While I was searching the web I found few important points relating to reading charts which every trader should consider before making any trade. I am sharing these points for your review and comments. I hope these factors would be helpful for BP community.
Courtesy: Craig Ferguson
1- Learn How To Read Stock / Forex Charts
Reading charts is an art form that can take years to fully master. Why do we read charts? Because, by reading charts, we can determine what the “big money” is doing!
You have to be able to analyze a chart and come to a conclusion about whether or not to risk your hard earned money on a trade.
That is really the bottom line.
And this is what separates the novice trader from the professional. There are several factors on a chart that make it worthy of trading. By analyzing these factors, we can determine with high probability which direction a stock will move.
There several questions that you want to ask yourself when you look at a stock chart. Here they are…
- What stage is this stock in?
- Is this stock in an uptrend or a downtrend?
- Is the stock at the beginning, middle, or end of the trend?
- How strong is the trend?
- Where are the trend lines?
- What wave is this stock in?
- What do the moving averages tell me?
- Was there a breakout recently?
- Is the chart “smooth” or “sloppy”?
- Are there any chart patterns?
- Are there wide range candles in the direction of the trend?
- Are there any gaps in the direction of the trend?
- Are professionals selling strength or buying weakness?
- Where are the support and resistance areas?
- Is this stock at a Fibonacci level?
- What does volume tell me?
2- Following is a link of CFTC / FX tools
3- In response to a recent thread of @matzhee [Does currency pairs have relations?]((Does currency pairs have relations?),), I posted a screenshot of my Excel sheet showing correlation of currencies on different time frames.
Here, I am attaching it again for the review of BP Community. You may observe that every currency pair do have different ratios on different time frames. I hope it would help you to understand the positive or negative correlation between major currency pairs.