I'm trying out the HLHB system!

yup, there’s always a lot of volatility during the FOMC news. You can gain massive pips during,but I think its best to trade after and try and find a place to enter then

Thanks for sharing this Viper! :smiley: I don’t have any open positions for today but I’d love to know how this trade will go. :slight_smile:

Btw, I’m not very good with technical terms. (Huhu. :cold_sweat:) So hmm. What does this mean? :thinking:

Hello @justshell! :smiley: Haha. So happy to see you here. :slight_smile: Actually. I don’t use tradingview. :confused: I just go straight to my practice account with Oanda. :open_mouth:

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Yeah! :smiley: Thanks for the heads up Manxx! :slight_smile: A friend told me about this too and I don’t have any plans of opening a position right now since I won’t be able to monitor that trade, just to be safe. Haha. :sweat_smile:

Good evening everyoooone! :smiley: I just got home! I had to run a lot errands today. :frowning: Anyway, I didn’t open any position today since I knew I’d be away and I didn’t to feel anxious all day. :stuck_out_tongue:

How are you guys doing? :slight_smile: Anyone trading the news? :smiley: Take care!

Nope, not me! Been short EU today, but just closed it. Month-end this week and I’m just taking bonus pips without any great risk. Might re-enter after the Fed things today, depends what happens then…

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Another nice photooo! :open_mouth: I love the contrast! :blush: Good thing you have a handy camera / phone. :smiley:

Yeah. I guess it’s better to wait and sit it out for now. :thinking: Maybe that’s what I’ll do until the end of the month. Hmmmm.

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How has your month been with this approach? Which pairs have you concentrated on most/been most successful with?

Yes, autumn is such a beautiful time of year. But also a little melancholy as we see all the migratory birds gathering and flying south for the winter. Its kind of sad knowing we won’t see them again until next spring. According to our local newspaper, an estimated 15,000 cranes flew over our town yesterday in waves, together with some of the first swans. We saw them but they were so high that it was too much of a challenge for a phone camera…

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thanks,! I was able to figure it out. You’re able to connect your broker to TradingView itself, and place your trades on there directly. You can just right click on the chart, and go to ‘Trade’

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It’s been pretty good! :smiley: I haven’t had really big winning trades yet (like over 100 pips or something :open_mouth:) , but I’ve been able to snatch a good number of pips here and there. :blush: So, I’m contented. :slight_smile: I mostly trade GBPUSD and EURUSD. :slight_smile: I’m thinking of exploring the system’s effectivity with other currencies for next month. :thinking:

Aww. I agree! :open_mouth: Autumn sounds so peaceful and beautiful but it sounds kinda sad as well. :open_mouth: (I’ve never really experienced it, but I just got this from what I’ve been reading and seeing so far. Haha.) I hope you don’t experience a harsh winter this year. :frowning:

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OMG good for you! :smiley: Haha. I never got to figure that one out so I just went with Oanda alone. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe one of these days, I could also try linking the two. :smiley:

Just curious Ria, but what does huhu mean?

I’ve definitely seen it posted elsewhere, but I never know what it means

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Oh! Sorry. I tend to use it a lot. :sweat_smile: But, “Huhu.” is some sort of sad or crying expression. Like, the opposite of “Haha.” :smiley:

Hey Ria, I placed a stop at 10am on the open trade, on the 13min fractal, at 1.1770, I eventually moved it to BE+2 because of the momentum decay, and I estimated it would reverse, it did and I walked with enough to pay the broker fees.

The Ever Explaining VIPER

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Ria, don’t do it, just watch.

The Ever Mindful VIPER

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lolz, I should have been able to figure that one out

thanks for the help!

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Oh thank you for the warning Viper. :smiley: When I read it, I decided to just watch and refrain from trading until the start of October. :slight_smile: Haha. Thank youuu! :blush:

Hi guuuuys! :smiley: Happy Monday/ Happy October! :blush:

I’m looking forward to this month because I kinda plan to decide if I’m ready to go live by the end of the month. :thinking: If everything goes well this month, and the system continues to prove itself profitable, I might just go for it. :smiley: Excited to see how that works out. :slight_smile:

Anyway, let’s make this a good and productive month! :blush: Take care guys.

Right now, I’m still just watching my charts. :smiley:

For the EURUSD, I initially thought there was a bullish rectangle so I thought price might break through resistance. :sweat_smile: But, it moved the other direction so I just opted to sit it out. :open_mouth: I’m now waiting for the RSI to move above 50 for me to put in a trade. :slight_smile:

Does any of you guys have any open positions for EURUSD? :slight_smile: I’d love to know how your trades are doing! :smiley:

As for my GBPUSD, I just went long @ 1.30493. :smiley: I’m still in the red right now but I’ll just update you guys how it goes. :slight_smile:

I hope I could trade more this month. :frowning: I get so caught up with all the other things I have to do. :frowning: Sorry if I can’t update this thread as much as I’d want. :sweat: