
No, come here just for fun :smiley:

making fun of guys like you/ICT :D:D that is my rewardā€¦

So we make fun of each other? lol

Now thatā€™s a system that works!!

I donā€™t believe you, but also I donā€™t care. I guess that is the distinguishing factor eh?


Dudeā€¦ Trading is entirely a mental excercise.

Lets put it this wayā€¦

If you are a blue collar dock worker, where your pay is based on picking up heavy bags of concrete and carrying it by hand from the warehouse to the boatsā€¦ Who is going to make more moneyā€¦ The 120 pound slight of build vegetarianā€¦ Or the 250 pound former football all star?

Likewise the mind is a muscle, some have weaker minds and some have stronger mindsā€¦ And in a solely mental excerciseā€¦ Who is going to have the advantage?[/QUOTE]

Youā€™re not a very smart, smart guy Iā€™m a 120 lb guy doing the job of a 200 lb. I would memorize all the products I was running and where they were at in my first cycle. And instead of just doing one at a time I would 5 if I could. I ended up being one of the fastest guys at that job. Not because I was big or strong or even that fast. It was because I was smarter and I used it to my advantage. I almost got fired in my first 6 months.

I donā€™t do that job anymore I switched when I could.

Yeahā€¦ not like the ict BS :D:D


Youā€™re not a very smart, smart guy Iā€™m a 120 lb guy doing the job of a 200 lb. I would memorize all the products I was running and where they were at in my first cycle. And instead of just doing one at a time I would 5 if I could. I ended up being one of the fastest guys at that job. Not because I was big or strong or even that fast. It was because I was smarter and I used it to my advantage. I almost got fired in my first 6 months.

I donā€™t do that job anymore I switched when I could.[/QUOTE]

Yehā€¦ So your saying you being smart helped your workā€¦? gasps

I guess champ, good luck with your trolling. I know it means a lot to you these days.

Well ButterBum got banned quite quickly, I guess the police are onto him now.

Heā€™ll be back, its not like he has anything else to do.

Take ICT for example, he makes $150k a month and donates $1m a year to charity, leaving him with $800k before tax and he has been doing this for 20 years, making himself millions. Heā€™s going to stop trading once he hits $25m and according to him heā€™s only a couple years away.

So one day he is bored, and decides to share his knowledge with the world, spending three years teaching people he has never met, ā€œhow to tradeā€ until eventually he decides to prove to his followers how easy it is (THE FINAL TEST).

But wait, he needs to teach everyone one last lesson, a lesson about loss. So he deliberately burns the account to show what ā€œbadā€ traders do, but to his surprise!!! the Babypips community doesnā€™t understand??? WHAT??? <hulk smash>

Now he is very annoyed, so he deletes his videos and goes off to sulk. He thinks to himself, well rather than count my millions or go on a holiday I am going to show those people (I donā€™t know at all) how much better I am, than they are. So he has a website built (keeping to a budget, donā€™t want to waste any of his millions) and starts trolling the babypips forums to show everyone how awesome he still is, because people who are millionaires need the approval and respect of randoms on forums.

The story of ICT - The End

ICT forecast growth till retirement:

LOL, this is quite possibly the most entertaining thread on this forum! I know some guys hate all the constant whining, but really, itā€™s utterly good entertainment at an affordable price :wink:

How funny is it that Aaron never tires of berating all of us, yet cannot scratch together a quick myfxbook for even 1 monthā€™s worth of the ridiculously profitable trading he has been experiencing of late? Yes, I know, he has nothing to prove! But if he really wanted to silence all the critics, why not just shove it down their throats by simply producing a basic set of results. I mean really, is it that hard?

Even I can trade ICT techniques profitably for a month or two, would anyone like to see?

Thanks guys, I appreciate your responses.

Iā€™ll be perfectly honest with youā€¦ I do believe ICT is a trader. However, I do not in any way believe the highly illogical claims he has made regarding his wealth. I say highly illogical because if he were as successful as he claims (ā€œmaking 30% a month is easyā€, ā€œturning $5k to $1m in three years is easyā€), then heā€™d be the absolute richest individual on this planet, plain and simple. I think he exaggerated grossly, and it was probably one of the most significant contributors to his eventual downfall. The proud are always brought to their knees eventually.

not true. they dont provide an edge and youre too stupid.

Thanks Iya, that is enlightening.

Wellā€¦since you offered, give it a goā€¦:13:

what are you doing? LO? I disagree with Aaron on Asian not being profitable or as profitable. All depends on how you look at it and what you risk. It doesnt seem like asia likes to make new highs or lowsā€¦

I would be happy to. If people start assuming that Iā€™m ICT though, I will rage quit.

Iya why do you spend so much time defending ICT and Akeakamai? Are you profitable with the ICT tools? You keep arguing the value of the tools but on what basis?

Just donā€™t say ā€œComing Summer of 2013ā€ or some such annoyingly distant start dateā€¦:34:ā€¦no time like the present :wink:

Maybe I am ICT and Akeakamaiā€¦

Doesnt matter does it? If I say yes you wont believe me. If I say no youā€™ll tell me that itā€™s the tools. It obviously couldnt be because Iā€™m only 11 months into my trading career. Or because Iā€™ve hopped around so much instead of staying consistent and looking for the same thing everyday.

I never traded the tools consistently. Being perfectly honest. How I thought you were supposed to do it in the beginning was like he did in his videoā€™s. Just look for confluence. So if I saw a sharp move down in the london open into an OTE or reflection at a big figure I got in. Then the next day if I saw SMT divergence in the london open on a sharp move I got in. This made me brake even. I never risked more than 1% but in all honestly I think I was scared because I didnt trade much. Plus I would play video games lol like halo or wow instead. I trade a $500 account, live. I would get up $30 then lose $45 then make $20 and then lose. Just back and forth to my $500. Then idk day trading, takes a lot of attention and at the time I wasnt willing to work. So I started to think about a position trade strategy. So I take some of the long term tools like COT and market structure. I get in on the GBP in december I think. I ride it for a few months. And everything is good. So I decide thats what I wanna do. 3 maybe 4 big trades a year. I have my account split into 4 sub accounts. So I could still practice day trading while I have a position or swing trade on. That damn FIFO rule. So then mastergunner comes along. And I think ā€œhey what if I can just peg those tools to EVERY pairā€. Money. And thatā€™s where Iā€™m at now. I am in the red $68 on a $500 account. Although I have $50 in unrealized gains. I am working on it. I use the COT and market structure to determine my bias(stuff i learned about from ICT). Obviously all my losses are due to the tools.

I disagree I think recently my losses have been from the pairs in a range or changing direction, also my stop losses were way to tight for this and I was entering on strength then price would pull back and stop me out. Ive ironed that stuff out I think. So weā€™ll see. If Iā€™m still slowly losing money in a few months Iā€™ll give it up and try something else.

The reason I defend them? Because everyone is ganging up on them lol. I like Aaron. I liked Michael until he threatened me for trying to help people. Now Iā€™m more impartial to him. I donā€™t stick up for him I stick up for support and resistance, kill zones and the 62-79 % retracement levels. Just about every single tool he showecased was in the babypips school. So itā€™s fine to talk **** about them but I dont ever see anyone bash that ā€œschoolā€. Quite the opposite I always see everyone ushering people to it.

It does make me wonder about MG99ā€™s method. Everyone else is making moneyā€¦so maybe it is my ICT toolsā€¦

Iā€™ve got a quick question about ICT: Why did he always call people ā€œbubā€ whenever he was irritated or upset? Unfortunately, I am not well-versed in American speech arts and other linguistic creations, so what exactly does that mean?