
but you were just saying a few posts ago that he crashed and burned. so you’ve changed your mind?


but you were just saying a few posts ago that he crashed and burned. so you’ve changed your mind?[/QUOTE]

No … He did crash and burn… He blew 70% of his account… Then lost face and quit… Taking his myfxbook down.

I personally will only believe it when I see the myfxbook… But him being in the positive now has no correlation with him blowing 70% of his account in February.

well it actually has a very direct correlation since he is trading the same account. it was a far greater challenge to drawdown 70% and then recover to +40% than it would have been to simply get to +40% directly.


well it actually has a very direct correlation since he is trading the same account. it was a far greater challenge to drawdown 70% and then recover to +40% than it would have been to simply get to +40% directly.[/QUOTE]

Whatever floats your boat lol :slight_smile:

If you & the other loyal fanboys spent a lot less time focusing on the ramblings of confirmed liars & deceivers like Huddleston & a lot more time on figuring out what makes you tick, perhaps you personally wouldn’t still be deep in debt & replicating the behavior of your idol by registering multiple usernames on a public forum.

Because that really is the only thing he’s renowned for on here.
Cheating & decieving people aren’t really the best way to project a positive image to those intent on learning something are they.

Follower does as leader does………

Which then begs the question, how many more of those members posting all that sickly praise & fawning all over him were also sock puppets?

In some people, ego is an extremely powerful & addictive drug.

The kind that outs liars, deceivers & time wasters :slight_smile:

Hahahahah lol you guys are sooo funny :slight_smile: Instead of studying hard and concentrating on your own performance you coming here to slag each other off ;))

ICT doesn’t make money, none of his “students” made or make money. Kuzia and Aaron you don’t make any money in Forex at all. I know it can feel good to make big claims and find reasons to keep believing in what your doing but it’s a waste of your time and money.

No matter how hard an alchemist works, no matter how much he studies his alchemy books, no matter how many sworn successful alchemists seminars and courses he attends, he will never turn lead into gold.

ICT’s courses are just like Alchemy. They are based in faith not reason there is no evidence to support any of his claims from the judas stop hunt to the 61% golden ratio. It’s all just trusting the mans word. It’s bull, it’s complicated and is worded eloquently thats for sure but it is still utter nonsense.

Whatever you believe in man :wink:

Woolo, the bad thing for anybody is to be extreme, especially when on a learning curve - I have found that if I’m extreme in my bias either for or against a particular method, system, type of study - even in what I think the market may do - then I lose.

I was extreme in my view of usd weakness and so allowed a 30pip gain on cable to slip away - had I exited at one of those s/r lines (on my chart since this past 6 months) that ICT talks about then I would have banked those pips.

I was still extreme in that view on cable, this time (today) I let reason pervade and dumped the extremism, I waited for the pull back to the 62 fib before buying.

I remember in one of his old videos ICT saying just to choose one thing and work with it - I like the fundies, have followed them for many years, it is a natural interest - but I recognize the strength of TA, I don’t hold an extreme view on either.

Same with ICT’s videos, I’ve chosen only 2 ‘tools’, I don’t look for anything else, sometimes I’ll notice divergence on cable and fibre, like yesterday, the fibre seemed to be waiting up for cable to do it’s thing, I saw it, was aware of the gbp retail no.s ,it made me nervous on cable - but there you go.

The big push down on usd after fomc was a typical market reaction, Lori calls it inefficient and says it gets corrected, Sneiden says that it gets ‘engineered’ back to collect unpaired orders, others refer to the push as ‘gaps’ that have to be filled, ICT tries to quantify it with the 62-79 fib and ote - heck even Wyckoff called it a ‘bulge’ and dared to use that term ‘overbought/sold’.

See how I take a little piece from everyone to paint my larger picture - esp Pizza - man I have enjoyed that thread.

A lot of swinging :))

Anyone who is making money with ICT methods and have MyFXbook or any other third party proof about profitable trading (AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T TELL US YOU HAVE A MILLION IN YOUR ACCOUNT AND THAT YOU ARE AFRAID FOR YOUR SAFETY BUT KEEP ON POSTING IN THIS FORUM WHERE ANYBODY CAN FIND OUT YOUR IP) please stand up and show it. Otherwise it will always be same arguments from both camps.

Look Pipjoker, it doesn’t matter how many millions or billions ICT makes. Or that his followers each make MILLIONs. They don’t need to prove it to you. What matters is what YOU do. So take a look at yourself and ask yourself why you are feeling so inadequate that you need other peoples results?


The typical ICT fan/babypips blagger

PS: I also noticed you asked me what 3+3 was. Why do you need to know what I think the answer is? I already know the answer. What really matters is what you know, and how your own maths is. So don’t ask me my answer, because it just makes you out as someone who is inadequate, whereas I know what I am talking about and make plenty of money.

PPS: If you like I will make a quick JPEG file of my results, or a spreadsheet or screenshot, but I can’t show you a verified account because the NSA is watching me.

What Pipjoke is getting at, which I agree with is that so many people were lured towards ICT with dreams of learning a methodology that would prove consistently profitable for them, but in reality, they were given little bits and pieces of information that could be used (Judas swing etc).
People got a bit excited when he said he would use his methods to show how profitable a person could be, then went on to try to destroy an account - and many people stupidly followed those trades, with ICT later on saying that he meant to do that (no consistency, no S/L no trade management etc). I saw that happen, but did not blindly trade it.

With people burned, they rightfully so now ask for some level of proof that what people are saying is fact. It takes stuff all to set up a myfxbook account, and make private those things you don’t want to see in the public domain. You can simply have it as an equity curve in % and people do not know if you are using a $1k account or $1Mill account.

Personally, and I would hope others are the same, I want to see someones proof via something like myfxbook in order to show their credibility.

Exactly, that’s all it is – he’s lifted a selection of the more popular technical tools from a variety of places & people & attempted to construct the mother of all methods.

Trouble is, he’s heavily overestimated the capabilities of his target audience & has merely proceeded to confuse & bewilder them with so many unnecessary tools & permutations they’re virtually never able to pick the right one due to information overload.

9 out of 10 of them don’t possess the aptitude, let alone the common sense to succeed at this endeavour anyway, so he’s constantly running uphill as it is.

His video presentations should take no more than 5 or 6 minutes, 10 minutes max to get his message across. Any longer & he’s either waffling or in love with the sound of his own voice.

But of course the proof of his skills & instructional abilities is the fact that after 4 years of all this intensive tuition not one of his followers can show any evidence whatsoever of a consistent track record using his model.

As for credibilty, he has none. He blew that when he revealed his fragile emotional state to the forum on several occasions & lost control of his discipline.
If you’ve any sense about you those types of individuals are to be avoided at all costs, especially when attempting to navigate yourself through these volatile & uncertain waters.

That’s what it’s all about at the end of the day & only that.

He & his dancing puppet akeakamai can come on here & jawbone all they like for as long as they choose, but until he is able to successfully transfer any of what he preaches down to his pupils & they’re able to validate it, he’s just another barely average, unimpressive forum contributor.

No kidding, have you seen his latest youtube video? It’s over 2 hours long!!! :eek:

Dont tell me you watched it? :wink: you see even naysayers know its gold, they just dont want to admit it :))

still no proof? His followers remind me of religion fanatics. They are proposed with mystical land of wealth and glory, and they will sacrifice everything for that.

Lol a never ending topic I see…Maybe some already lost into this “mystical land wealth and glory”… Forget about the Map… a GPS might help to get them back into reality…