ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

System is gone on myfxbook

You know with as well as he can predict the future I am starting to think MG might actually be ICT. Didnt that quote on ICT state he trolled the trolls hmmmmmmm just something to think about :54:

Returned to Pre - ICT status

Think it is time the same happens here as he requested and we move on with our own trading journeys. To make that happen though, the sticky would also need to be removed, and I agree that maybe 3 ducks should go up there instead. A nice simple system that is very friendly to newbies.

How happy I am that I did not follow blindly and I thought about everything I use. No, I didn’t make 30% in Feb like someone else bragged that he was going to make, but just shy of 5% is profit, so I am happy. Not so sure he is though.

So am I the troll trolling another troll, assuming I’m ICT?

Or am I admitting I’m a troll and I’m trolling myself under the same assumption?

That would be funny…:slight_smile:

Funny you should mention ClarkFX - he does have a myfxbook:

ClarkFX System | Myfxbook

That would be crazy if true.

How would I break that to my wife, “Honey, I’m really a losing trader on the Internet and I’ve been living a double life. Will you still love me? You don’t have to say yes, but before you do let me show you my gun collection. Where are you going? It’s not in the basement silly girl. I keep my gun collection safe on the Internet. Here let me show you, but gimme a second, I have to talk to the computer for thirty minutes about bond prices and highs and lows and this guy named Judas Swing. Then will you love me?”

I’ll tell her then, if that helps you… :slight_smile: That is the kinda guy I am, always ready to help out… :wink:

Lmao. MG’s posts always crack me up.

Did he delete his account, or just made it private?

He just made it private. Here’s the link Error | Myfxbook

Usually it would appear as something like “the system was deleted by its creator” if it got deleted.

That confirms what I thought… Thanks Bun!

He made it private… looks like he is in deep red again… I guess he still is holding that trade hoping for a least a breakeven

You know the script: Losing trades are a just for trolling the trolls, Winning trades show how he is the “God” of trading :smiley:

You know I wish he would have waiting 15 more days to leave. Then he would have left on the 1 year anniversary of the last time he left

Yeah… i never could figure out why he left the first time… or is this his third time? If history repeats itself he will be back.

Yeah, he really taught us a lesson… He certainly trolled the Trolls… :wink:

It’s not private. He deleted it. So I guess the show is over.dang.

Yup, looks like it… Smart of him that he didn’t use his ICT name, otherwise he couldn’t have used that… Now all discussions are conveniently removed.

Did he remove his Twitter as well???

Yep twitter and YouTube.

That was a complete meltdown.