

Nope there were a few traders here who weren’t jokes[/QUOTE]

Refresh me. All I see is the same thing different screen names.

Right I dont fully disagree with this but at the same time by spending time to learn things and applying it is how you better yourself.

The school is good but it will not make you profitable. I can tell someone how a jet engine works and what tools do but that dont mean someone can go out and build a jet engine. It take time a dedication. Then you can learn how to do it but by spending time with me I can show you tricks to the trade that will make you more efficient at it.

You are right no one can show you how to be a profitable trader but they can show you things to make your trading more efficient. Take ICT for example. He did not make me a profitable trader but he did bring things to fine tune my trading.


Refresh me. All I see is the same thing different screen names.[/QUOTE]

Lol I’m not keeping a naughty and nice list if that’s what you are asking…

The technical templates threads were some pretty great threads. I do know one of them I have run across in a few other places and she is profitable. But yeah its the same stuff that you can find on many other threads but think about it. You have been here about a year now. In the beginning it was new but now you understand price action and you understand most indicators so of course its going to be the same old stuff. Even if you run across a pro trader and they show you how to actually make millions do you think he is going to show you stuff you have not seen already? Or just how to apply what you know. But if you didnt “waste” your time going through all these threads from people that dont make money would you know what that pro trader was talking about?


Lol I’m not keeping a naughty and nice list if that’s what you are asking…[/QUOTE]

You have the thread starter who may it may not be profitable and may or may not have a good “system”. Then you have the sheep trying to follow, mooch, and make easy money.

I don’t think it’s all intentional. That’s just the way it is.


You have the thread starter who may it may not be profitable and may or may not have a good “system”. Then you have the sheep trying to follow, mooch, and make easy money.

I don’t think it’s all intentional. That’s just the way it is.[/QUOTE]

There are and have been the reasonable traders who don’t care to start a thread who insert their commentary into other threads.


The technical templates threads were some pretty great threads. I do know one of them I have run across in a few other places and she is profitable. But yeah its the same stuff that you can find on many other threads but think about it. You have been here about a year now. In the beginning it was new but now you understand price action and you understand most indicators so of course its going to be the same old stuff. Even if you run across a pro trader and they show you how to actually make millions do you think he is going to show you stuff you have not seen already? Or just how to apply what you know. But if you didnt “waste” your time going through all these threads from people that dont make money would you know what that pro trader was talking about?[/QUOTE]

But that was the same thing. I wasn’t talking about the trading. I was talking about the people here.

And no I don’t think they will show me anything new this is one point I’m trying to make. That won’t make you profitable, reading more threads won’t help. I tried that.

Most if not all the technical stuff that you need can be found in the school.

That not true. Sure you have some that you are right. I think though then you have some that actually try to learn the system. Not really trying to learn the system but actually learn to better themselves as traders.

I follow petefaders thread but I am not expecting pete to make me rich. I dont even use his system. But I learn very valuable information. Most sure I already knew but it hearing how to apply what I know in a aspect that I was not aware of. Take for instance someone that knows of volume. But volume will tell you nothing so he blows off volume because its crap. Well then they stumble across petes thread and now learn to apply S/D and when you have high volume in an area of S/D it ups your probability. It was neither the S/D or the volume that did anything but when to apply it that works. Now thats not going to make this guy rich because he stumbled across petes thread unless he applies it and learns it and spends the time. Those that are sheep and just want to make a million after reading a book and a thread. The markets need them but there is no helping people like that. I am not properly licensed as a shrink to do so.

IYA please dont think I am jumping your case. I just have a different opinion and I am stating it. Its not a attack on you personally

I dont feel attacked lol. I’m a very easy going person :D.

How many people do you think are here for that? That’s what I do nowadays. I’m guessing that’s what you do. I just like to know things lol I dont just do it with forex. I read just about everything I see everywhere.

And I do understand there are exceptions to every rule. I didn’t mean it as an absolute. But let’s be honest that’s mostly what this site is. People wanting easy money. They can read every thread on the forum and know it all. But until they sit down a do it they wont get anywhere. And most don’t want to trade they want to make money.

