Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

That’s a monster move love it!

LOL maybe too ambitious! I meant to type 8 :slight_smile: Edited above :smiley:

Fiber <1.2930 then up!

What about the cable??

<1.6120 then up!

Money in on the cable…

Id also go down to 1.6120 Cable then up, hope it works out for you!

Im sitting on my hands :slight_smile:

I can’t help it on these days.

:18: or:17: let’s see come later on today.

I’m going with up to 1.62200 then down. and I’m hoping you’re using a demo account just for fun.
My trading hands are under my bum.

Its always demo baby!

bit disappointed in the city boys.
That was all the build up of mentos and coke, and get went out flat

I get the feeling the market is scared of it’s own shadow at the moment. Common guys To Dare Is To Do so get on with it :wink:

You are facing the same demon that I (and I suspect all us newbies) face each time we use ICT tools to enter - that demon is BIAS.
I anayalized your trade yesterday - just as ICT says as soon as you entered the trade wiped the spread and p/l went into the black, so you say to yourself - ha! all is well.

That is simply the tools working - I know, because I took 2 trades yesterday, one on fibre, one on cable, I used the tools to enter and hey presto all started well - the trouble is I was short both crosses.
When in the market I was I was monitoring eur/gbp for smt divergence - I noticed euro buying and bailed - so the tools got me in and the tools told me I was wrong and got out (with a small gain both trades).

I was in later than you but looking at LO eur/gbp on the 5 min I can see euro buying, it started at 8.55 and was in full swing by 12.20 - your cable short was at b/e by this stage - the smt div was evident - I would bail in these circumstances and hang on if long.
Only when I get the hang of bias will I feel confident enough to set and forget.

I know ICT does’nt mention the actual eur/gbp cross much in smt anaylsis but to me the same principles apply, it is just that I live on a land border eur/gbp and do business in both currencies daily - got to know the cross a bit.

BTW I have watched Chris Lori’ inside the banks, watched many of his webinars, gawped at the prices of the education material - I have learned much more in ONE ITC video, not knocking Chris Lori, but just saying.

everyone must still be at lunch :smiley: (or breakfast)

Damn but that is one magnificent post!

Just finished watching the "Inner Circle Trader’s PTC 10/04/12 "video and realised that you have answered my questions 5 minutes after I made my post. How uncanny…some form of prediction huh :slight_smile:

Thank you ICT!

You are correct. This is the INTERNET. Everyone knows there are no liars on the internet.
I myself run a 5 billion hedge fund from the Carribean Islands. Give me a call if you want my advice as well.

ahhh Vladul there you are.
Good to see you are doing well, 5 billion is not bad.

Would mind starting your own thread detailing your trading method/tools, and staying there?

What’s this supposed to mean? That you in same doubting camp as pip hanger?

Actually I would like some advise on how to troll a thread oh so well

Nah bro. I am WAY past doubting. I’m in the SURE land now.

Well, luckily we live in a free country and every one has there own opinion based on there own experience in live, such is human nature. I for one see this all day long! there is always some one with opposing opinion. Like my favourite saying goes opinion is like an @ss h#le, every body has one. Hope you catch my point…Bro :slight_smile:

mostwanted, you’re new (I’m assuming) but you’ll learn that vladul has been ‘stalking’ and trolling most of the ICT threads.

If you are looking for someone to learn price action trading from ICT is the best resource I personally have come across yet. Your only gripe could be that given the mountain of instruction (videos and posts) ICT has given us simply not knowing where to start. But that’s a good problem to have.

For some price action is not a good trading ‘solution’, and they are better served with mechanical systems with hard and fast rules. e.g. when the 20 EMA crosses the 50 EMA then buy.

That’s just a different trading mind set, and I’m sure there are some people who do well with that.

Me I like to think I am learning how to understand the market better through ICTs’ work.

And on a side note regarding Vladuls’ doubt to Mike being a millionaire: I couldn’t careless if Mike (you don’t mind me calling you Mike do you Mike?) lives in a rented one room flat in a bad neighbourhood in north India. What he’s teaching is gold and that’s all that matters.

nitsuj, kubio.Thank you for pointing that out…

I kind of gathered that. I maybe haven’t been posting much, but i have been avidly fallowing Michaels teachings. I have been trading price action using Steve Nisson concept , but thats simply reactionary trading coupled with support and resistance, so i always felt that there got to be deeper understanding to market then that . With Micheil videos i can more clearly see where to expect a bounce or break out ect. But still early days . Dear Michael you have been great all around and am truly grateful for your work and education. But unfortunately how ever good you may be you will always have haters. :frowning: