Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Hi DroneTrading,

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

As Rod mentioned, .ex4 files are for the MT4 platform. Since you’re currently using FXCM, you might like to know that you can convert your existing account via, so that it will work on MT4. FXCM’s MT4 logins actually work on both MT4 and the Trading Station, so you will be able to use both platforms. If you need further assistance with this, feel free to hit me up in the Broker Aid Station.


Just back from a long lazy break in London - fantastic city and people - very few bank traders about ( all away on holiday I guess - ) anyway - back to work - earphones on, ICT video running, pen in hand :slight_smile:

Possibly this video at 13.00 mins - although he is talking about a seek and destroy scenario where price will run back to between the 50 and 38 fib after taking out the stops.

Inner Circle Trader’s PTC 09/19/12 - YouTube

Trading must be paying you too well :wink:

Welcome back!

Hi Esser

Strikes me that Fibre was waiting for a good reason to make new levels, everything has been suggesting a long scenario for while now. Then at 5pm we had Boehner (forgive possible misspelling) on the wires sounding a bit hopeful that the US fiscal cliff will be settled. Well actually when I listened to him , he didnt sound that confident, but the equity markets took it as a sign that all will be well in the world. That and the fact that the Usdx has got clear space down to 79.00 and EU has no real resistence until 3280 lit the touch paper! In a nutshell we had a strong technical story, supported by news. I can almost hear ICT saying “watch out for the 3280 level guys and keep an eye on the usdx 79 level”. :slight_smile:

Have a good one

Tomorrow he will release a new episode:

Could anyone download the livestream presentation by Michael of Mon Nov 19 2012?
Thank you.


Thank you Peterma

I thought its on YouTube now?

I could not find it in ICT’s channel.
Do you think someone else may have posted it?

Thank you.

WOW! This is really nicely outlined! Thank you!

Can anyone point me to ICT 's mention of market structure rules or give me a synopsis? I am having trouble identifying when MS changes. As I under stand it MS in a bull/buy market I am looking for higher highs and lows, but what changes MS? Does it shift if I get a new STL that is lower than the last STL or am I off the mark.

I have marked what I beleive to be the ITLs and ITHs and some S & R levels but I am not sure if MS is broken down to the bearish side after the STL on May 16th is lower than the April 5th?

I am working way back in time as an excercise to improvement. Thanks for any insite you can give me.

COT data is looking bearish also very close to a major resistance level. Just stuff to keep in mind. Especially for longer term traders.

You’ll get it here Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

too bad it’s not “trading season” anymore. easy long on fiber and e/g. my demo account is happy though. wanna cash out please.

Yeah, that was a decent setup this morning, took the Long from 1.3230, most of the position closed at 30 pips, will hold out for 1.3280 to see what it does…

I suspect we’ll see it get a bit higher, looks like 79.00 on the USDX will get tagged too.

exactly my view and my trade :smiley: spoooooooks!

Also took the trade @ 1.3230, but closed most of it @ WR1: 1.3270

I just wish it was on my Live account :smiley:

Still, this type of analysis in these conditions do serve their purpose well, if you can still call the moves and anticipate price, 2013 will be another good year :slight_smile:

Yep, this is why I took most off at 30 pips, my feed was reporting the WR1 @ 1.3263