The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Got that Bro. So it seems like COT is not much useful for Intraday. Thanks for the reply and sry for bothering with my silly questions.

Silly questions are how we all learn, thks for asking it :slight_smile:

That is NOT a silly question, I’ve seen silly questions I don’t have much time for them anymore, and that is not one of them.

Just using the OP’s own adjective, not mine.

Good discussion, I noticed that there might be a correlation between, a big change in dealers positions, but I couldn’t figure how to apply it to what I do.

PPFX you have a methodical mind, I’ve seen that in your programming of your (imo excellent) indi

Can I sense a new indi in the making?

No, ABSOLUTELY NOT, I don’t believe in indicators, divergence doesn’t exist, and a higher timeframe is a state of existence:D

I believe in Angels !!!

Any ideas?

Okay. Now after studying ICT material’s over and over again. I thought I’d try the October month trading using swing high’s/low’s,support&resistance and all the tool’s we use for intraday and nothing much more than that.
Ict actually explained it in the Inside the Range webinar.

I was getting so confused with the COT and all the other stuff which made my trading more complicated.
Like ICT gave a method to Piphanger to trade. I will be trading with the above stated method this month and will post the result’s every week.

Look up the meaning of the name Michael in Hebrew :slight_smile:

(seems Alan and Peter are not so unalike)

If i am not mistaken “Piphanger” through in the towel. I hope it was just emotions getting better of him and that he will bounce back from his weak state of mind, "what does not kill you can only make you stronger. "

I’ve also has a play with PPF’s Stoc Spring Indicator.

Used it to optimise entries on the next Support/Resistance point, using M5. although still testing, M15 seems not as definitive.

Certainly a valuable confirmation tool for the London Open, although possibly less so for subsequent periods. Still early days.

Hi PureMuscle.
Did you analyse your losses? Why did you lose at this specific moment? Was it due to a lack of planning? Were those trades properly analysed beforehand? Did you managed your risk properly?


Where do I find the " Top Down Analysis" video? Can’t find it in the old thread…

Furthermore, does anyone have the complete old Clarkfiles that you once could download… Appreciate it!

Sorry its a bit late - been really slack with keeping up with the forums recently…

Bro, i remember when i first started learning how to trade i thought all i needed was a good winning strategy that tells me when to enter and exit and ill be sorted - but little did i know how important the psychological aspects would be…

Personally, ive seen you do your analysis behind your trades and i dont see any flaws in them - at the end of the day, the market is kind of subjective like that, what people see and conclude will be different. I think your biggest downfall is your patience. You’ve already shown you can get in the market and suck it full of all the pips possible, but i think you need to demonstrate (not to us, but to yourself) that your comfortable just watching and even missing moves.

Spend a week at your computer and watch the charts, do your same analysis, even paper trade what you would do - but dont take any real trades. Ive bordered on nearly 2 weeks flat at one point - im not saying it was easy, because it was hard as hell, but i know in the long term it will make me a more patient trader. You need to be able to be content with the fact your analysis was spot on, and accept that you will miss moves. You dont need to trade everyday.

Go about this in two ways, either limit your number of trades per weeks to say 3? That gives you less than one trade a day - but it means that the trades you do decide to take, you’ll make them count - you only wanna take the cream of the crop! I cant even begin to imagine how many +% your account will be on if you hung back and didnt take the losing trades.
The other option is to tighten up your entry criteria. Make it so strict that only the finest of trades qualifies and the rest you wont even look at. Then you have to restrain and only trade when your criteria gives you the green light.

I made 2 trades this week - and missed a possible 3rd one by 1 pip… and i feel like i over traded! lol!
I know im blowing my own horn a lot here, but im not trying to sound like a guru, i just know that compared to where i was, ive come leaps and bounds - but still have work to do…

Unfortunately though, every reply to your post is pointless (no offence to anybody), beacause this is the part that cant be taught in a trading plan series or any other video. This is the side to trading that you must learn your self, this is what will separate you from the winners or getting slaughtered with the herd.

You have huge potential…


[QUOTE=oasis;402945]Where do I find the " Top Down Analysis" video? Can’t find it in the old thread…
The above video is one of the ‘silent’ videos.

ICT’s teaching vidoes are getting better and better as he evolves into a more accomplished teacher as well as trader, I can absolutely assure you that the most recent video on Top Down Analysis is what you are looking for.

Inner Circle Trader’s Trade Plan Development Part 3 - YouTube

Wow ! I’ll check that out more thoroughly when I got time but fastforwarded a bit- Fantastic work of art, I must agree with you totally on his evolvement by just using this as my basis !

Great job ICT! :smiley:


[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Was doing some COT study today and came up with this.

What do you guys think?

I picked up the same from my analysis this weekend. I’ll be mindful of HTF cable shorts in the coming few weeks maybe even hang a swing / position trade out there.


Just to be clear - I’m only using the COT extreme position for LT trades not intraday.