Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

closed remaining portion of the fiber long at 1.3283. demo trading sucks!

took the same trade with TP 1.3280 :slight_smile:

Think about how you are analysing the markets when trading in your demo account, think about how calm and relaxed you are. Dont over think things and transfer the same mentality over to your Live account.

Its a tricky thing to do, which is why I explicitly wanted to demo trade over this holiday time period. If I can be as consistent in my demo account as I have been on my Live account, you wont lose any of that confidence when you start up Live again in the 2nd week of January.

As usual, dont recklessly jump in ā€œjust because its a demo accountā€. Keep notes of all the demo trades too and refer back to them as if it were a Live account. It will pay off in the long run!

Hi All

As its a time for sharing and all that I thought Iā€™d post up my updated daily check list in the hope that it might help one or two newer fellow travellers. Getting to grips with your own personal approach and action plan is critical in developing as a trader so this should be used only as a starter to drawing up your own ā€˜planā€™ but what Iā€™ve tried to do in the attached is to bullet point the key ICT concepts and strategies that I scan and think through to determine if, when and how I will place a trade. Itā€™s not comprehensive by any means and doesnā€™t cover basics such as risk management or detail like inter country bond triads but it kinda works for me as I feel comfortable, in my mind at least, that these are the key things I need to consider. Iā€™ve kept it to one page so that its always visible on my desk.

Hope it might help

NB: I donā€™t necessarily consider all of the points when placing a trade (some are once a week, others daily) - the thing is to learn to use your own discretion and which tools/concepts to apply and when.

Very nice, especially the last line :smiley:

Great trading plan

Yeah I was looking at the same setup and had a limit order ready @ 1.32277 which didnā€™t get tagged. Too bad as the TP was set at 1.3280 too so would have been an easy 50 pips or so added to the live account. Iā€™m also now short at 1.32830.

Also my android battery is playing up recently so using the work iPhone and I must say BP and Metatrader are so much better on iPhone.

Shame I hate everything else about Apple.

I guess by that you mean donā€™t stand in front of trains -i.e. dont try and short a strong up trending market. Cant remember where I came across the phrase but it describes the point very well. When I started trading this was a big problem for me as my mentality was always to try and predict a pause and a quick bounce back in the trend. This masked a couple of things which I needed to sort out/learn. The first was my psychological approach was wrong - Iā€™m a contrarian by instinct but it this case my instincts were / are wrong. The second was that strong trends are invested with a good deal of effort and momemtum and are not easily de-railed - therefore dont bother trying - get in line man and take the same ride! I was going to add "Dont stand in front of trains - [I]wait for it to reach the station.[/I]ā€¦but that opens up a whole new debate. Best just to get off the tracks :slight_smile:

Read this book i just did and Larry does a splendid job of explaining it in detail with some great examples!
I bet many did not know it, but Larry Williams did not come up with market structure, it was work of Henry Wheeler Chase in 1930s.
Its absolutely mind boggling that something that was used 70 years ago still stands true todayā€¦

Larry R. Williams Long Term Secrets to Short Term Trading

Give me a pm if anyone is struggling to find it :wink: :smiley:

Safe trading


There was a nice Holy Grail Long (demo:28:) trade (OTE + SToc Div) in LO KZ. ran to over 50 pips in about 60 minutes.

I guess that falls into the ā€œwait for the knife to stop quivering and then carefully go and pick it upā€ :slight_smile:

This whole concept and idea of market analysis really challenges the way you think. No matter how much you argue your point and no matter how valid your arguements may seem, the markets will do their own thing (and based on the analysis we are posting/discussing in this thread), we are generally in sync with the big moves up (quite a few of us caught that decent move up last week).

Its funny to see the overall sentiment on the forums. Weā€™re still in a very strong bull trend (Im referring to Cable/Fiber just FYI), but last week, I saw so many (myself included) looking for those shorting opportunities, despite all signs pointing towards higher prices.

Leaving your bias at the door before getting into Forex is critical. It doesnt matter what you think (or what the news corporations think), what matters is what is on the charts and what information they are giving you to work with. I guess this is another reason why so many dont make it, they cant change the way they think about these thingsā€¦

Case in point this week. Little in the way of resistance to 1.3280, where did price go? I still see loads of people trying to short the EUR/USD from the start of the weekā€¦

My broker for example, 73% of traders have open positions on the Fiber expecting the price to fall, I suspect most are in quite a bit of negative equityā€¦ While I think weā€™re in for a correction soon, I would not be expecting a massive drop off in price yet, until the market tells me weā€™re going down. Scalping some shorts would be fair game, but for the last month or so, hunting Longs has paid off big time compared to looking for those obvious shorts (still profitable, but not really by comparison) :slight_smile:

Trusting the charts is one of the hardest things Iā€™ve had to learn (along with patience :stuck_out_tongue: )ā€¦

Hmm Reminds me of Swedish Top shelf movie title :18:

On a serous note, great plan and thanks for sharing

Showing your age :smiley:

Sorry PPFX
But :59:

Spot on Jonny - well said

Could not agree more. Each time Iā€™m about to jump in on gut I will first refer to Rule X -

Rule X : Market Structure trumps intuition.

Pretty good example of Type 2 ā€˜Nick Van Niceā€™ trend continuation Divergence too.

Yes - Stinger.

However, Iā€™m still not sure how to trade Stingers, as the price has usually moved up before the tail kicks up on the stoc.

Fiber H1 Grail Trade

I donā€™t usually trade with them myself - only use to add weight to grails, which btw, I think are killer set ups.

Hi Shaer,

Thanks for your reply and the links supplied. Just a short to enquire about the download.

When I click to download, what is downloaded is an eType setup file which tries to install a Toolbar called IncrediBar, which I do not wish to install as I only need the webinar recorded file. Besides I am a bit apprehensive in installing toolbars as I try to keep my desktop clean as much as possible to avoid problems.

I also signed up to have a free account since I thought this was required before I could proceed in downloading the webinar recording and tried again, however I still got the same result.

Can you please shed some light on what I may be doing wrong ?

Is it a requirement to install the IncrediBar toolbar before I am able to download the file, which is something I prefer not to do.

Also would you happen by chance to have the file on your desktop, which you might wish to send me directly please to avoid installing the IncrediBar Toolbar.

I would appreciate any help that you or somebody else out there may give. Am very grateful for all your help so far and greatly appreciate it.


Best regards,
