
Yap, it will create more confusion because you are waiting for more " confluences" or wait from the heavens above to give you a “sign” when to enter/ exit. By doing this, you will feel afraid to pull that trigger because you don’t know if you have enough " sign". You need to build confidence not confusion…

But if you study LONG AND HARD enough, the heavens will grant you the sign and power to print money in absurd gains :slight_smile: Everybody who failed to make money from his teachings didn’t study Long enough or hard enough. And this argument is one of the best :slight_smile:

Please continue I find this extremely interesting :slight_smile: I’m just coming back bp to read this thread ;)))

Well… I guess we have another failure :slight_smile: Thanks for proving that again :smiley:

But i guess that won’t stop you from coming back to brag about your imaginary 6-figure account :))

No Pipjoker, he was teaching you how not to trade. You obviously don’t understand.

Ohhhhhh… rrrriiiigggghhhhttttttttttt… :smiley: another hidden lesson. My small brains and my account can’t understand that.

To be honest I actually keep tabs on him occasionally. What really stuck with me is something Chris Lori said in one of his open webinars that ICT was promoting. Lori: Go back and look at a particular time period like New York Open or London up to the last thousand days if necessary until you understand the price action in the period. After that I took anything that was accurate 50% or less stopped using it. Then I started developing my own tools or reworking ict’s and others to something that did a better job statistically modeling the market in regards to my own personality as a trader. To be honest the only tool that I use that is as presented is average day range because of it conditional formatting and only limited to the 1hr chart which is about as low as I go for setups.

I having said that, I just stick to what I see in the chart. Sometimes I will take a look at someone’s work presented and see if I can make sense of it. I actually looked at some of ICT material like fib extensions and how he might have came up with his numbers and total redid everything starting with actual Fibonacci ratios. These can then be used in abstract as well like pulling a fib from high to high or low to low. My reasoning is that of the Differential Calculus argument that everything can be represent by the space around the shape as well the shape itself when calculating its contour. long story short… I have always believed that a teacher’s job is not to do for the student but for the student (trader) to think for themselves.

With all due respect for everyone here and the person of topic, there is always something that can be learned or improved on…


Man I havent been around the forums in a long time…

Im not sure if it’s been brought up by someone else but isn’t it funny that our very own ICT has moved on to promoting new websites to new people ready to listen/follow him, and releasing new videos for his trading courses… lmao it’s so funny to see it all happening over again just on another random website. Let’s see, first it was his own site, then forexmentors, then babypips, now this new webpage, wow he just doesnt give up:60:

I was also just browsing through some old threads, anyone remember this whole situation with the gun collection and videos he posted up ? lmao ah the good ol’ days …

[QUOTE=“Bones123;528157”]Man I havent been around the forums in a long time…

Im not sure if it’s been brought up by someone else but isn’t it funny that our very own ICT has moved on to promoting new websites to new people ready to listen/follow him, and releasing new videos for his trading courses… lmao it’s so funny to see it all happening over again just on another random website. Let’s see, first it was his own site, then forexmentors, then babypips, now this new webpage, wow he just doesnt give up:60:

I was also just browsing through some old threads, anyone remember this whole situation with the gun collection and videos he posted up ? lmao ah the good ol’ days …

You were quite the pro ICT fanboy back in the day… I remember you defending him pretty hard against all the “haters” and “trolls” lol.

Will we see next USA shootout with ICT in front? :smiley: But i guess that’s fake as everything else :-))

What site is it now? I know he has his own site, but if its public I would like to pay a visit and have a laugh or two :slight_smile:

Oh sweet Jesus he’s at it again…

Scout Sniper Basic Field Guide - InnerCircleTrader

It’s his same “course” all over again. This is hilarious.

[QUOTE=“woolo;536252”]Oh sweet Jesus he’s at it again…

Scout Sniper Basic Field Guide - InnerCircleTrader

It’s his same “course” all over again. This is hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Lol and the funny thing is some of the people following that thread and responding to him there… Were from babypips and were here to watch him crash and burn. Yet they still want more.

Is not sort of what you do???

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;536384”]

Is not sort of what you do???[/QUOTE]


FWIW a recent pic from his twitter feed suggests his account is up ~40%


FWIW a recent pic from his twitter feed suggests his account is up ~40%[/QUOTE]

Lol woo hoo! 8 months later…

What’s funny is that he would insist his drawdown percentage was only half what it actually was because “I’m trading a $5,000 account… Even though I only have $2,500 in it… Therefore if I lose $1,700 its only a 35% drawdown not a 70% drawdown”

I bet the 40% (if that’s even the case) is calculated on the $2,500 instead of the $5,000… In which case he is really only up 20% after 8 months if he uses the same logic as how he was calculating his drawdown.

Funny… You do the same as ICT.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;536414”]

Funny… You do the same as ICT.[/QUOTE]


The main point though is that he recovered from the drawdown and is now in profit. I mean, there is nothing yet suggesting he won’t make it to the $1million if he is in double-digit profit after 8 months.


The main point though is that he recovered from the drawdown and is now in profit. I mean, there is nothing yet suggesting he won’t make it to the $1million if he is in double-digit profit after 8 months.[/QUOTE]

Lol shrugs … Those numbers are not all that great. He still has less then 5 figures with nearly a quarter of his 36 month period eaten away.