I'm going Pro, giving the day job up and living the dream, any advice?

thanks bro, think your right. yeah i did that before. i made 145% in 3 weeks then came apart after a few losers and came away with not much. so this time around i’m coming to the table with a different approach.



but he just handed over his strategy to you. no?

I’m actually curious about one thing, and I mean no disrespect to anyone whatsoever…

but why would somebody not give out their strategy? (for a fee of course). I think its a win-win situation since you’re getting more funds to trade/save for yourself and if others use your strategy there would be more people on the same side of the trade as you are, and therefore, the price is likely to go in the direction you want?

again im just a newb, just wondering :slight_smile:

i wasn’t so forward and not in so many words.

big banks have people who’s only job is to monitor the market for systems watching orders, sl, tps etc. the more people doing the same thing then it flags up a new systems so they can trade against this system making the system less profitable. also if your system is awesome why would you need people’s money?

So scalping is working or not? So what did the 145% come down to?

it works just like any other tf. what do you mean what did it come down to?

Just wondering what the 145% became after the few losers you had Darth. I am trying to establish if scalping is better or as good as medium to long term trading over time.

this was the point i was trying to make earlier, at how a few loosers from scalping can completely wipe days worth of profits if you’re not careful…

once upon a time i was a scalper too.
if you want to make it as a scalper you need an extrememly high win rate, and/or for your losers to be minimal. but such is the nature of the beast …that with alot of scalping methods your losses will be bigger than your winners.

depends on the trader and the strategy bro. its the same in my eyes all timeframes are fractals, that why m1 on a smooth pair like EU looks like d1. just avoid big news releases and you can trade m5 and m1. If your learning PA you will learn alot quicker on the smaller tfs as they will throw up more information.

wasn’t the losers bro it was me, i’ve blown an account trading h4 before. it’s the same. i gambled when i got angry and lost control. nothing to do with the tf.

Darth, I admire your honesty. It must be very difficult for you having announced that you are turning pro and giving up your day job. Doesn’t it put you under unwanted pressure to prove that your decision is right? Anger is not an emotion you need when trading and I can relate to that as I too have wiped out my bank on more than one occasion. I follow your story with interest and sincerely hope you acquire the right mindset to handle this career move. I am still trying to do just that myself :wink:

Thank you. there’s a river of bulls**t in forex and these threads. everyone trying to peddle some system or another. I’m honest by nature as i hope it will attract honestly from others. Mindset is key but the hardest steel to forge. Hey but if it this was all easy where would be the fun in that?



hey all, just to let you guys know I’m still in the game. looking down the automated route as I’ve got one ea that looks amazing and working on that I’m back testing the hell out of but again looks promising.



Good to know you are still in the game, I was searching for your thread of your scalping system but I think you haven’t started it, don’t know why. Are you planning to start any such tread or not?

Thanks mate!
sorry pal, i’m unable to share my knowledge. it’s not mine to share.



What can i say? I wish you the best. Even if i thought i knew the holy grail in forex, because it worked wonders with me and even if i made millions with it (super crazy) it probably wouldn’t work for you. I realized that in forex you take tips advices but you have to do some alone time. It’s all in the mindset and the strategy that works for you.

too true it’s best to modify a system that falls with your beliefs.



Awsome!!! I am planning on making an income as well and will reach my goal shortly. Would you be willing to share some of your methods?

That’s great boss, truly i wish you the best of luck. Unfortunately my methods are top secret. The more people know about it the more chance of it failing.

