

If only you realized how easy it was to Toy with you guys ;)[/QUOTE]

On a side note… That guy you were trolling in the thread where he was posting pictures of his Rolex ended up being David Jefferson

maybe… but we had a laugh these months… meanwhile the wannabe guru just went cuckoo… it was worthy :smiley:

Once a week they let them both out of their padded cells to get some sun.
Instead they head straight for the pc in the recreation room until it’s time for their medication again.

Being smart has nothing to do with being profitable. It helps. The other points I will agree with banker. I just wish I was of average intelligence so I could prove you wrong.

and what are you? the non-wannabe guru? You think your half-assed once-in-awhile trading advice is really helping anyone? What a Joke

Very true. By academic standards I was top of my class. 3.9 GPA for my 2 years of University. Took me 5 years to learn how to trade consistently, go figure :wink:

[QUOTE=“IyaJenkei;490018”]Being smart has nothing to do with being profitable. It helps. The other points I will agree with banker. I just wish I was of average intelligence so I could prove you wrong.[/QUOTE]

Lol… It has everything to do with being profitable. It’s not the ONLY factor, but it’s going to be a very important one.

I worry for you mate. I think you trolling these forums with your “ICT is still the greatest” string of posts is your last ditch effort to prove to yourself that you didn’t waste so much of your life, and money.

Before you were banned (the first time), your posts showed somebody who was completely lost and scared. But instead of accepting the truth and moving forward, you decided to fall back down the rabbit hole.

When the penny drops (and it will), forget the money, forget trading, and just remember that you learned some great life lessons, push forward and succeed at something.

P.S. I know you keep coming back here because this is your surrogate home but you need to realise that you don’t really know anyone here. Yunny1 doesn’t look like a vampire, I don’t own a merchant ship and ICT is not a rich philanthropist that created a website because he wants to pass on a legacy. If that was true, he would write a book like every other guru.

Time to grow up mate.


Lol… It has everything to do with being profitable. It’s not the ONLY factor, but it’s going to be a very important one.[/QUOTE]

That’s just something you tell yourself so you can feel superior. I understand that well. Took me years to learn hard work will take you a lot farther than your intellect ever will.


That’s just something you tell yourself so you can feel superior. I understand that well. Took me years to learn hard work will take you a lot farther than your intellect ever will.[/QUOTE]

Dude… Trading is entirely a mental excercise.

Lets put it this way…

If you are a blue collar dock worker, where your pay is based on picking up heavy bags of concrete and carrying it by hand from the warehouse to the boats… Who is going to make more money… The 120 pound slight of build vegetarian… Or the 250 pound former football all star?

Likewise the mind is a muscle, some have weaker minds and some have stronger minds… And in a solely mental excercise… Who is going to have the advantage?

:D:D I don’t even have a thread here at BP… I do not try to rebrand concepts 100 years old and show them as mine… I do not promote marketers like Chris Lori or Larry Williams, I do not proclaim making millions, I do not proclaim to beat the market whenever I want, I do not insult people who ask me questions… I do not create nicknames at BP to do socketpuppeting, I do not open a thread about making millions and then tell that everything is a joke, etc…

No I am not a wannabe guru :smiley:

Of course you don’t, because you take this forum seriously, LOL

And what reward do you get for being a good little boy? hmmmm?

I’m not trying to be funny, but did anyone check out ICT’s market review from May 12? It’s actually really good.

Great advice! But coming from an unprofitable trader to a profitable one, it’s kind of Silly! How I spend my FREE time is up to me, and if I get joy out of FXXXing with you idjits, then so be it!

Even I know that’s off-topic discussion for the ICT thread… c’mon Brian, you know better than that :34:

[QUOTE=“IyaJenkei;489959”]I have a Question for the profitable traders here. Im gonna say yunny banker and Simon. How did you start out? I know Simons story. I know yunny trades support and resistance and price action. And I know banker trades fundementals fibs I think and I’m guessing support and resistance. Would you say your trading is objective? Or subjective? In yunny and bankers case I would guess largely subjective. I doubt you take every pinbar at support. It depends on what’s going on behind the scenes I’m sure some of the more experienced traders don’t even think about a lot of stuff they’ve just been Doing it so long they just do. What I’m saying is you guys I’m assuming have put in the hours you know what set ups you like, and what setups you like to stay away from because you’ve watched price so much. New traders are still learning that and a lot of them system hop or tool switch so much they don’t get intimate with that method enough to know. They don’t stick around long enough to see the little characteristics that speak to them. In my opinion anything can give an edge. But not everything will give you an edge. Really sorry for the grammar and punctuation guys on my phone at work lol and was in a hurry.[/QUOTE]

I rarely ever trade fibs… Mostly fundamentals with rudimentary technicals… Have a few technical setups I like to trade on occasion… Because I’m using fundamentals, my trading is entirely subjective.

I been watching your thread, you could aim for helluvalot more than 10 pips if you were more proficient with some simple Fib/Market flow setups… Just sayin’ friendo


Great advice! But coming from an unprofitable trader to a profitable one, it’s kind of Silly! How I spend my FREE time is up to me, and if I get joy out of FXXXing with you idjits, then so be it![/QUOTE]

Oh so you’re a profitable trader now huh? Made that 20k back already?


I been watching your thread, you could aim for helluvalot more than 10 pips if you were more proficient with some simple Fib/Market flow setups… Just sayin’ friendo[/QUOTE]

Lol waiting to pounce on a drawdown huh…

What are you talking about? I made a million dollars yesterday… and I am willing to offer as much proof as you. :slight_smile:

I think the reality is that you know I am right, and you can believe me because were both profitable!