ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

Good for him. I know he was doing really well the last I remember

yeah don’t quote me on it, but I think he said something to that effect in chat almost a year ago.

Thanks for sharing pip mart.

Another Forex success story…

Wow! Let’s not even talk about his trading for a moment. This guy is a real piece of work. I think he’s schizophrenic.

Hmm I’m taking that teenage story with a pinch of salt, but if it’s true it’s not exactly encouragement for normal folks. He was a child prodigy and is headed towards becoming a quant in his freshman year… Not your run-of-the-mill babypips member.

yea dont compare yourself to clark lol. also id like to mention he has posted on ICT’s myfxbook 2 days or so ago. I think he lurks babypips. I like how he says if he can do it at 13 we can do it lol. That’s really crazy 2 million at 20 years old. I bet he pulls mad biatches

also found this funny

So, he is breaking? Strange statement for someone who didn’t mind trolls. And weren’t the BP flames related to his poor performance? I gues he is missing a couple of things, or he is at the least not honest, or both. Anyway, there is just one known sock puppeteer that we know of and that was himself with Frompoortoriches.

ICT: Trade with the process in mind… not the feeding of crows to the critics… they do not matter in the end. No rushing and no rule breaking. You can do this bro… relax, sight 'em up… and take 'em down.

As a side note: I hope the moderators keep the trolls from this thread. I can take it… but I would hope the respect is shared towards you for having the brass to step out and roll.

I am sure his following drop by once in a while. I just hope that they don’t pay for any stuff before he showed the real trading. I know that he has no future sales plan, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t have one in future.

[B]Funny. He said he scripted the whole challenge. I am curious how this matches up with his script. It looks like the seperation phase ended. [/B]

I thought he was aquitted of the sock puppeter charges…something about getting hacked.

His account was no more hacked than yours or mine.
It was the start of things to come & should have been taken as an an early warning signal.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but all along the way we’re now being reminded of people sounding alarm bells that were brushed aside as jealous, snippy digs at him.

And if the forum management had applied their rules correctly they could have avoided all this upheaval.
Yet still, after all this embarrassing circus performance his sticky is up there in the menu of Newbie Island mocking them.

it is such a shame that people are coming in here and using their brains to 120% capacity just to lure genuine people into a trap for gains. This ICT experience so far showed that if he cannot even make his own system work and if he is being effected by one or two bad comments maybe he should not even be in this traders society. Maybe he will make 1 million or maybe not. Either way he lost his credibility. BUT i must admit that this all pro traders club, ICT legend thing has been created smartly to lure people in (even me at some point). I give credits for this perfect marketing scam. I am sure that there are traders in BP that are making some pips from ICT s teachings but than again people who are serious and eager to learn on how to trade they will definitely gain consistent pips over time.
i hope that we will have a scam free BP going forward

psh if this has taught me nething its that the money isnt in trading its in scamming gullible people. I’m working on my con right now. Well after i finish this raid in wow…

hey you have got to let us know your plans. Nothing beats a good old conning hehe
waiting patiently :-))

Yeah, Mike’s smooth talking tap-dance around the sock puppet issue and his childish behavior deleting all the content as he headed for the door pretty much showed the cut of his jib as early as 03/2010

When I attempted to step up with my opinion regarding ICT not only did I get berated by the man himself but also by the admin. :56:

Look at how popular his myfxbook is. He draws crowds and number. Ones i didnt even imagine really. that’s a lot of add revenue for you to be shooing away :smiley:

Aye, & as lyaJenkei alluded to, the more savvy amongst us on here know precisely why that was don’t we :wink:

click click clickedy click

Thing is, that clowns credibility isn’t the only one being ground into the dirt by his juvenile feet stomping.
The longer they keep him hoisted up on their flag pole as some kind of shining example to newbies far & wide, the less credible they appear.

February is probably not his best month. Just noticed that he had another trade against him, and the equity is even lower, so there is another trade open that is not doing well. It would be interesting to see his opinion about what goes wrong, for analysis purposes.

I bet he does lol. If he is trolling (or ghosting would be a better word) you should stop and say hi sometime a-hole lol

Damn. MG’s right, again… myfxbook is private again…

You think he’d actually just get lucky and win one at some point.

It would be interesting to know why they decided to bestow that privilege on the thread in the first place.
It’s not like it’s user friendly towards newbies.

I vote that flag should be lowered & replaced with Andy Perry’s 3 Ducks thread instead.
The structure of that set up is based on common sense & logic.
It’s also presented in a professional manner by a very polite & humble individual who addresses everyone with respect & brings no ego or histrionics to the forum.

His conduct, behaviour & strategy epitomises everything positive about this forum & newbies should be so lucky to find that excellent guide post as an intoductory first step to trading this market.