
You type fast, that’s how.

Putting the account in 30% DD is not nearly as amateur as not being able to recover from it 3-4 months after…JS

Simplicity and patience…Daytrading is just a sure way to eventual defeat.

I actually asked tmoneybags thread (make 30 pips a day in forextown) about myfxbook proof for the accounts, and to my surprise received a courteous reply, a myfxbook link (to an non profitable account of a trader attempting to follow his technique), and a balanced assessment of whether it was a good system to follow. This contrasts directly to the welcome I had in the ICT threads - but it actually made me think - the reaction I received in tmoneybags thread was normal, and what you would expect from normal people.

In contrast the reaction in ICTs thread was incredibly hostile - why did the people differ so much in attitude from ICTs thread to tmoneybags thread? I can only draw the obvious conclusion that the majority of ‘ICT followers’ were not people, but actually ICT himself with multiple accounts. This actually explains why people were so aggressive and hostile and consistently unwilling to provide any evidence like the man himself (they are quite happy to elsewhere on babypips) because they mainly all ICT himself. It must have taken phenomenal effort and time to continuously reply to himself to self promote his own thread.

The ICT thread I expect was almost an entirely self generated affair which enticed a few other new traders into the fold in an attempt to gain affiliates. Pretty much all the over the top aggressive accounts were probably ICT himself so anyone particularly insulted by his ‘followers’ (ie: him) needn’t be too offended - it was simply one sad lonely guy doing all the aggressive posting.

ahahhaha I love this thread.

Hi All,

The thread is being cleaned up. Allan4x has been banned and replies to his posts are also being cleaned up. Warnings/Infractions/Bans will be given to those who continually derail the thread.

Email us at <[email protected]> if you have any questions.



[QUOTE=“Pipzilla;488750”]Hi All,

The thread is being cleaned up. Allan4x has been banned and replies to his posts are also being cleaned up. Warnings/Infractions/Bans will be given to those who continually derail the thread.

Email us at <[email protected]> if you have any questions.



This is the off topic section and this thread is bs anyway. Why not just remove the whole thing. Or even better every mention of ICT.

I think mainly to keep ICT threads focused on ICT concepts. I would not go as far as to remove all mention of him he has to many followers to do that. The upkeep would be insane. Plus some of his stuff was pretty good. May not have been his concepts but look at how many price action threads there are and how many threads on moving averages.

“Inner Circle Trader’s Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series” thread should be completely removed from the Babypips site because it is a quite dangerous ,for lack of a better word, “TRAP” for the new and inexperienced traders! The real ethical dilemma should reside in the fact that there is a whole popular but unchallenged method of trading in the “Newbie island” section of the forum, as opposed to a few disparaging comments in the “Melting pot” (the leisure) section of the same trading forum.

bobman these people cant do that. havent you seen that. you type 3 ****ing letters and what happens? the ict police pounce every chance they get.

And don’t give a man an infraction after whiskey. That’s just not right…

Something in Last two posts.


He did have an official BP logo all over his videos. “Brought to you by Michael H. and BP”, or something similar to the effect… Then , when he miserably failed at actual trading, he removed those “instructional” videos, cleaned them from any trace of association and reposted them (all in one).

Salimvp, that thread is utterly hilarious. If you read through the posts, on one side you have this guy Andrew Keane calling ICT out and on the other you have ICT absolutely losing it, telling BP not to ban him and the BP community attacking Keane. But I can’t see any reason why Keane was banned.

And the rest…

Does anyone else see some serious red flags here? Andrew Keane scammer or not was banned after the mob mentality kicked in that he was David Jefferson. He didn’t sell anything but he did have a crack at the ICT, which it seems was a big mistake.

This community must understand how to pick up a book and [B][I]read[/I][/B]. I have seen his work in MANY books. It is ridiculous.

You people are stabbing a dead horse. You need to move on because if you don’t, your emotions created by this ICT movement will affect your trading. Nothing but trolls here.

I don’t think this thread gets so much traffic that its completely consuming the learning and development of people trying to learn to trade.

However, it seems that many people on Baby Pips trade with a group mentality, most looking for the next guru/hero to show them the way. Most people around here don’t seem to want to ask questions when it comes to these gurus and the minority that do tend to be shut down by the much louder majority.

This thread serves as a good reminder to not put all your faith in another person. If you want to be successful you need to ask questions, absorb information, think for yourself and succeed by yourself.

N.B. I added the various comments between these two “gurus” to point out that a rational person should be able to step back and look at these two individuals and see some obvious flaws in the debate and the people.

nothing but Illusions of grandeur…

It’s almost like…ICT was protected…but it can’t be…can it…?

Shhh or they’ll come for you in the night.

Do you subscribe to conspiracy theories Mr Templar? I note your question to the powers that be, has disappeared unanswered…