
How dare you Bob. 99% of my posts are simply brilliant, the remaining 1% is wasted in explaining myself to literalists. :49:


Okay, on your mark get set GO!!! (that was a prompt for all the trolls)

eat it

eat it all

Hahaha. Yeah I bet you traded that account into profitā€¦
Lets see some proof Michael! Thats right you donā€™t have any itā€™s all private and secret because the FCC or NSA or what ever shadowy government entity are hounding you down over your captain hindsight youtube videos.

Oh and that screenshot you posted clearly shows many small wins and a few massive losses. Thats the complete opposite of what you were telling people to do. Thats not a sign of profitable trading thats a sign of luck. Get off the internet and go watch the kitchens Mike. Dominoes ainā€™t paying you to sit about lying to people on the internet.

It had been months since someone wrote something that amazed meā€¦ thank you.

Great stuff on your site ICT. Thank you for the videos, writings, etc. Very much appreciated.

Has he posted his myfxbook yet or is it still ā€œprivateā€?

I think he just posted a screen shot, and thatā€™s itā€¦

Iā€™m quite surprised. I watched a few of his youtube clips and noticed that heā€™s disabled comments.

Comes as no surprise that the comments are disabled.

He may be able to trade, but his method of teaching others is not good. How could he be trusted?? Besides, in the past, he has shown individual bits and pieces for using with trading, but I cannot recall a time where he actually showed what and how to pull it together into a methodology.

Many others around do this just to help new traders, and are not into the games that were played.

He actually proved he could not - the aim of any trader is to make a profit and he failed to do so for 7 months.

I just saw him making videos like nothing happened.

@ICT_MHuddleston. Has 753 followers. Jesus Christ, is this dude really cannot live without fake fame? Without being glorified from random people? ā€¦ Am starting to follow this thread again :smiley: Good old days are back baby:DDD

[QUOTE=ā€œPipJoker;527349ā€]I just saw him making videos like nothing happened.

@ICT_MHuddleston. Has 753 followers. Jesus Christ, is this dude really cannot live without fake fame? Without being glorified from random people? ā€¦ Am starting to follow this thread again :smiley: Good old days are back baby:DDD[/QUOTE]

753 accounts providing liquidity to pad real traders accounts lolā€¦

Jesus. I have wasted almost a year with this guy, and a couple thousands. The best choise for me was when i left that cult and started trading and thinking on my own. I was so happy when ICT tried myfxbook account, because i thought - ā€œthis is it, people will stop believing in him. Finally! Revenge for all the suffering and misleading he broughtā€. Butā€¦ here we are again :smiley: its likeā€¦ I canā€™t actually believe this **** is even real !

By the way, i recommend a movie - Catfish. Or at least watch the last half of it. I think it pretty much describes what ICT is - a human suffering from multi personality disorder.

By the way i tried to find a solution defending myself and the newbies from these delusion gurus and mentors by making it mandatory for whoever wants to teach others - has to show his live running myfxbook account. I tried to implement this by creating a thread, but that didnā€™t work :slight_smile: Its really weirdā€¦ It would be so easy to distinguish between good and bad. Oh wellā€¦


I guess you all seen this picture, but i just want to put it out there.

Is he really bragging about this trade? :smiley: Where the f is OTE, or i have missed some new ā€œtoolsā€? :smiley:

More and more I agree that when it comes down to it, we all must follow our own path. The question is, is one better off or worse off when they enter the world of trading and study the ICT stuff. I agree that some took things too far at times, possibly myself included. However, if it were in my power to un-watch the videos (I still watch sometimes) and un-participate, there is no way I would. There is a lot of ICT in my approach, there is some Eremarket, some Dennis Sherman, some Chris Capre, some Chris Lorri and others (I can think of two more really great ones). At the end of the day itā€™s me trying to buy low and sell high while risking a little to make a lot. Every person Iā€™ve learned from (or will learn from) inspires how I trade. If youā€™re a newbie, I totally recommend ICTā€™s (all are free) videos, and they will make you a better trader and help you understand the markets better. If anyone spent time learning from ICT, and thinks that time is totally wasted, then I would think there is a learning issue more than a teaching issue.

I personally donā€™t use anything for ICT anymore :slight_smile: The last thing i removed was half year ago, when i deleted his fibo levels. And never regretted that.

Concerning basic market analysis (as i believe that is what you refer when you say you wouldnā€™t want to un-watch his videos) i would recommend more basic videos than his. He puts a lot of his own ā€œlayersā€ which in my opinion are false.

And once again, it took me nearly 1.5 yr to come to conclusion that NO ONE will teach you how to trade. You can try to mimic, you can try to copy cat trades, but in the end - you wonā€™t become individually thinking trader.

Plus, i believe its just plain stupid and irrational to learn from someone who fails miserably at what he tries to teach.

[QUOTE=ā€œPipJoker;527369ā€]I personally donā€™t use anything for ICT anymore :slight_smile: The last thing i removed was half year ago, when i deleted his fibo levels. And never regretted that.

Concerning basic market analysis (as i believe that is what you refer when you say you wouldnā€™t want to un-watch his videos) i would recommend more basic videos than his. He puts a lot of his own ā€œlayersā€ which in my opinion are false.

And once again, it took me nearly 1.5 yr to come to conclusion that NO ONE will teach you how to trade. You can try to mimic, you can try to copy cat trades, but in the end - you wonā€™t become individually thinking trader.

Plus, i believe its just plain stupid and irrational to learn from someone who fails miserably at what he tries to teach.[/QUOTE]

You sirā€¦ Have restored a teeny bit of my faith in this forum lol.

I was with you beforeā€¦ I watched those videos and I participate on that thread but really it didnā€™t help me where I am right nowā€¦ To much information but lack of substanceā€¦ I can trade just as simple as Support and Resistance level or a simple candlestick pattern and incorporate that with my fundamental analysisā€¦ I gain more and more confidence just by doing thatā€¦ Simple not complicatedā€¦ ICT stuff could create more confusion than learningā€¦

Sorry, I disagreeā€¦ I do not recommend ICT for newbiesā€¦ Even Chris Lori didnā€™t believe in himā€¦

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Exactly, its way more confusing than simple S/R with pin bar candles on those levels. You have to start from there, and not jump right into a bullsh1t model, where you have OTE, a Judas Swing, a hidden OTE or ICT reflection, SMTā€™s, Divergence, institutional levels - 100,50,20,80 (which are pretty much all round numbers :smiley: ). I meanā€¦ Yes, you have to LOOK FOR CONFLUENCE, but its like Kabbalah belief where if you decrypt the holy book you posses the power to create Golems (living creatures from dead materials).

One way or another - do any of you posses the link to his magical (yet another) myfxbook account? :slight_smile: Or do you have to sacrifice a lamb and chant in a full moon to be taken into the Inner Circle Traders where youā€™ll be shown that wonder?