I'm going Pro, giving the day job up and living the dream, any advice?

Its a myth, how come a system fails if it gets public. Price action is a method traded by many traders and yet its very profitable. Simple is best, the more traders trade a system, the higher its success rate gets.

we will agree to disagree. if PA alone is so successful why is the failure rate of forex traders so high?



Big claim, can you back it up with statistics? If youā€™re correct, then we should be advising all newbies to take this route

An interesting assertion. Why do you believe this, John?

Because they nearly all use indicators rather than price action, perhaps?

Learning price action requires education, understanding, patience and discipline.

Trading, with its easy online access and availability, and the lure of its advertising, is exactly the kind of activity that attracts mostly people looking for short-cuts. :wink:

[QUOTE=ā€œJohn085;712394ā€] Its a myth, how come a system fails if it gets public. Price action is a method traded by many traders and yet its very profitable. Simple is best, the more traders trade a system, the higher its success rate gets.[/QUOTE]

Lol give the guy some privacy he doesnā€™t wanna share it so thatā€™s it. You could do your own research and develop yours that suits your own needs thatā€™s what I did and itā€™s well worth it, wouldnā€™t use anybody elseā€™s now.

Good luck OP

Thank you mate. how long did it take for you to tailor your method?



YO fellow travellers , for thats all we are UNTILL we learn PDF Patience ,Discipline and Focus, I saw this 1st post and thought "whoa heres some easy $$ for the market " ā€¦ peoples natural GREED draws them to forex only to find its like all other gambling and untill you sort out the BS from reality, it will just be an expensive lesson IMO ā€¦ I trust the newbie will apply the due dilegence that is about the same reqired as to be a brain surgeon, Good Fortune to those that study ā€¦ Q

Howdy Darth,

Are you having 6 consecutive successful trading months?

If yes, then you are good to become full time trader.

Why 6 months?

Thatā€™s the dedication you need to follow only one single strategy for 6 months.
It was told by my mentor 8 years ago and it still the same.

Just like you, I did quit years back thinking that i cracked the code. But, i got myself into worse position.

Had to start from basics again and to be dedicated with one strategy for 6 months, it took me 3 good years.

I for one am happy for the guy. He believes in his system and himself, I hope he does well. I dont know how long he been trading but if he feels its time then its time.

[QUOTE=ā€œ3xfx;714955ā€]I for one am happy for the guy. He believes in his system and himself, I hope he does well. I dont know how long he been trading but if he feels its time then its time.[/QUOTE]


Keep us posted darth.

Good luck.


Crackle and Pop

[QUOTE=ā€œ3xfx;714971ā€]Crackle and Pop[/QUOTE]

Weirdā€¦Iā€™ve just eaten a late night bowlā€¦are you watching me?.

Cover up that lap top camera is all ill say lol:rolleyes:

Darth :53:

I remember reading this thread religiously last year. Iā€™m interested to know how you got on. Success failure or somewhere in the middle?

Hope you donā€™t mind me asking however as a learner in demo still Iā€™m interested in other peopleā€™s journeys.


hi buddy funny how you asked and I saw you post today.

Not good mate. every time i think iveā€™d turned a corner make some steady money. i then turn another corner and cliff dive without a parachute. Iā€™m still struggling with the basic problems. GREED, FEAR, ADDICTION. LACK OF DISCIPLINE.

i ALWAYS fight the trend, must be in my nature. Iā€™m crazy. as Einstein said the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Iā€™ve been on a losing streak since day one with bouts of winning steaks that then lead to further and bigger losing streaks.

I need a change and its not my system as i have solid evidence it works. its me. going to speak to a hypnotherapist tomorrow. Legit. hoping he can help me with the bold text above. I truly want to be a trader I just keep getting in the way of myself.

If this doesnā€™t work then iā€™m going to be another statistic and have to find some other avenue.



Get yourself down to the gym and beat the life out of your wooden dummy

Hahaha Wise Eddie, wise :slight_smile:


Would some automation help you? I can help you with a script that can take some of the tasks out of your hands so that you can take some distance.


Sorry to hear the emotions are stopping you. If your serious about the hypno it will be fascinating to see if it works.

best of luck. Keep us posted.

Toekan - is the offer for automation open to others? I have a stupidly simple strategy I want to test but man am I crap at coding.


This thread has been such a roller coaster ride! Really looking forward for those highs with you @Darth! Would love to hear more about your journey and how it unfolds in the future!