ICT Mentorship 2022 - Notes and Homework

That’s awesome! I am also in his mentorship and the concepts he teaches are absolute astonishing. I’ll try to explain the concepts as good as possible in the screenshots I am posting. Fell free to share your analysis as well.

Hi, how can join to mentorship?

What makes it difficult to discuss the trading strategy and methodology on the forum itself? If it’s too difficult or complicated to discuss the strategy on the forum then perhaps it’s not a strategy worth discussing.

I don’t see why folks need to be pushed onto YT all the time. That’s all I’ve seen from folks discussing ICT methods: “Go to his YT channel”

That’s alone is a huge warning sign for me.


yeah i feel u on that. but i will say, the reference to u tube is the best answer they can give be cause there are such specifics with his methods that u would need to get it from the source to get it. if that makes sense? but if they them selves undertood it enough they would at least be able to summarize because its price action


OK, I think I understand where you’re coming from. Basically there’s a lot of material to cover and grasping a single concept may be too complicated for a single post, compared to a YT video.

I think my issue is similar to the point you raised earlier. What was learnt and what the HW is a great start to engage in some meaningful dialogue. If someone totally new asks then point to a relevant post/video or a healthy discussion b/w OP and someone with experience of these concepts.

My only gripe with the whole YT thing is that there are threads for literally everything on BP. Price action, VSA, various indicators, etc. But for ICT it’s always got to YT. No guides or threads discussing theory among practitioners.

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wat is b/w OP?? yeah man i thought this a great thread for discussion and engagement because u usually dont see much of that. but then again this is baby pips so mostly newbies. i mean i have seen good discussion on ict methonds but on a more experienced forum

OP = Original Poster or Original Post.

I hope it turns out that way too. The engagement and healthy discussion bit I mean.

so are you new trading? or experienced and profitable?

New. No point in BSing about it. I’d like to believe I’m better read and better psychologically prepped then again who doesn’t?

Have a journal up and and getting some prep work done after a setback in OCT. Already discussing the thought process and preparation in detail.

And you?

I already saw some posts already. Even the discussion about price action divergence. Sounds really interesting.

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Where did you get the homework though?

I saw the video as well and the homework there was a bit different. Plus how or where did you get that picture for the homework?

So are you new to trading? or experienced and profitable?

i am 7 years experienced and profitable yes :slight_smile:

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Bearish - Internal Range Liquidity & Market Structure Shifts

Do your Backtesting and find those Setups in your own charts. Use the 5m, 2m and 1m timeframe. The more you will practice, the easier for you to spot in the future.

Friday no trading day…

Have a great weekend!




Really been enjoying his new stuff. Very concise for him. Packed full of good content.

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Yes a lot more direct and to the point .
Really love the entries on the FVG after liquidity has been grabbed on the EQH just on the wick .
Also the FVG entry , buy position prior in video 3.
The gloves are off

Hi, does anybody feel like doing some discussion on video about charts?

yes that would be great

Old threads are around if you dig. Was a total ■■■■ show. Maybe deleted. Sock puppeting and building expectations that are never met. Some things never change around here. Dude ruined this site, that’s why I left.

Yea, I came across a few of them and it was horrible. A lot of mixed opinions too. Like the disappointment and feelings of being led around by ex-students and more moderate opinions, like, how they’d understand if he just took the L on those challenges but his ego would never allow it.

There’s also folks like Clint trying to preserve his content and most/all of his content being deleted cause of BP trademark in them. This is why I’m personally trying to keep an open mind cause if the content helps budding traders be good it should be alright. Not a fan of folks trying to recruit newbies into ICT like a cult though. Like the claims that ICT & SMC being the only way to succeed and profit.

Huge fan of what you’ve done. My reference to VSA was a direct reference to your thread. I haven’t read it in full but I’ve bookmarked it for later reading/studying :slight_smile:

Back in the day when ict was foc Clint listed all the abbreviations in one place to help learners who were continually asking what does OTE mean etc etc.

I would guess his intention was to help learners like all his post are.

I personally listed my own notes on various videos giving the theme and placement within the video - again to help with all the questions as to where and how.

That was back in the day - my own posting was amended when ict withdrew his videos from youtube and left BP in a huff.

It’s all old hash - I needed to learn TA after learning FA for about 30 years - as they say - you cannot have one without the other :).

There are lots other guys out there who are willing to give a bit of time - Tom Dante is one - worth a listen because he gives thinking to TA ( it’s an oldie).

Reading the Mind of The Markets - Trading Process by Kam Dhadwar and Trader Dante - YouTube


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