
I’m a person, not a puppet. I’m not sure why you are choosing to be offensive :58:

I’m sure it was worth something to Michael, I also understand that you feel good about telling people how you feel. I however don’t believe what you are claiming. Can you show me the proof of the consistent profits your making in the FX markets with ICT’s tools?

Bob is not being offensive, and you are a PUPPET (One whose behavior is determined by the will of others)


If you are not his puppet how did you so quickly find a thread that was recent (losers anonymous) when you have not been on here lately? And why not post on his threads if you came to proclaim you new found riches using his system? I am not keep your crap up top of my forum pages any more later spammer

I seem to remember you being a pretty upbeat guy back in the day, shortin the Aussie into oblivion. You lose your job or something?

Just me here. I feel like I’m taking quite a bit of heat just for being thankful

just email him a say thanks :wink:

Alright, should I sign your name too?

Why? I do not use any of the BS he [I]teaches[/I] :smiley:

Good to see Akeakamai is back :wink:

To be honest, I don’t think I can contribute much of any worth to this thread amongst such a plethora of hate and anger, but I will say that having previously traded ICT’s methods (to somewhat mixed results) and now having moved onto other things, I am appreciative of many things that I learnt from him, but I am supremely confident that there are much more objective ways of trading that don’t leave so much to chance, and aren’t so incredibly subjective, even at the best of times.

I still don’t believe ICT is anywhere near as good of a trader as he purports to be. If he can post the drawdown tab of his myfxbook and all is well from a capital exposure perspective, then I’ll be happy to congratulate him on his recovery, but until then, he could just as well be applying the classic “no stop loss until a winner” method of trading, which many guys on myfxbook use to great effect, making 1000% returns.

Ake, come on bro, as an experienced trader I would’ve hoped you’d be focusing solely on your trading now… ICT betrayed a great many people’s trust, and I would’ve thought yours included.

My trust was always in myself, never in Michael. I guess I was the only one that had the ability to truly make the tools my own (and discard freely what never made sense to me). That ability is still paying dividends. Perhaps it is from being a naturally independent person, I am not sure, but many of the things I use successfully to this day… I just cannot deny that I learned them from Michael! I mean… the “PivotDailyMacro” in itself is worth thanking Michael for, it’s the best Pivot indi I’ve ever seen :slight_smile:

Well I’m glad to hear that bro, you always showed the tenacity to one day be successful in any event, regardless of whose techniques you ended up applying :slight_smile:

Just a question though: Isn’t the daily pivot indicator a generic thing that’s been around for ages? I don’t think it’s uniquely attributable to Michael.

Yes it is generic, and he didn’t even program it himself, but he uploaded it. I wouldn’t have it otherwise.

Oh how I love a hostile thread.

My penny’s worth: when I first joined BP, I read a lot on here about ICT ripping off other people’s methods etc. I’m not FX savvy enough to remember what they were etc but my thoughts were that (regardless of his actual trading ability), he’s taken all this information & compiled them in to his videos. Yes all this information can be found in books, YouTube & various other sites & courses etc. but he’s put them all in one place in a nice, easy to understand format. The methods may not be his, but I didn’t accuse my physics teacher of ripping off Einstein’s work.

I unfortunately never got through all of the videos on the “New & Aspiring Trader” thread but as a complete newbie, I picked up general stuff like top down analysis, swing highs/lows, market structure etc. You take what you can from these videos & I’d imagine that in terms of basics, he wasn’t wrong. So for learning the ropes, I can’t fault Michael for helping me. As I said, I never got through all his videos so applying his later, possibly more niché teachings & using them to trade is something that I can’t comment on.

So my opinion, surely ITC deserves a bit of respect for teaching the newbies the bare bones basics - yes? Again, I’m still new to the game so I can’t comment on the later ICT stuff. Also I’m not naive & ignorant, so in the same respect, surely he deserves the slating for his recent attitude, removing his videos etc - yes?

ICT is a polarised subject & I look at it like I do the rivalry between Celtic & Rangers (Scottish Football reference): they’re just different sides to the same old manky coin. Pro-ICT members will be right in some respects & others will deny it until they’re blue in the face, but Anti-ICT will be right at other times & the pro camp will turn a blind eye & refuse to accept it.

You can’t please everyone!

Unfortunately haters tend to savour schadenfreude, it’s why threads like this exist.

Wirklich ein Bratwürste

Hey, let me join in. Am I doing it right?

:slight_smile: 98+ pages criticizing one guy.sure he has earned the most famous person on babypips, earng more airtime than the Kardashians :slight_smile:

His website is supposed to be up now but I find alot of broken pages. :frowning:

He does have a fair amount of videos in there if you look. The site isn’t all up and running as such, but there is stuff there if you want a start on it