Loads of people with that betting disposition in this business…I see it everywhere. Very similar to few of my buddies here that like to go down to the bookies bet shops and place bets on Italian Serie A or Formula 1…just for the thrill of the action…and because they can do it out of leisure…But, FX market will punish this kind of attitude pretty fast

I think @mastergunner99 put me on ignore 2 times now and therefor banned me from his thread because I posted this fake Onion article in another “Wtf happened to ICT and why is my moneyz gone too” thread some months ago. MG99 thought the article was real and was looking for it on The Onion website and wanted “to frame it and hang over his desk”. I guess he got real pissed then when others broke it to him how it was totally bogus .

@mastergunner99 I’M SORRY BRO! (if you’re reading this accept my sincere apology coz I like your thread and would like to tro… participate in it bro, like all the other cool people. OK?! Can you forgive me brother and it won’t happen again, I promise?! I’m leaving BP anyways when I reach 1000 posts so…

It’s a fake… OK?! It’s a fake fake news. It’s double fake, you silly arse! :confused:

Then why waste the time getting to 1000 posts? To become a honorary member. Whats so honorable about that?

I am not telling you to leave just questioning your motives here. The majority of your posts have been political and not trading related. On a trading website I just dont see the point.

Only in the thread titled “Political Opinion” are my posts political. And I only started posting my thoughts on politics there to give balance to the thread that was beginning to look prejudiced against all of the Muslim people( some of which are members of my immediate family). There are plenty of my posts in other threads that can and will guide future traders in FX when they read them. Frankly speaking, these posts carry more weight than the whole 1000 page ICT thread because in comparison they portray a fairly simple trading method that actually works.
Am not in it for the “title” but the number. I’ll quit with the 999th post then because it will piss you off if you look at it from upside down, bob. :16:


Only in the thread titled “Political Opinion” are my posts political. And I only started posting my thoughts on politics there to give balance to the thread that was beginning to look prejudiced against all of the Muslim people( some of which are members of my immediate family). There are plenty of my posts in other threads that can and will guide future traders in FX when they read them. Frankly speaking, these posts carry more weight than the whole 1000 page ICT thread because in comparison they portray a fairly simple trading method that actually works.
Am not in it for the “title” but the number. I’ll quit with the 999th post then because it will piss you off if you look at it from upside down, bob. :16:[/QUOTE]

Lol I haven’t seen any posts of yours that carry any weight… Especially the ones regarding trading… Don’t kid yourself dude.

Lol if you think that will piss me off then good luck with that. Its your time being wasted not mine. I didnt say all your posts are political just a majority but then its not like I read every thread here either.I just dont understand the point of it thats all but then I guess I dont have to. I am not trying to disrespect you so please dont take it as such. I just know if I thought I would leave well I would not be typing this. To get to 999 posts then do it just seems like a waste

You’re always so negative Pizza :28:

Ok, let me ask you this…Why is it a waste to “just leave” after 1000 posts? Waste of what? BP is not paying me for my commentary or my trading advice for the newbies. The only thing that is being wasted is my time in writing the posts that will personally benefit me in no way. My wish was to help new folks on the site as older members helped me last year when I was starting. I have nothing more to offer in terms of assistance to the newbies because I basically explained all of my method of trading already. You obviously do not read ALL of the threads on BP, Ya lazy bob ! :57:


Ok, let me ask you this…Why is it a waste to “just leave” after 1000 posts? Waste of what? BP is not paying me for my commentary or my trading advice for the newbies. The only thing that is being wasted is my time in writing the posts that will personally benefit me in no way. My wish was to help new folks on the site as older members helped me last year when I was starting. I have nothing more to offer in terms of assistance to the newbies because I basically explained all of my method of trading already. You obviously do not read ALL of the threads on BP, Ya lazy bob ! :57:[/QUOTE]

The question is why would you continue posting at all once you recognize the fact you pointed out…?

I wanna reach 1000 posts. Not good enough?!

And there’s an added bonus challenge to that. To reach 1000 posts without getting banned by the mods that issued me with 3 infractions already. :stuck_out_tongue:

You may call it lazy. I call it not wasting my time on threads that are of no interest to me. Not that this thread is of any real interest to me just it hold entertainment value and entertainment is worth my time. So you are basically saying you will spill 190 posts on pure crap just to get 1000 posts (or was it 189 since you wanted 999 to piss me off). Sure it is your time to waste and feel free to do it here. I honestly could not care less what you do. I just didnt understand the logic behind it and I doubt I ever will. To each there own I guess. Enjoy