ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

I want to correct myself. Using the tools is not enough. Creating an edge with the tools is the key to success.

the high or low of GBPUSD is made 80% of the time by end of Tuesday. That’s a basic one which I’ve mentioned before but don’t use yet. There are two others which fit my strategy that I do use in some capacity albeit modified slightly but I’ll park those closely by my side.

You should know the answer to this one: indicators are useless, well at least on their own. And I think we are making progress because I AGREE with you on your last point.

How is it a gem if you haven’t figured out what to do with it?

Well so far you’re the only one who claims they do :wink: Have you read all the Alternate Technical Templates threads? There are some gems and nuggets in there too.

It would take unlearning many of the concepts though I agree much of it can be found in various places. It would take undoing all those times that I won trades using his concepts, even though I did not let trades run long enough or apply his teachings on risk management well enough and lack the lifestyle it would take to seriously trade the LO. It would take un-hearing and un-seeing his presentations which were of professional quality in my view, where he demonstrated the ability to pivot between and connect concepts in a polished way, that I’ve seen highly regarded professionals also do.

No offense Sweet Pip, in honesty I always respect where you’re coming from, and MG (very often) as well. I agree that some very odd things seemed to happen. Is ICT everything his most loyal students (including me) think he is? You know, possibly not all the things, and no one can know. I would love to see someone show me another nearly complete trading plan as the one he published last year. Frankly, what he did teach and show ‘thought process’ in his series of free videos is unlike anything I can find for free on the net. It’s the combination of his material and how it was presented (and the work he put in to all of it).

Btw… Does anyone remember the free ICT book link he made available that had hundreds of books on it. There were literally hundreds of great trading books he shared.

I wish that he had not posted a couple of the comments he did. I can understand it, and I excuse it, because under stress, anyone can freak out a little. Moreover, I am satisfied with what I got out of the mentor / quasi-protege Internet situation. I’m not ready to resign my job tomorrow, but I’m not terrified of cutbacks either. I do wish that he had done a little more to convey that the respect was two sided this past month.

Sorry for the overly long response to your question Sweet Pip that was not even aimed at me. I believe he’s genuine, because he helped me to help myself grasp a thought process. If he is that 18 year old kid living in his parents basement, then he’s a really knowledgeable kid with very professional presentation skills.

He already blew one account in only three weeks… If he blows the new one I bet he will say again that he did it on purpose

In his last webinar after all the “tick removing” drama and leaving BP… he [B]swore[/B] that all the BS was over, and then next trading week he lost 10% of the account. Could you explain that?

I always hear about this hidden gems… which ones?? Anything groundbreaking?? In his thread, about day trading, half of the people is short the other half is long (!!!) A lot of winning trades but all after the fact NONE live trades

ICT tools??? NONE and I mean NONE were created by him… not even the trinity stuff…

While I agree that the results of a strategy might vary from one person to another, the least you can expect is that the majority of hardcore followers have to be succesful… Traders with 3 year following this guy hardly make it break even… And why?? because his job is to confuse gullible new traders and then pitch the “chris lori” sales
After some “well spent” dollars you realized that [B]“S/R triumphs everything”[/B] OMG :o

Who said I haven’t figured out what to do with it? I said I don’t use that one YET but I definitely will because it tips probabilities in your favour if you have a bias going into the week. My full time job comes first, family second and forex third so excuse me for not being able to use all three gems that I picked up. But two out of three is good enough for me.

I DON’T use ICTs techniques, and I’m not here defending him. I just said I believe he is genuine maybe because I feel some gratitude for helping me improve, maybe gut, who knows. Like I said countless times before, I don’t care if he isn’t genuine.

His teaching is based on S/R … And only 5 if that videos out of 100 plus mention chris lori although peterma could most likely verify the actual number

Then why use a random number to enter a trade? That means he does NOT understand very well S/R or he wants to confuse new traders… Well about the videos… I think there is more than 5 mentions of Chris Lori… just check his last video, guess what…yes Chris Lori…

Yunny is a closet ICT fan? Watching his videos late at night…
Wait till PishPosh or whatever his name is comes on here and says you have been “owned” lol

That’s what baffles me. You should care if he’s not genuine, because you care enough to believe he is.

I dunno why you are still pressing the point MG99. It seems obvious to everyone, but people still think based on feelings and faith. I think that there are probably people who do not think logically or choose not to who always believe in these things. Makes sense, because if people were logical, no-one would fall for scams and they would not exist. The fact that scams do exist and are profitable show that there is a section of society that regularly believes in them. Oh, PM’d you btw.

good question. I asked the same thing, why he said those losses he was taking were real and were being reflected in his “bigger accounts” also. Yet a week after more losses he just says “naw im just messin around really”

But when i asked that question the mods jumped all over it and Pm’d me more than one time so far about questioning ICT lmao :58:


In all seriousness though, why am I constantly getting warned not to post questions asking if hes actually successful or not ??? Anyone else get these PM’s?

Nope, just you :wink:

I’m starting to think so :34::34:

Maybe try questioning other teachers/gurus in their threads and see what’s the outcome? (I am serious)

Wonder how much of the 5k he has left. Few big horse races this weekend here in Aus, so I will email him a few tips(do the form on Friday).

I was wondering that myself. I think he is still trading it and will open it back to myfxbooks on April 10th. Always interesting.