ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception.

Now tell me that what you said made any sense. I openly said I had a new account and had nothing to hide. No one even really knows me on either account so what’s it really matter. Sorry I wanted a new name?

What am I trying to deceive?


Because the mods are his *****es. He earned 20k a week, trading 2, 3 times a week, ya remember?

Here is the full article:

Little Huddlerock, TX.–After getting away with placing educated blind bets on foreign currency pairs for nearly two weeks, Brooke Belzer, a junior in Little Huddlerock High today abruptly quit and shut down her account, leaving her religiously devoted Twitter and Suckerer followers in total disbelief.

Miss Belzer was initially a subject and part of the large government study on stock and futures trading which compared human results of trading to those of inebriated Norfolk Gray hens.
Following the famous study of Lusha, the chimpanzee who outperformed 94% of Russia bankers with her investment portfolio, researchers at the Texas Institute of Technology (TIT) decided to essentially retest this research by upping the odds in the favor of the human subjects. Consequently, Tit scientists served best and brightest of the broker chickens with corn dipped in straight whiskey./ approx. half an hour before letting them pluck at their online trading platforms.

We managed to contact Miss Belzer on Skype. She gave us a following statement:

““The idiots over Babypips that think they have it figured out or that this is a bust… Watch this account! I will casually grow it to over 1 million dollars. The guys and one gal who I wasted time on… not the other way around can blame whatever they want on me… but it is these same people that latch lips to @$$ on whoever gives them the time of day. When you post your mickey mouse BS trying to knock someone like me… you look even more silly.””

To our question on why did she make a tantrum and if it maybe was that time of the month, she responded with;
"Yes I am loaded… yes I am going to grow this over 1 million dollars… yes to those who don’t find my work or insights valuable… can kiss my @$$. I don’t have to be nice to you and I couldn’t give a rat’s @$$ what you think of me. Please continue to entertain me with your posts… I won’t block you. You are my lil’ biπ©¢€$ and I will keep you as my pets. “”

I’m crying in tears over that article. ICT finally caught some fame. I’m picking up a copy and framing that.

And a sweet promo spot for Babypips at that.

I think this is a fake of an Onion story. They used that girl’s name for a story before, but it wasn’t trading related. Actually the girl they wrote about was rather giving more than trading… I think this is a fake, but I could be wrong.

Without a doubt it’s fake. But it had to have originated from here, making fun of ICT. I know a guy that works for the Onion. I’m going to call him on Monday and see if I can get the inside scoop.

That is really cool, if you could update us I am very interested.

I love how the article doesn’t even exist and everyone is jumping on this bandwagon, oh the irony.


I guess there is no age limit in trading… Wow…a 15 year old girl? who knew.

Just to be clear, I think that someone on BP (probably Konan) created a fake Onion story. We all know The Onion publishes fake news. I don’t think this story was ever in the Onion, but the Onion used this girl’s name regarding a separate story they made up (a while ago) about a girl who… was known for hand-outs (not sure how else to say it.) If MG thinks that this might have really been in the Onion, and know someone who can verify that, I would find that interesting.

OK… Google this girls name and The Onion…

Oh my… what?! Geez. Why would they make a joke about this girl who already past away? Unless, they could been have the same name?

Hope MG find something about it… This is not fair for her and her family who keep using her name to use as a joke…

Its not real…

Look at the bottom edge… definitely its either drop shadow or a poor cut out my money’s on the poor cut out.

Look @ the onion none of their photo’s have drop shadows in any of their shopped photos lol

It’s like he wanted to show us how derp his free hand lasso tool skills are.

Should’ve started with creating a layer mask.

Indeed. No wonder ICT sounded weird in the videos.

That is funny.

Just because no one has spotted it yet…

Remind you of anyone’s name? Huddlerock… Huddlestone?

Great Catch! I’m sure no one noticed that five seconds in to reading the article.