work.

Due to launch one in April apparently, together with his website.

What gems? What specifically?

The problem was that there were so many tools, he didn’t even know how to trade them.

Metatrader 4 comes complete with templates and hundreds of indicators. Why aren’t we all rich with all the gems just handed to us?

Tools are nothing. Using the tools is the key to success.