Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Hi Mike, hi friends!
Glad to be here. Still have a couple of vids to (re)watch but could’nt wait to say a great thank you.
May I have a place near the back door of the class ?

Chris Lori and ICT in florida :o Now this is an event I would pay to go to.Well let me know if anything materializes. It would be about time I went on a much needed Vacay. Besides I have seen a bunch of florida traders turning up here on babypips. It would be cool to actually meet some of them since they are in my back yard after all :57:

Aye, Chris Lori, I originally dismissed it as another load of bull, well you do get kind of cynical, after you’ve seen so much garbage, but after seeing some posts here, it seems I was mistaken, so any good then? Is the AUD/JPY good for trading?

As great as it is to see people wanting to give of their future profits (and yes, I love that idea too!) let’s not forget that giving from a place of wealth ain’t all that hard, get into the habit of doing it even with the little you already have :slight_smile:

Funny thing about giving - I opened a small business back in 1982, it was just opened about a week when this man walked asking for £20. He had a long story about someone belonging to being sick and needed the money to get to see them, promising faithfully to repay me the following week.
£20 was a lot of money to me at that time and I really felt that this was a sob story, I knew I would never see the money again - I was ready to chase him - then that little voice ’ give without hope of return and you will be rewarded’.

I was right - he never came back - but I never forgot him - I attribute the continued success of the business to this day to my decision to give without hope of return.

Re Christian books - ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale - applicable to trading, applicable to life.

Tommy, will pm you during the week, not at download computer until then

some of these seem kind of selfish in a way.

give so you can get.

I don’t get it

thankes for you :slight_smile:

you always seem to be the voice of reason :wink:

Hi Yiehom, welcome to the thread, I thought I was knowledgable on geography and especially on European geography but I have just found out a little about Benelux (wikipedia and wikitravel), it seems you preceed the EU.

The ICT concepts take a while to learn, but when you do - gold mine!!

Brilliant ideas. Focus on the profit of others and you’ll find market psychology easier to deal!

Cheers all of you for a wonderful thread.


Thanking you in advance!

Looks good, some of the levels I’ll be watching/stalking this week:



1.2960 - Last weeks weekly R1 (very clean price action around this level for the last few weeks).
1.2930 - 62% level, weekly timeframe (swing from 1.3486 - 1.2042).
1.2830 - old high, key level.
1.28 - last weeks low.

(will also be keeping an eye on the retracement from last weels swing low -> high for an OTE should one present itself)


1.3060 - weekly OTE (swing from 1.3486 -> 1.2042) + last weeks R2 + last weeks high
1.3120 - last weeks R3 (institutional level as well)
1.3180 - weekly 79% (using the swing high/low above)

As stated by Tansen, possibly a push higher to clear out the stops (1.3180) then another drop lower, so looking for longs should some of the initial support levels hold.



1.6120 - key low (OTE)
1.61 - 79% level from last weeks daily low -> high (its also around last weeks S1 level).
1.6080 - key low (also within 15 pips of last weeks low of 1.6070)


1.6180 - weekly 62% (swing from 1.6750 -> 1.5235).
1.6230 - old key level (equilibrium) + very close to last weeks high (1.6220)
1.6265 - old key high / turtle soup raid.
1.63 - Weekly OTE (from swing points above) + old high.

I always seem to have quite a few price levels to watch, but normally 2 or 3 of them come in useful.

Lets see what this week brings :slight_smile:

ICT Videos Renamed

07-29-12 bonds at 20min
06-01-12 HIDDEN ote
07-15-12 Holy Grail
06-16-12 Reflection
10-04-12 Daily Bias
09-30-12 SlopeTrend at 8min
09-16-12 FuturesConfirm at 8min
08-13-12 WklTrinInAction at 12min
08-13-12 FibExtnTool at 18min
08-08-12 NestedOte at 5min
08-04-12 ProtectStop at 20min
06-24-12 TurtleSoup at 20min
05-20-12 FibOnGap at 9min
04-29-12 MAsandFractalIndi
04-22-12 MAs_switchbear_bull
03-26-12 ICTStinger at 9min

Hope I got the date configurations right - it seems so weird putting the month first.

I have all the old videos on file - I know I will go thru each one and make a library - just reviewing those listed above I realise that I have not been looking at the weeekly trinity - such a vast pool of information - priceless!!

Thanks peterma, I’m sure that’ll help me out a lot! Appreciate the help!


Here’s my review of Cable for this week. I am mainly looking at Fiber for confirmation and USDX for reference, hence not doing much analysis there.

Levels to watch:
1.6250 / 1.6300 - potential levels to take profit should price trade to the upside
1.6185 - Equilibrium level of recent range. Price had traded down since last Friday, so it could be hunting for stops below.
1.6030 - Potential support. 79% fib of HTF, drawn from a retrade level 1.5960 to recent high.

I will be looking for possible reversal setups to form at 1.6030.

Comments welcome! :smiley:

Hi Peterma.
Could you tell me how I can access the videos or where I can find them?

You can find them on ICTs youtube account: InnerCircleTrader’s channel - YouTube

EDIT: Cable approaching that 1.6030 level. Tempted for a long here, although I forgot the US are off today! Hmmm!

Thanks a lot

Seems to have found a bottom, for now, at 16021. I’d be very wary of going Long. Would rather short the rebound. Look at the Daily and Weekly charts, seems that the bias is Bearish, whichever way you may wish to define it. There are many.