Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Great stuff ppf.


Can I just ask, why the 1.2740-50 level and not the 1.2720? I am interested to know what the discerning factor was :slight_smile:

it’s what i keep seeing in this. nice shots on those shorts!

This is interesting setup, can’t quite see the line detail, is it trinity and pivot overlap on current M/W/D candle?

Short. Target is half off at 30 pips and set BE. The remainder I am leaving on possibly for the monthly trinity 1.618 at 1.2600.
This is of course assuming my stop survives NY. I will check out jing, Thanks.

Doesn’t this look like a MM [B]BUY[/B] program to you?
With Bullish market structure to confirm that?

Get in @ 1.2795 while you can :slight_smile:

Consolidation is @ 1.2830, just to clear out the stops of yesterday.
Have a look at the GU, the MMBP was already completed there, there is no reason for the EU not to follow in my opinion

Hope you don’t mind me adding a little to this or my 2p worth.
First off i must confuses that i am as guilty as anyone. I have done and still do all the mistake ICT and other talk about NOT to do.(hope last sent makes sense :D).
However i do realise that all this knowledge wisdom comes from experience and when we gain experience we reflect and look at our mistakes and say heh i wish i knew all that what i know now, but crucial peace of the puzzle imho is that we learn from mistake and ultimate pain it brings us. I am sure there are people other that get it straight away and this is quiet well illustrated in the beginning slides of Chris Lori’s webinars that circle of knowledge, past experiences, current reality and you as individual. So this brings me on to one important point and its the process that we need to concentrate on, not the outcome a similar to body building or any other sport patience discipline and knowledge which comes with TIME.

On final note i would like to share one single thing that is helped me and is helping me and i have a long way to go:8:, the way i have at least become more patient is by setting price alarms and by marking important areas where i would anticipate a trade to occur. I realised that if we anticipate and not react as ICT teaches then it is less emotional as you feel like you are in control of YOUR self.

So i understand exactly where you at and battling the very same thing.

holy moly, this week. missed long entry on cable by 1 pip AGAIN. seriously, this is not funny anymore!

15m Chart, mega pinbar and then the 50 holds, could have been 2720, but that’s when I go down from 1hr to 15m and 5m.

Action plan:

for sells: entry -= 2 pips
for buys: entry += 2 pips


I went in @ 1.2740, the 61% retracement of Friday’s low to yesterday’s high.
When there is a rather large range (>100pips) I tend to take the 61%, especially when I hunt for the weekly low/high

Would be nice if you could post some charts if possible

Cable - Mostwantedpip’s library

Yes, the 3 separate candles are M W and D.

Monthly candle - I am using last 3 months Highs and Lows, monthly Pivots, and adding a Fib range from previous month using High to low, similar to trinity and using fair value at 50 with 32 and 68 as no mans land.
Weekly candle - Last 4 weeks highs and lows, and weekly Pivots. Fib range set up same as monthly using previous weeks High and low.
Daily candle - Last 3 days highs and lows, and daily pivots. Fib range set up same as monthly using previous days highs and lows.

I started this to separate all the key support and resistance levels off the main chart. I didn’t like looking through all the time frames trying to keep all the confluences together on the same chart. This allows me to nail down confluence on the MWD without having to mark up the chart. Then after watching the trinity video, I already had prior period highs and lows on the candles, so I just added the fib range , obviously the calculations are not exactly the same as trinity, but the results were amazing. Example, I can see an overlapping fib with a pivot and key level on the daily candle without changing charts and I can also see more confluence from the other 2 candles. This also keeps me more focused on HTF key levels. I am going to check out a better way to post pics so they are cleaner.

I really hope NYO will give me an entry today!
I market the 1.2740 yesterday to give me an alert, but got non :mad:
Got to stay positive, at least had the right idea :35:

Once the new swing high was formed it invalidated a (ie my proposed 12717) 12720 long entry.

I moved my entry up on that new swing high, although still missed being filled by 4 pips. “Them’s tha breaks”

EDIT: In retrospect there was more confluence at 12740 - ADR Low, dS2, weekly Open, Yesterday’s Low, Mid Fig at the 62 Fib. Would have been a fill good for bragging rights:29:

Its all good, sticking to my guns. Looking at the weekly range and daily charts I see a short term retracement stuck at 2 old lows that is getting ready to sink long term. If I am wrong, I will evaluate my mistake and try to learn from it.

75 pips in 1 day thanks ICT :*

Life is beautiful when you put your ICT goggles on :slight_smile:
In at 1.2740, out at 1.2830


Looking at fibre now and seeing a nice short opportunity forming at 1.2820. Nice rejection pin bar forming at Resistance sweeping above the highs for stops, possibly to send the price lower not sure, could be just a bounce before continuing higher. i am staying out just watching today.

Click to enlarge EUR SHORT_ - Mostwantedpip’s library

I have quiet precisely identified and called few moves that occurred today and pleased with that. This is my patience exercise. :slight_smile:

I know ICT doesn’t like trend lines but I think this 15m fiber is worth note.