Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

6272 was itself a stop raid - so if reaches there it will go on to 6320 imo - I love cable for stop raids, but look down side at 6060,
All those Asian non trailed stops sitting at 6050-30 - bet they look tempting for sm, almost got them on wed, almost on 13th sep, 3rd time lucky - I’m talking about NY close and asian low 11thSep - I’ve big red line on there, yellow at 6280 and red at 6320. ( mind you had yellow at 6220, fell short of it by a few pips - oh well.

Re the bonds, on one live a/c I have a feed on bonds, noticed little anomaly on Fri - I had zero interest on what bonds were doing until I encountered ICT - I now think that an understanding of this market will help me, this is something I’m going to analyse over the coming months.

Below is the second of 4 updates (this season) to the ICT Kill Zone Table. Current changes are highlighted in yellow.

Note that the switch to DST occurring in southeastern Australia today affects only traders in southeastern Australia.

For the rest of us, this update does not change our Kill Zone times.

The next time change (on October 28, when Europe and the U.K. will return to Standard Time) will affect more of us.

The ICT Kill Zone Table will be updated again, at that time.


1. If you happen to be in one of the 7 time zones listed in the left-hand column, you can read the 4 Kill Zone times directly from this table. The times shown are current in your time zone.

2. If your time zone is not listed in the left-hand column, start with the time zone closest to yours, and add or subtract the appropriate number of hours to the Kill Zone times shown.


• if you are in any city in India, subtract 2½ hours from all the times on the line labeled “SINGAPORE time”.

• if you are in any city in Greece, add 1 hour to all the times shown on the line labeled “ZURICH time”.

• if you are in Dallas or Chicago, subtract 1 hour from all the times on the line labeled “NEW YORK time”.

• if you are in Los Angeles or Vancouver, subtract 3 hours from the times on the line labeled “NEW YORK time”.

3. The Kill Zone periods shown in this table are minimum periods. They can be expanded at your discretion.

For example, you might choose to expand the London Open Kill Zone by 1 hour, by starting a half hour earlier and ending a half hour later than the times shown in the table.

4. For additional time-zone and time-change information, see this post.

Thanks RC…

I thought I’d comment on a topic that seems to be brought up by a few readers… namely the “cost” of education. I am not about sales… I am about sharing what I see as of value.

In my nearly 20 years of education and collecting of resources… I own over 2600 books and or resources on the markets… yes that’s “Two Thousand Six Hundred” resources folks. I still buy things and review them… more curiousity than anything. However should I see something I like or holds water… I harvest the worth while insights… and disregard the “filler” material as just about everything has.

Now what do you suppose I spent on those resources? To be honest… I haven’t a clue lol… but I know I could have paid for a single family home with what I spent. The first thing I spent money on was Ken Roberts Commodity Course… and I paid about 500 USD on his options and futures courses. Yes, back in 1990’s… before ICT was in the dough… or in the know.

I was added to a mailing list as a result… and Larry Williams contacted me via mail… and I purchased his videos… another 250 USD… before making a penny. I participated in his live Inner Circle Workshop…you ready for this one… 5000 USD… for what? One day baby… one afternoon… the rest was watching him run a million dollar account trading S&P… this was over 17 years ago… what was 5000 USD to you then? lol

I didn’t make money until I learned Larry’s core material… and I realized how much I didn’t know or understand. From there… I devoured Price Action… lived and breathed it. I was so close to the market I felt “plugged in”… if that is even possible?

So what’s my point? If I hadn’t invested in myself and explored… I would have never become The Inner Circle Trader you know me as. Let’s be honest… I have no idea what Chris Lori presents at his Workshops. I was invited to speak at one and I agreed… and we both are working towards a 2013 Spring event. Some of you might think I know what he teaches in those workshops… and I tell you in truth… I don’t know what he shares there. I haven’t inquired… I haven’t pumped his workshops… I merely stated I would be present in 2013.

I have purchased his basic courses and for the most part… you get some very useful insights from Lori and he touches on some very crucial tenants in Trading… and you know what… most of these are not attached to buy and sell signals either. There is much more behind Trading and consistency than “Signals” or methods. Aside from myself and a bit of the foundations from Larry Williams… we three touch of the “DNA” of successful Traders… and this is rooted in their thinking… and this manifests in their Trading. If this went over your head… in layman terms… it’s more productive to invest and develop in the “Trader’s Mindset” than tools, techniques and signals. Build the proper mindset and the Trader will step forward… yes the one that resides in you all… free them and empower them.

After I witness Lori’s Workshop I intend to give you all a review, but understand I will not be revealing… but again… reviewing what I thought of it. There is a stark contrast to the things you read in the Larry Williams books and videos you pay couple hundred bucks for and the material he shared in his 5000 USD Workshop. If I feared or concerned myself early on with face value of the education I developed… and the time and energy I would have been walking into… I would have never started. You take one step into the darkness and feel around and eventually you find the switch… whether the light comes on after flipping it… that all depends on you and your personal preferences.

I share freely… and Lori has materials and resources in free forum. There is no hard pressure sales on his part for these higher end resources… and I respect that. I believe he has framed his delivery of material very well in regards to sharing the free material that really is good in my honest opinion… and his Psychology videos are very good… and Risk Management vids. You can make money with his free resources and never touch a paid course. See why I support his works? It is a business he runs, sure… I did it that too. Money is money… and if you can make it doing something you love doing… all the better. Myself personally… made enough to not chase that venture… but see nothing wrong with it if it’s solid.

So in a “bottomline”… whether you buy anything from anyone… be it Larry Williams, Chris Lori… or the local Christian bookstore… yes I will be recommending some things from there too… doesn’t mean you “MUST” have these resources. I am sharing as I do get hundreds of requests for suggested materials.

Hope this sheds some light on the “Costs associated”… :57:

5000 right now to spend a week learning from you personally :smiley:

You are unfortunately restricted to the forums and videos my brother… I don’t sell or charge… it would go against my personal convictions. I am the new “Free Lance” Mentor lol


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Could think of it as a donation :-D. But it’s fine I didn’t get my hopes up. Plus a lot of my problems are stuff u can’t teach. BUT if you ever get lonely its been awhile since I’ve been to Baltimore.

Would any of you be interested in starting a charitable fund payable to a select group of charities? I like the children’s causes and Cancer Society. I think it would be an awesome way to give back in time when you all are profitable and supporting worth while charities is a great way to find good ways to spend Forex profits. Imagine what 1500-3000 Babypips members could do for families, and sick all over the world… if we all just contributed 1% of our annual winnings.

That would be an amazing blessing… :60:


I see so many people begging for money or coercing people saying IF YOU DONT KNOW OR HAVE THIS THAN YOU CAN LEARN IT BY GIVING YOUR MONIES TO ME!

I always thought those who say don’t mind me give it to someone else despite what condition they may live in either rich or poor. Until now I’ve only encountered 1 other person who said I don’t really need the money give it to someone else, not a middle man or like those idiots who got lul’d into that KONY2012 scam, and this was someone not as rich as ICT but rich in character.

Funny you say that I would love to give to to places like that. Actually and this might sound crazy. When I got into trading (long before forex) my first goal was to tithe without it hurting me. Today I will say I have never made a withdraw to tithe but it no longer hurts. Not sure what that matters but I also remember when my son got really sick and no one knew what was wrong. They started testing for different cancers and such. I remember those days and trying to think of what it was going to cost and how I was going to get the money. and would it even help in the end. Thank god my son didnt have cancer or anything to bad in the end. I remember that and respect the parents that are not so lucky. Today I can honestly say I would donate in a heartbeat. I can not imagine what they go through and anything I can do (even though not much) to help I will never blink an eye


Would you happen to be attending one of Chris Loris workshops that are coming up?

Chris asked me if I would be interested in Guest Speaking and I am working it out to be present in his 2013 Spring event… if he is hosting in Florida as we discussed. So that would be a yes.


Nice, I live very close to where he hosts his workshops in Florida. I decided to take his workshop down here on Nov 1st in a few weeks. I’m looking at it as an investment in my future and look forward to it.


I don’t mean this as a joke, but I would if I could make a profit in Forex. If I made money in Forex (not even a living, just some money) I would donate to those places in a heartbeat.

One of my daughters is one of those kids that just gets sick all the time…I’ve been to the hospital and doctors offices I don’t know how many times and she is only 1 years old. She will be turning one in less then a week.

Just yesterday we had to run to the emergency room for her because of some issues and it was kind of scary, the whole time I was thinking she had cancer. Not sure why I thought this but it was the first thing that came to my mind. If my daughter would have had cancer I have no idea what I would have done. Just thank god that she is fine, but I know many, I mean many of kids out there are suffering. It’s a shame that these kids have to live the lives they do…

Count me in for donating once I receive some profits…

I wanted to keep my mouth closed on the forums after complaining, but this just hit home…

I know people assume I’m some 15 year old cry baby, but the “WANT” of becoming self sufficient and not seeing it happen plays a big part in my emotions. I strive to be the best husband and father and I want the best for our lives. When I see it slipping through my fingers my emotions take over and I say things that I would never think about saying when i am in the correct mind set.

