ICT 5K to 1M challenge, discussion

So who is next on the list??? :wink:

Ha ha funny! I remember when Tymen left it was almost immediately when ICT came thru the revolving doorā€¦ I wonder if the mods have a line of them waiting, just to keep BP on a roll :33:

Ask Michaā€¦ I mean MG. :wink:

It is all a matter of time. Perhaps we only have to replace names with new names and use the old threads again if another one pops upā€¦:slight_smile:

Ha! I already prewrote my exit rant.

A bit Matrix like if you enjoyed that series. A series of events that leads to the eventual destruction of everything, then the players of the game (the gatekeeper and the oracle) start it all over againā€¦

I disregard the trilogy, I only accept the original Matrix.

Now you mention itā€¦ Yeah, a bit like thatā€¦ :slight_smile: Or in an annoying way, such as Groundhogdayā€¦:slight_smile:

Hmmm, pity. I didnā€™t follow ICT much but I always wanted to download his material. Even a losing trader may have some bright ideas that could be further developed.

I am just wondering why ICT went bust. Excessive position sizing? Did the constant trolling / criticism tilt him psychologically? Did he go Martingale as his losses accumulated? Does anyone have an autopsy?

The way I see it, ICT would never have embarked on this challenge in the first place if he didnā€™t believe he could succeed. So his intentions were true. Now Iā€™m just wondering what went ā€œwrongā€, or if in fact his trading system was performing within expectations and ICT simply quit because of the pressure / hassle. $5k -> $1m entails high risk, and you shouldnā€™t bat an eyelid even at 20% drawdown.

He created a presence of infallibility. Donā€™t you recall how much shock and awe he promised. He was drinking his own Kool-Aid and hyping himself up for the challenge.

8 pips a day he said. And we see how even that can be difficult to obtain.

He should have accounted for high risk and high variance, but he didnā€™t understand the math behind that. He was about show, not about results.

He created quite a set of stringent rules - which was great, but then he went and broke almost all of them. Lose a certain % a day and leave the market for that day. Same for the week. No more than 3% risk (I think) amongst others. He traded without stoplosses, lost up to 6% per trade and eventually lost it with the ego he had hanging around his neck.

The guy he was to be a guest speaker for had as one of his big rules to keep the ego in check, and I personally think that was ICTā€™s biggest undoing. Every loss seemed to have a cause that he controlled. He wanted to teach lessons etc, but continued losing even after he locked his trades out so nobody could copy.

People say the challenge and myfxbook etc was a bit unfair to him, but he completely volunteered it, and I am a bit different to many others here. I like to keep myfxbook for my own self analysis later on and a few trusted people here and elsewhere can also view it in its entirety. I believe it keeps my ego in check. I cannot go out and say that I intended this or that as it is public as such, as well as having reasons for entry and immediate thoughts at the end of the trade. In saying that with my experience wit myfxbook though, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and thoughts on it as well.

As a religious person, maybe ICT should have recognised Pride as one of the 7 deadly sins, along with Wrath towards the end of his tenure on babypips, myfxbook and twitter.

True thatā€¦ People would have raised an eyebrow after the first weeks, but would have understood it when he just said: This is not the start I had in mind, I know this works, give me time. No, he introduced unaanounced lessons to learn us how we lose money and later to scare of ticksā€¦ Now it would be better and he would end February with a 30% profit. But he continued to make losses after that, and wasnā€™t following his own trading rulesā€¦

His pride was killing him and made him act unrealistic, blaming others for the mistakes he made himselfā€¦

I hope he tries again, if he is the real deal.

And crow, donā€™t forget the crow. There was going to be lots of crow eating, I think it was due soon after the shock and awe. Two mild disappointments of this whole, sorry saga were that even after all that buildup he gave it no one got to eat any crow, and secondly that he didnā€™t call people ā€˜bubā€™ as often as I expected, even as the endgame approached. It always made me laugh when he did that.

Little SimonTempot,

Nor did he get to deliberately mispell peoples usernames, , or call them ā€˜littleā€™ despite him only being 5ā€™10." Yes no shock and awe either.

Thanks for the plot spoiler.


oops :slight_smile:

I should thank you really.

Iā€™ve been putting off watching them as I loved the first one so much and didnā€™t want to ruin the experience.

Itā€™s been so long now that I was actually thinking about watching them for completness so you have saved me a few hours of my life :wink:

I was just reading through this thread catching up on everything, when I saw this post and this specific part.
Iā€™m dont remember exactly who was in the chatroom just the other night besides me , ak, bun, and a few other senior members were there. But it was when all the ā€œInnercircletradersā€ were posting in the threads a few nights ago, and the screen name ā€œICTā€ was in the chat, and we all assume it was actually michael because a few of us sent emails to him and he responded with answers and also just answered some questions from the pastā€¦ either way, thats not what i wanted to make this whole post about. The whole point of this post, and the quote above, is that in the chatroom that night michael actually admitted [I][B]he knew, and openly admitted, that he never could actually reach the goal of 5k-1mil in three years.[/B][/I]:rolleyes:

Yeah its confusing isnt it? Because right after he said that AK asked why he even got into the big arguments he did especially with MG99?? Since after all thats all MG was trying to prove, that it couldnt be done.

He told us all about the website he has made and a few things he has in store for the future, but it was a very VERY confusing conversation that night. I still dont know why he would have even made the challenge just to get everyones hopes up? I asked him about the returns he ā€œmadeā€ in the past where he turned ā€œ$400 into thousandsā€ and asked if that was possible then why not the 5k to a million, but like i saidā€¦it was a very confusing chat on what his intentions are/were.

I doubt very much that you were chatting to Michael that day, I was on line when that chat session with ā€œICTā€ happened, I didnā€™t bother attending simply because if it was Michael he could & would have used his proper ā€œInner Circle Traderā€ identity as it was still active at the time from what I could see.

Thats what we all thought.

But then again how would he have known what me and him talked about 2 years ago, and what him and AK personally talked about years ago. There are some other things too that makes it seem like it really was him, like how he responded to what an email sent to "[email protected]" was saying at that very moment (which as been his original email since the very beginning)ā€¦ and how he knew what website was gonna be uploaded and a video about it put on ā€œinnercircletradersā€ youtube account.( also the original youtube account from the beginning)

He said he was using the other screen names he ā€œreservedā€ because of something with the modā€™s and being able to post on the original s/n. Who knows:60:

I donā€™t really want to start more drama than everything thats going on. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll all find out soon enough whats up , through his website , videos , etc etc