
He claimed he was going to have a myfxbook account showing all his trades opening up at the beginning of april. That happen?

^^^ lol ā€¦ many many months ago I made a post about how ICT was promoting his own website which will be just loaded with useful information! Videos, chats, myfxbooks , articles of interest , you name itā€¦anything educational-itā€™ll be there ! The best part was it was promoted by himself and others that itā€™ll be up and running by a very specific date in the beginning of April!!!
No later , no soonerā€¦ by april 10th right guys??? right???

In that post many months ago I said anybody who read ā€œapril 10thā€ and thought , ā€œoh gosh I canā€™t wait, Iā€™ll be learnin new SMTā€™s and YingYangā€™s and UpsideDown overhang patterns and iā€™ll be on my way to full time trading in no time!ā€ was simply fooling themselves. I wish all the new readers/followers would understand that this is NOTHING new. So many people have been hanging on the words he has said for years and years now, and almost EVERY SINGLE time he mentions a date, or a release time, or a ā€œset in stoneā€ time in the future, it NEVER is that day lmaoā€¦ as a matter of fact itā€™s usually nowhere near that specific date.

Now I still refuse to even bother with checking the personal website, but from the posts today I still assume itā€™s NOT up and running yet??? Still donā€™t believe us ā€œnon-followersā€ that he is a liar even after years and year and years of proof ?? Still canā€™t come to realize this apparently will never stop?? Still think 3 or 4 years is to soon to judge a man on the things he promised and breaks ?? lolā€¦ Then donā€™t worry, there is a whole cult community up in newbie island ready to welcome you into the wait-n-see game thatā€™s been going on for years.

For anyone who even wants to come after this post and say anything in his defense , or say ā€œoh man heā€™s whining about ICT still.ā€ Then by all means post up after me, explain to me that Iā€™m wrong, and his website was up and running by april 10th AS PROMISED. I bet you canā€™t prove me wrong :wink: And no, iā€™m not whining about the site not being up, iā€™m posting this mini-novel in HOPES that a newbie will read this and understand exactly what has been going on for a long long time here. Because lets face it, people come here, get introduced to the ICT threads and think they are on the path to riches with all these techniques and methods and its just simply NOT how it worksā€¦

By the way, ICT since I know you still read these forums, Iā€™m still waiting/hoping for an answer to a previous question of mine to clear things upā€¦

If he wanted to answer heā€™d have answered by now, surely? Just let the subject die out.

Sounds like he is to busy. The gold fish died and he had to deal with that. Plus the car broke down. Leaky roof.
Counting his millions . LOL

Always a excuse. BUT NO DELIVERY. ICT stands for I Cant Trade. HAHAHAHAH

Donā€™t, let it die!

ā€œ30% a month is a pretty good returnā€

I think that shouldā€™ve raised a red flag way back then.

tmoneybags claims 50-100% a month approximately.

Lots and lots of red flags! I just ignored them or made up excuses for them because I wanted to believe.

This thread must never die. Heā€™ll be back somewhere and this thread will be needed to keep track of the hilarity that will inevitably follow.

Yes I agree with that .

I think the twelve days before Christmas might happen this year . Lol

Keep wishing if your a good boy he will bring you another excuse.

The most amusing thing to me is all of the debate regarding the messenger with blind eyes to the message. I challenge those of you joining in with the crowds to throw stones, and visit his site and review the first PDF he posted. Yes it loads slowly, and yes itā€™s a summary, etcā€¦ But review the PDF for what it is, (nothing new I admit) and then post your thoughts on whether this is helpful or not. Or if itā€™s more fun, just keep posting the same old group pile on stuff that makes people feel superior but helps no one. In talking about the entitlement mentality, all this ICT stuff is exactly that.

This is for all you sad people :wink:

Pseudo psychology, emotive language and presenting a positive attitude with nothing that can be quantified.

It reads like a piece of writing speech or sermon someone would give to inspire and motivate their listeners or readers to view them as a person of authority and wisdom through emotional manipulation rather than logic and reason.

It is my opinion that there is nothing in that document beyond opinions and amateur psychology.

In terms of helping others this threads presence while not one with a happy positive tone is helpful. It offers an alternative opinion to ICTā€™s praise and heraldry at the top of the newbie island forum. Calling out his BS is productive, it may not be sunshine and rainbows but it could save some poor SOBā€™s time from being wasted on pdf life stories and live hindsight trade webinars where retracements are cherry picked.

Master Contributor at 500?! Awsumā€¦

[QUOTE=ā€œkonan;488520ā€]Master Contributor at 500?! Awsumā€¦[/QUOTE]

It only took me a monthā€¦ And you a yearā€¦ Thatā€™s the classic comparison between American enterprise and European laziness

What time is it in the Statesā€¦?When do you sleep?


What time is it in the Statesā€¦?When do you sleep?[/QUOTE]

Itā€™s about 1 AMā€¦ How do you think I got 500 posts in a month lol