Anyways, I’m signing off until the new years…

God Bless

I love that idea. My mother died from cancer June 12 of this year and this week was her birthday. Before she got sick she would canvass the neighborhood annually for the BC Cancer Agency (BC, Canada), so in her honour I donated to them and decided I would each year on her birthday. My girlfriend of 5 years (soon to be wife) works for Boston Children’s Hospital. I also donate to them each year when she is fundraising during their yearly walk. I think the idea is great and I love both causes so I would be happy to join you in this. When I become profitable in any meaningful way, I will give at least 1% to this fund.

Is that something you could list for me? Would be interested.


Funny you should say that, Michael… I had such a thoughts many times in past year :slight_smile:

I wanted to post similar idea on many occasions in this forum, but was afraid of the possible negative comments that might crush the idea in its birth… Plus, wasn’t sure how you feel about it. Now I know :slight_smile:

Not sure what you mean by ‘‘charitable fund’’, but I was thinking more of a trading account of some kind in which everyone donate whatever they feel like, you trade it for an year lets say, then donate the profits and start again… This way the use of your talent will be maximised and will do even greater good to those in need.

I know for myself, I’ll be donating 10% or 1/10th of my Forex profits every year. and this not including other personal donations. So, I was thinking, what’s better place to donate than in the ‘‘Huddleston Fund’’?!..

(I’ll tell a short story here. Before I start in Forex, I was ‘‘trading’’ stocks/equities for an year. And I got to know few people on twitter with similar interests, so there was like little trading community there, we would comment on trades real time, wins, losses, etc. every day… then every Friday after london close we would have ‘‘virtual Friday Disco’’ to celebrate we survived the week. and one of the ‘‘rituals’’ would be to donate some of the profits made during the week to random charity, someone will post link and everyone would give something, to share their success with others.)

I’m sure many people found at least one thing useful on these pages and happily will give something back to show their appreciation for your efforts, being a Dollar or 1,000.

So, I’m most definitely supporting such an brilliant idea. :35:


Great suggestion

I pray your daughter is well… there is no feeling quite like the concern for your own child.

If you come away with anything in my efforts here… come away with this… the act of genuinely loving to give out of personal generosity and love for one another… that is the message. If you are blessed in the markets… please find ways to extend a helping hand to someone you do not even know. In the checkout line… pay the grocery bill for a patron ahead of you. Purchase some prepaid gas cards and hand it to a stranger pulling up at a pump. Find the poorest condition vehicle in a Church parking lot on a Sunday afternoon… place a Autozone gift card under their windsheild wiper. It is quite fun doing things like that and walking away pondering what will go through their heads and never really knowing you… but you cared enough to give willingly and happily.

[B]II Cor. 9:7[/B]… :57:

I actually would rather be un-named. The Lord knows my name and knows my heart… and I seek His reward over having credit attached to any title or name associated gesture. I was encouraging each of you to set aside something personally… and to give it freely to a charity of your choosing. Hopefully instilling the desire to give from ones abundance and own blessing. Too many times our daily lives are consumed by our personal “Wants” over the real needs of those within arms length of us… and yet we ignore the sufferings of others. I don’t want to know what each of you are giving… that is between you and God… just know that I support that way of thinking and it incredible to see His reward for showing compassion and generosity to others. You can never out give Him and you never run out of supply when you do. Test it and see if I’m wrong.


Good Living & Good Giving

[QUOTE=InnerCircleTrader;405662]Would any of you be interested in starting a charitable fund payable to a select group of charities? I like the children’s causes and Cancer Society. I think it would be an awesome way to give back in time when you all are profitable and supporting worth while charities is a great way to find good ways to spend Forex profits. Imagine what 1500-3000 Babypips members could do for families, and sick all over the world… if we all just contributed 1% of our annual winnings.

That would be an amazing blessing… :60:

I actually thought about contacting you about this very subject about six months ago. I didn’t want to bother you with it since you already do so much. Some challenges I thought of was finding charities that all would agree with and the obvious challenges that may arise from where we all live through out the world. I think it would be an awesome idea and I would be on board. PM me if you would like any assistance in this vision.