Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I also put a lot of thought into the reasons behind the trades, I couldn’t always understand why some were being taken and seriously questioned my understanding of the tools I thought I had learnt.

I’m still not quite getting the joke or why it’s so funny.

You can obviously tell the tools from the trades, you will find it funnier as time goes on.

Hopefully, It’s just the last video I watched was him saying he is trying and the trades are genuine.
I only checked his trades at the end of my days trading (otherwise I may well have exited some of my good trades) but it did cast some serious doubts as to my understanding of his tools.

THAT is the most shocking that I have seen in this thread!!! I am confused now… No-one would use a song from them!!!

I look at MG very differently now… :S


I told Michael once, that this forum would never believe he was an underdog in this challenge…

he made me eat my words in < 24 hrs :34:

that’s all i have to add :wink:

I still maintain that this bloke is a genius where forex knowledge is concerned. I initially thought that he was deliberately throwing a curved ball with those trades but if he was indeed trying with them he totally binned his own principles.Looking at yesterdays trades the only one that made sense and fitted in with his principles was the second fiber trade.The s/l was correctly placed and left alone it’d be nicely in profit now.
I hope he turns it around.If he doesn’t it just goes along with the fact that the most brilliant minds in any field have never practiced but only teach.
A friend of mine is the leading figure in flood management in UK. She has never left school and is now the top professor in her university. I’m sure she knows every detail of how to build a flood defence system but wouldn’t have a clue how to do it.

Just seen that last one! Crazy entry point, vulnerable S/L. He’s gotta be piss-balling about now!

I dont think he is.

hm. fiber long 3568
another outstanding buy into resistance, for 20 pips expected profit.
well, this one has a SL, 'm beginning to enjoy the littlest things :slight_smile:

Too soon to buy EU.

We know, thanks all the same.

Yeah of course he is, but does it remind you of something? You may not have attempted to go live yet I don’t, but for a lot that have, they will see what’s going on, I’ve been there, now here’s a classic going live story.

You’ve been trading demo for a while, you loose money, but you think well, I’ve got a couple of grand I can afford to live without, but I’m pretty sure I can double that, trading demo is waste of time, may as well use proper money.

BANG, you loose two grand quicker than you ever thought possible, you have a sleepless night or two, you really didn’t want to loose that two grand, it will normally take less than 3 months to completely blow your account.

So back to demo, more discipline, more discipline, a few months down the line, it’s time to try again, same thing happens really, just a little more slowly.

Then same story more or less, but this time you’re doing ok, so it’s time to add more capital, and then, it all starts going wrong.

So this will happen until you get to the point, where actually you are breaking even, because when it does start going wrong, you stop and protect your capital, many times you will now trade up to your break even point, then possibly loose to some extent, it can be quite tricky to cross over the line, but at this point, you are not loosing money over the long run, and you continue to trade, and eventually you make the leap.

That’s not exactly my story, not far off, but it is a classic stereotype process, and I don;t think I’m far off in that I think ICT is trying to illustrate some of that.

I was curious from the start why add Capital in the second month, but didn’t think much of it, now I think I see why.

Persistence pays.

And homework, do your own work too, build on ICT’s way of analysis, in breaking down the day, I did an exercise last week, and found that a decent swing out of the Asian Range is very likely to sustain a move all day long, it’s not difficult to spot, it’s easy to trade, it’s using the same thing over and over again, it’s happened two days in a row, just as I expected it too, they will work out about 8 or 9 times out of 10 and give you massive pip hauls. I’ve not come across the setup anywhere before, I had the initiative to figure it out for myself, which is the other point ICT is quite clearly making, don;t follow blindly, make your own plan.

Whoever trades this account (ICT, unless his computer is hijacked by aliens or men in black) acts like they have no understanding of support, resistance and probabilities. Or they think they know for sure what the market will do, thus standing above probabilities.

In which case this endeavour will end much sooner than we expect it… things going the same way, i’d be happy if there was an account to debate about in a couple of months time. I guess each learns their own way.

I can see your point but to sacrifice such a large amount of money to show this surely would mean he is either very generous, very wealthy or very needy.After all he stands to gain nothing from this or any of his other teachings.

Congratulations. All the time you’ve dedicated in this thread is finally paying off.

I think you’re spot on though PP

Wouldn’t it be funny if he trades this account into the ground and then reveals the other account that was traded by the rules. LOL

There is only one reality and that is the account balance.

You’re welcome, but who’s we?