Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Yep, you make absolutely no sense.

Now, lets not get the wrong end of the stick here, that is no negative comment.

But consider this…

I think ICT has a pretty big ego, he want’s to teach as many people as he can to learn forex, he wants to do it bigger and brighter than anyone else, he wants to lead, he wants to inspire people, he wants to bring the US out of recession, well that might be pushing it a bit, but good for him, that is an ego to be proud of, is a BIG positive ego.

I don’t KNOW, only he knows, something to think about though :slight_smile:

at least we know ICT draws a crowd!

A sensible person doesn’t ask one question over and over, expecting the answer to differ from what he already got.

This post was addressed to you, not ICT :slight_smile:

Ah ha! I knew I sensed a new indi - keep posting your anyl - helps us newbies :slight_smile:

And wihich ones have you addressed to ICT? He addressed you in 2 or 3 posts here. Your answers probably escaped me.

I kind of have to disagree. If I remember correctly (and I could be mistaken) it was jezz who started a post to show us your myfxbooks and I slammed the guy for it and said I would never do it. This time around he might just get his wish. A newb ICT follower that can show profits trading ICT’s methods. I will not do it till January like ICT. Not sure of ICT’s reasons but mine are simple. W are heading into the holiday season and my trading will pretty much come to a hault. So I figure it would be better to wait till after the holidays and get a full year of results and not just a month in as that will not show much. There are some months I may not even get a trade

Thanks bob [I](i’m assuming your name is actually bob - could be embarrassing if it’s not)[/I]

It would be good to get a few accounts out their in the open. I know some people are very confidential about their trading with respect to monetary figures, myself included, but these are not even needed. As we all know, trading is a business of percentage gains and losses - nothing else.

I have my own public FXbook which started this month, hopefully by January my own account will be established and I would have got through the teething issues with my trade entry EA (It decided to launch a trade with 10x the lot size I intended) - my fault though for not doing ample testing.

Anyway, I look forward to January, more for the fact that we can talk over accounts rather than proving certain individuals wrong.

Oh I don’t know, I’ve asked myself ‘Why did I get married again?’ more than once!

Answer - obviously not sensible! :smiley:

No it’s not a new indi, but I am trying to get my head around how open source might work with this, when I can get that I can complete my little project, so if anyone has open source experience please share.

Back onto the indi subject, you know the spring setup on the StochRSI, I want you guys to understand how and when it works, basically it’s the deviation from the HTF, so you are looking for the price to move back and across the fair value of the current average direction of the trend, as in The Judas Swing and Chris Lori’s FX price Characteristics, yes I know, the stuff I commented as ‘Oh No not the AUD/JPY, give me strength’, or words to that effect, a while ago, well… live and learn hey!

Ok, I’ll tell you why I posted that about not having anything to do with the myfxbook thing, but before I go into it, yes I’m pretty sure it’s safe and all that, but there is a ‘but’

A few years ago I developed a system that copied trades, when I thought I could make a fortune! I used MYSQL, I would place a trade on MT4, using my own custom made module that connected to MT4 based on how Oanda executes trades, it was a great interface in itself, you could move your stops and TP’s just like you can on Oanda platform. Also at the same time it updated the current record in MYSql, then on remote computer it would use that new record to copy the trade, it worked like a dream. I was going to make millions by taking commissions off the mega profits I was going to make from people that had MT4 just running on their own PC with their own account.

But I realised that in that code I could do anything I wanted, like after I would have made this big theoretical profit, I could have a little routine in there that just wiped your profits, you could do all kinds of analysis on so much data, so that’s why I’m not keen on it, it’s an ex4 and not an .mq4 so you kow what’s going on in there. Which comes back to the open source idea, but how the heck do you combine the required specs with open source, and make the whole concept work, I don’t know… yet!

So are you saying that your concerned that fxbook may have access to your account, and thus can change and alter any settings that they see fit, or even duplicate trades. I thought they only ever had the investor password. I also manually update fxbook, changing the investor password each and every day after each update in MT4. This means fxbook cannot connect to my own account until I tell them my new password.

Just a thought

Thanks EJ, I hope some of the experts here will review the document ( looks good to me ). I’ve been working on the same thing but what you’ve done is way better than what I have.

EJ in the quote above it looks like the link was removed but I had someone email it to me and its good work. I might change some things to more fit me but great great work


I have been testing your _PPF_Osc_Div_v2.mq4 indicator and have had good results when combining it with ICT concepts. I specialy like when both the red and black line and into oversold/overbought and the blue line is still above/below the midpoint.

I have some basic coding skills and was looking to make some changes to the indicator to add an alarm that will alert me when the above mentioned condition is present. I have been trying to find the variables that store the last values of the red, blue and black lines but have not been able to find them.

Could you point me to the right variables in the code that store these values ?

Thank you !

The only figures that interest me are mine. Seeing anybody else’s won’t take me anywhere. Adding what is taught on this thread to what I already know can greatly help. If hijackers allow it to continue.
If somebody thinks they have a better thread or blog than this one, let them wait the "illiterate newbie " there begging for instruction.

Took the same trade, and closed it for around 8 pips after a few hours of it doing relatively little :slight_smile:

Watching the higher levels now for a short.

Note the Key levels in this trade… refer to Daily Chart in the last video.

GLGT :57:

Sorry for newbie question… but how to select USDX in MT4 ? … i cannot find it in available pairs

some brokers do not provide a USDX feed

try a demo with Forex.Ltd

another option is Netdania, although cannot use MT4 indicators, it does have some of its own tools ie fibs etc

You get a demo from (i think they’re called) and add to your watch list.
If you’ve only just discovered this thread then you’ll want to go to 301 Moved Permanently and 301 Moved Permanently first and watch the video’s that are linked on first pages of these threads, they are the Aladins Cave of ICT.
